ITT: Overrated thrash

ITT: Overrated thrash

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This. The whole thing.
People claim the new ones are bad, but this is the most overrated franchise of all times, maybe it ties up with the Beatles and their boring music.

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Sorry you were too stupid to understand it kid.

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THIS and every other piece a shit album they've put out...

Fucking I dont have 3 minutes to listen to the sound of a clock ticking. Fuck off

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maybe if you actually understood it

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Exactly the kind of pseudo cult fans.
Just because the director didn't make the end clear, it doesn't mean you're intelligent.
That's exactly the reason why this is overrated. People feel less stupid if they think they understood something slightly different from mainstream media, and forget about the empty and useless scenes and poor scripting

Lol, in other words, you are fucking brain dead when it comes to interpretation...

Music is more than just sounds...themes, meanings, motifs, etc.

Thats like saying you don’t like a TV show because the theme song was too colorful

thinks having a short attention span and no ability to focus is something to be proud of. that's a true mark of stupidity.


Oh, look at me!
I like to listen to 40 minutes of senseless noise. It makes me better than other people, and the music makes me relax (nothing to do with being 40 minutes doing nothing)

Metallica is a pretty overrated thrash band

I would say it is a little bit overrated, but I don't think is trash.

Holla at me in P. Swayzees kiddie porn dungeon

Current Metallica yes, old Metallica best there ever was.

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Oh come on, m8

Absolutely. Although HBO cranks out notoriously overrated shit on a regular basis. I did like Bored to Death but they probably cancelled it at the right time. Boardwalk Empire was the worst

The Beatles had like three good songs. Shit overall.

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Fuck no, Metallica was good, but nowhere near the level of other thrash bands.



I don't consider them in the same category b/ro

Also Pretty much 90% of Nolan flicks

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no they didnt



Gay and blue pilled

Don't think so...

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C'mon, that's a good movie

That movie was so fucking boring.

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Dri=one hit no one cares about.. you just thought the name was cool. Faggot.

OP you're simply too stupid to understand anything above your head.

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The Beatles have more good songs than any band ever.

OP you are extremely stupid.

No way, that chick in hot and dumb.

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Sepultura- Roots

Trainspotting and Requiem for a Dream

why dont you suck a fuck

titfucking is so over rated I'd rather just jerk off

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why dont you fuck me in the butt

Megalon was best kaiju. Fuck this Destroyah asshole

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Dub dubs dont lie

4 c h a n

I enjoy it because of the domination aspect. Nothing like taking the power away from a woman by opting to fuck her flabby bags of fat instead of the gash that evolution selected to make a baby

This for sure. And especially this album. “How can you have any pudding if yer don’t eat hyer meat?” Git tae fuck.

FUCK YOU it's all about Orga you stupid nigger. The only monster that's even come close to whooping Godzilla's stupid ass up and down the block

ITT: People choosing objectively fantastic films & trashing them for sake of being "contrarian"

Must suck being this wrong

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Absolutely vile. Taste likes salty greasy dirt. Potato in general is disgusting I can’t understand how people can enjoy them.

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In no particular order, things that are trash, overrated and I'm sick of hearing about them
> beyonce
> walking dead
> got
> red hot chili peppers
> big bang theory
> modern family
> lady gaga
> aeiana grande
> two broke girls
> bruce Springsteen and other dad rock

Why do you confuse objectivity and subjectivity?

Arianna Grande makes the most complex, nuanced, progressive pop music imaginable

How does it feel being so unhappy and unsatisfied with life?

Die in a fucking hole you fucking faggot that is the best movie of all time

no fucking shit! agree

the originals (4-6) awesome. this new shit...garbage

the nsync and bboys of their day

if you have to be stoned to enjoy a song it likely isnt that great....and the stupid movie shit repeating..."if you don't eat your meat..." retarded...

wow holy shit you have shit taste, that's an atrocious edgelord movie, only people I've met in real life that like that movie are "dye my hair bright colors" gays, and "i'm a giant edgy faggot AMA"

Bjork from 25 years ago still way ahead of everything since.

