Hey so me and this girl were seeing eachother for a while...

Hey so me and this girl were seeing eachother for a while, we would see eachother a few times a week for about a month have sex every time, she wanted to be in a relationship at about week 3, i didnt, she started shittesting me and I kind of fucked up, eventually she didnt have sex with me 2 hangouts in a row and I cut ties and left her house. Told her to contact me when she is ready to get back with me.

She has snapchatted me a few times since, i have responded to one snapchat but plan on ignoring any other communication other than some kind of text or call asking me to hangout or hinting at it.

What do you guys think, will she probably reach out in the next week or so?

For context we are 23, shes a smokeshow.

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She might or might not.

If you're coming here for dating advice you're a fucking idiot. You say you don't like shit tests and you're currently shit testing. End yourself for being a hypocrite and using middle school slang.

How am I shittesting?

Should I just be ok being in a sexless relationship with a girl? Im not ok sleeping in the same bed not getting having sex. Its fucking weird, I have needs. its not a shit test its just not putting up with bullshit

>she started shittesting me
No such thing as shittesting. It's called being an asshole, everyone can do it.
Saying you're being tested or some crap is just a rationalization for letting someone treat you like shit.

You decide how others treat you. Don't go along with your own crucifixion

>I told her not to contact me unless she wanted to fuck
>here's every single time she's contacted me, not wanting to fuck
>do you think she's going to contact me?
>do you think she's still interested?
That's teenage girl shit man. That's shit testing. You're testing to see if she still wants you.

Wow, really hope she realise what a child you are and find someone who appreciates her.

Be a man. Went 7 years with a virgin who had 3 hymens. Broke up. She claimed I raped her. Everyone knows. I'm safe. Being a man pays off.

wow trying to emotionally manipulate a girl, who has a crush on you and wants to have a relationship into just being your sex toy. well done op you absolute piece of trash.

Ok im getting a lot of fucking hate here obviously.

She stopped having sex with me (obviously something is wrong). So I try to ask her wtf is wrong and she just says "She doesn't feel like it or she's tired". Which is obvious bullshit, something is obviously wrong, but she won't tell me. So I leave and say just give me a shout when you figure things out and want to get back together. Which puts the ball in her court.

Over the last week since this happend she has snapchatted me a few times, which doesn't really imply she is ready to talk or get back with me.

How am I in the wrong here?

I tried to communicate which she didnt want to do so I fucked off until she is ready to.


How much did you pay to be this redpilled?

Kill yourself.

Imagine being so pathetic you take MGTOW shit seriously.

You're a cunt op.

>Doesn't want a relationship
>Call me when you want to "get back together"
>When will she contact me

You're getting the hate because you are playing games. If this is some broad you just wanted to smash and move on, then guess what, it's time to move on. Moving on doesn't include wondering when/if she'll contact you or telling her to "call when you want to get back together" which implies you were together in the first place. I don't blame her for getting mixed signals and maybe even thinking you're just a fuckboy at this point.

Sounds like you're more interested in her than you want to admit, since you're still hanging around waiting for her. If that's the case, why the games? Tell her you're interested in a relationship and take it from there. Committing to a relationship doesn't mean you're getting married. You might be together a week, a month, a year, 10 years, who knows. Just go with the flow... you're playing a thots game and you're a man.

I told her if me seeing other girls was bothering her I would be willing to drop them. She said its fine.

Probably not the best way to ask, I get that, but it was put on the table

>Im not ok sleeping in the same bed not getting having sex. Its fucking weird
fucking kek
it is weird bro

you're asking for relationship advice in an angsty virgin hellhole

well done

>For context we are 23, shes a smokeshow.
then smoke her and show her how a real man acts

Didn't you say some dumb bullshit about sex, too? Last time you made a thread bout this (lol loser) you made it sound like she would have to fuck you daily if you were her boyfriend. Also sometimes people aren't in the mood for sex, and you're dumb for all the reasons said.

Ok so what im supposed to call her and tell her how much i miss her like a fucking faggot?

I refuse to believe OP is real. No one is this fucking influenced by POA bullshit, unless they actually have autism/learning difficulty

>I cut ties and left her house

>Told her to contact me when she is ready to get back with me

kill yourself OP