Fuckin emma from harry potter...plain as shit and no curves....

No offense but your imagination mustve been destroyed when you were born retarded. She is a mass produced commodity, any of the song that are given to her by her record company could be performed by anyone. She has no vocal range, her look is now stale as fuck, she's got the personality of a rock, that was evident when all those people we're killed at her concert. There is no substance, her schtick is the 'oh my songs are all about fucking but the lyrics are clever because I can pretend otherwise' like that's never been done before.
But she's no different to every other chick whose been pushed by a record company with deep pockets over the years.

Bjork is needless drivel. Ariana is real.

Listen man everything is good with my life rn I just fucking hate fries man and I don’t get why everyone likes them except me

Annie's Boobs

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Are you fucking 12? Stop posting. You're an embarrassment

cant deny those trips

I now see my error, thank you for clarifying that.

This piece of shit.

That's not even overrated. It's just shit.

Bjork is really old and you can see how she made things seem complex and strange when it was really just excessive and shallow.


It's just "Okay"

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It's not true! That's impossible!

Nah dude, that movie was hilarious

Fuck off faggot. It's the best.

It was experimental. Love it or hate it, I respect people that try weird shit at the risk of it not selling.

Death Grips are the same. Some of it is gash but I respect what they were trying to do.

That thing in fb groups where someone posts a long list of names saying they will delete those member because they don't contribute.
Then at the bottom of the list they say j/k.

Makes all the boomers laugh. I'm in some hunting fishing and camping groups. Some of the old guys really lose their shit about how 'funny' that is.

Experimental doesn’t mean intelligent

I never said it did. A lot of it is fucking awful. But I respect people who try rather than churn out radio safe musac.

i think metallica's earliest work (kill em all) is the most overrated thrash out there.
also, donnie darko is a great movie. why not post something you like instead of talking shit about something?
do you not have friends or know how to make some?

Ariana Grande is safe as shit, but it’s much more intelligently designed than bjork.

Björk was doing out there shit at a time when music was just Mariah Carey, Cheryl crowe and four non blondes.
On paper she should have had no success, none if her music had top40 quality about it. Yet somehow she worked. She was refreshing for the time.
That she's still doing stuff all these years later is a testament to her talent.

Did Ariana Grande write it? Or was it done by a team?

Pretty sure a bunch of people who aren’t Ariana grande write the music. This does not effect its merit.

Bjork isn’t bad but it doesn’t compare to post-Katy perry modern pop.

Its in my top with Scarface, Léon: The Professional and Taxi Driver

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This is the nigger in the thread who is woke,

i posted
before i scrolled down and saw
fuck metallica

I hate that mellow trash so much.

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This guy.

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Any David Lynch movie. Also Raging Bull. Boring af.
And everything tarantino has done. Cringey edgelord stuff

careful now. You don't want to get an accident on your way down the stairs

Life is just kinda passing you by, isn't it?

But who was rabbit ?

AMAZING to most people apparently.

EVERYDAY LIFE to students of history.


The beatles had pro dance routines?

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Solid movie not that much overrated
After last seasons it can be but still impressive and quite enjoyable show
Its fantasy in space more like opera, but yeah its kinda overrated
Eleanor Rigby, picks up the rice
In the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream! maybe a little
user this music is good give it another try
Nice bait
Cool songs, little overrated
Its a good movie but have flaws. Warp scene is still top tier.
Its best movie so far so fuck you.
Yeah i got you but this shit was so fresh back then thats needs extra points.
Another retard

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How about an even worse alternate reality portrayal with an even more retarded "twist".

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This fucking hack.

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They write good song but they are so boring.

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Holy fuck yes

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That's because your gf has tiny tits.

I hated Harry Potter too

Talented outfit but they went too cheesy.

He's done a handful of really good stuff, and a helluva lot of filler. But so have many others and they're not at all as praised.

i think you mean the new disney stuff

I feel this way about blade runner

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Jimmie är fan bäst

this critter

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99.9% filler. Plus name one song he's made that there isn't a better cover version of somewhere else. The obvious is All Along the Watchtower but listen to Joe Cocker's cover of Dear Landlord and tell me Dylan shouldn't have just quit then and there.

Huge tits

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There's always someone that comes to these threads just to be a contrarian

they had a few good songs, but those songs were like flecks of gold in an ocean of shit

Really? Yea Forums seems to love her

everything after 'blonde on blonde' is utter trash

>wah he doesn't like something I like, I wish I knew what he liked so I can insult it

fanboys are so transparent

holy fuck how did I not know about that Cocker version until this moment?

after seeing her endlessly posted I watched a couple of her vids - so bad, so painfully bad

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Not arguing with that, mostly.
Stuck Inside Of Mobile... is a fav which hasn't been covered a lot.

Fuck this retarded garbage. I judge everyone that watches this so fucking hard.

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Big asses

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It's only one autist that posts her, don't make the mistakes of thinking that one guy IS b

I was joking. It's a shitty marketing campaign that's spamming her here because retards like you will look her up and give her views...

Kingdom Hearts.

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Harry Potter


There's only that one marketing dude who thinks Yea Forums will fall for it. Stupid fucker.

I disagree but it's only my subjective opinion.

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Never got his appeal

99% of Anime.

what can I say, I'm a curious fucker. still, she wasn't as awful as sab carpenter

I rather like Bruce, at least his early works. Felt like blue collar stuff.






Inte räddaren vi vill ha, men den vi behöver.

He seriously sounds like he swallowed an electric toothbrush. His songwriting was good at one point, but then he just sucked for literal decades.
Also he's the first white guy I've ever heard get away with saying the word "nigger" in a song (Hurricane) with the hard R and everything and TOTALLY get away with it, so I guess he's a trailblazer there.
But I seriously have so little respect for him as a musician or songwriter beyond a handful of songs from his early catalogue

All ska is overrated shit. So is jazz. Both of their fans are insufferable and pretentious, but ska fans are a bunch of angsty manbabies.

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Bioshock's always been somewhat up-its-own-ass and clumsy with the writing and such. But at least 1 and 2 had decent gameplay. Infinite fucks all that up with COD gameplay and a shitter story.

Blade runner was like fucking a beautiful girl who wasn't into it.

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I fucking hate this band

I bet OP loves Transformers movies.

Plus achievements every twenty seconds every time you switch guns. That series has always held it's retarded, wannabe-edgy fans' hands and patted them on the head for "keeping up" with a story a 12 year old could have written

So I could punch you in the face for having an opinion.

Hella boring as fuck. Can't wait until this cancer series is done

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My same opinion, but for me is anime.
Fucking losers watching cartoons on their mid-20

If there's something I'm not proud of, is the time I used to watch these. Good thing I was able to grow up

Most expensive alcohol


Ryan from the office

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I mean yeah, it was ok, but come on

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I’m with this guy. I would be tempted to physically assault anyone for not liking pink floyd unless they were way bigger than me.

Started off enjoyable then the SJW got their black mutilated cocks in it.

aw man, right in my childhood

music fanboys are so fucking gay lol

i'm stab proof dude, i'm so fat even 12" blade can't get to my vital organs

How can any self respecting adult human being actually unironically call EDM "good music"? Fucking talentless garbage.

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Yea Forums is too stupid to understand Donnie Darko.

Same as dad's cock

oldfags have always hated Donnie Darko for being self-glorifying and attracting elitist retards.

This. You know you like something stupid if you have to tell people they don't understand it

Basically a dark teen movie with some vague parts to appear arty.

You'd be surprised by the amount of times pseudocults automatically assume I didn't get the movie and need simpleton media.
Arrogant fucks. The movie is not rocket science, and being proud for understanding it is sad

Tbh, EDM could be good before Avicii and his hordes polluted the genre.

Too lazy to find a shitty pic but The Iron Giant

There's nothing to understand about Donnie Darko. No message, nothing to take away. It's just a weird film that keeps you intrigued and perplexed until it's over

Now try wrapping your head around the ending of Twin Peaks.

Im with him it was great for its time but has aged like milk to mist people

Every single YouTube gaming channel.

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Imo it all went downhill when dubstep became super popular



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Most people when I mention jazz think of smooth jazz, which is pure shit. Try Vijay Iyer.
"Break Stuff" is a good album to see if you like.

Dark side of the moon is one of the greatest achievements in music history, period. U just have a shit taste in music. Animals is an amazing album too.

Smooth jazz is complete non-music. Should be criminalized.

Chet Baker and his generation made some absolutely stunning stuff though.

Honestly it just sounds like jazz to me, but it's not my genre. Telling someone that doesn't like jazz to try "this jazz" is like telling someone that doesn't like beer to try "this beer"

>He's still in junior high
You do know Syd Barret was never in a mental institution?

Literally the MOST boring band ever. So boring they had to put on a play

I loved that game but, totally agree. Playing it again now it's so linear and shallow. Redoing the graphics isn't going to fix it.

Chet Baker, Brubeck, Gilberto Gil. That shit does it for me.

Springsteen used to be good. But now he's just a parody, a walking advertisement for the democrat party. That he shills for people like AOC and Omar is offensive to the memory of what he was.
Seeing that autistic weirdo Hillary fucking him in the ass on stage in Philadelphia was the moment I knew he was dead inside.

This, all of these try too hard tv series now are shit.

Coltrane, Monk, Davis, Parker, Rollins, etc.
The records were all analog and minimally mic'd.
Golden age of stereo.

Mark Littieri - Montreal
The piano solo with the irregular riff in the background gets me hard

Lord of the rangs

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Can't argue that logic - you connect or you don't.

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I respectfully disagree

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Excellent film

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did you mean the hobbit? because that one was bad. even the director regrets what he did with it.

These, fucking hate these

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>one of the greatest achievements in music history.

This is exactly why no one likes pink floyd fans except other neck beard pink floyd fans. It is never enough to just enjoy the music, it is a constant bickering competition of superiority. No ones impressed anymore pal.

what about cherry twizzler though? not the nibs, the full size.

There's just something I didn't like about 'everything is awful: the world'

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That’s like saying nobody likes hockey players because they’re always praising Wayne Gretzky. There will always be those at the top.

Fucking turbokek

Everything by Kubrick is praised garbage. There are times when the movie ends and I think to myself: why the fuck did I see it till the end? Who the fuck directed it?

[Directed by: Kubrick]

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>ITT: Overrated thrash
This piece of shit movie.

No the shining rules. The rest are overrated

Yeah like I never seen that well worn list before. Try being original at least, I thought that was the point of having the “I like jazz” affectation.

And nobody calls miles davis “Davis” you fucking sham.

C'mon man, that's bullshit. The man was a genius.


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No one calls Davis "Davis"? Is there a picture of him above your bed? wtf

Shitty one-dimensional and ancient

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Do you like watching hockey because you like telling people how great Wayne Gretzky is? Because this is the pink floyd neck beard mindset

I don’t watch hockey, but if I did, I’d want Wayne Gretzky to be involved.

The best part is when they try to associate it with things they know you like to get you into it. Sometimes to absurd levels too.

>you like weed? dude you'd love pink floyd
>oh dude you like this movie? you'd love pink floyd
>bro you like white castle? you'd love pink floyd

wayne gretzky is like eight hundred fucking years old

Kill yourself. You'll never be half the man that Freddie was.

So is pink floyd

Not in the bedroom my man, in the Miles Room. You fucking sham gtfo.

fuck you donnie darko is a classic

You didn’t understand the analogy you fucking retard. I thought only big brains listen to the band that gave us the greatest achievement in music history? Plebeian af.


The first Resident Evil game.

Ah, the Miles room. You'll have to forgive me for not erecting shrines to dead jazz artists. The fuck is wrong with you?

The whole fucking bioshock series is boring ad shitty. I bought all 3 games in a sale for 15$ and that's still too much.
Played the first one for 2 hours, couldn'tforce myself to go farther.
Played the second one for 40 minutes, the same old shit. uninstalled immediately.

posts like this are overrated trash

I hear you user.

Omg you like eating hotdogs?
You would love pink floyd

Neon Genesis Evangelion

anything by Eminem

Miles is alive my man. His soul lives within jazz itself. I wouldn’t expect a fucking sham poser to understand.

Eminem wouldn’t be so popular if it wasn’t top of the notch gtfo

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Thought you said they're a worthy investment.

All Kevin Smith movies

anyone can rap like him if they put in 5% effort, he's not fucking special you uncultured swine

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Nobody sounds like Marshall Mathers.

This, and i also felt the same with fallout

Fallout 3 was like gta it was yours to explore

funny how it stands still

Final Fantasy VI

agree. slightly above average movie. people love it cause of its subject matter.

no one mentioned it?
>starbugz logo

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Asian women.

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This thread should be renamed shit young people don’t understand. Which is mostly everything.





Fuck off

I've never felt full tilt passion for anything.
Whether that's good or bad is debatable.

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>ITT: Overrated thrash


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This... FF6 is arguably one of my least favorite in the series ahead of FF2, FF3, FF13 but the rest of the main series is better than it. Most of the characters were boring, they had stupid gimmicks in how they fought, story was nothing special. People probably only like it because of nostalgia or the whole dark theme to it.

Forrest Gump

megadeth better

Flotsam and Jetsam

So much this

this killed my grandmother

Every. Single. Capeshit. Movie.

not batman


It's like destroying bare money, I like it.

this is the opposite of overrated


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Idk much about magic the gathering but i know that card; black lotus is worth tons of money

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Why you're not there, join and shitpost everything against the Discord ToS will be nuked


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especially batman

Biolanta never got a fair deal, probably the best kaiju purely because it's not a gay as fuck dinosaur ripoff

You need to not do that

All of them, even the best of these are just barely able to sit through. Enjoyed Homecoming the most. They're filmed boring. The score is trash. The acting is subpar at best. I just don't know why you'd watch these when the comics, which are incredible, are right there for you to read.

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fuck you dude

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Any super hero movie in recent years, besides the dark knight is absolute man baby trash. Some of the lowest quality cinema I have ever seen. Its just shitty action, with corny one liners, and a cringe inducing portrayal of what hollywood and the general populace thinks "badass" is

Also saw the matrix recently, and was very disappointed. As someone who knows some shit about computers, every thing science fiction in the film sounded more like fantasy. The outfits were SUPER cringey, and the action sequences looked like an anime turned to live action. But in a nerdy dude wields a katana and larps on the playground kinda way, not a cool way.
This could all be excused if it didnt take it self so serisouly tho. The movie was honestly almost funnny, but it didnt think that about itself

I enjoyed both of these movies, but have to agree with the rest of the films posted

oh clockwork orange is also good

You have to think about the era the matrix was made in, if you can't consider that or didn't watch it during that time don't bother

Agreed, but it did introduce me to other movies I never would have seen without it.
Game of Thrones is great when they aren't stretching out storylines to make time.
I thought Empire was good, but the rest? Eh..
Sgt. Pepper's is 10/10 fuck the rest
Animals is 10/10 others are garbage
read the book fuck the movie
100% don't say that on reddit though..
Taxi Driver I love but agree with your others.
I was told this game was the story of a lifetime. wtf is just an arcade shooter, couldn't even finish it.
He's good until he finds god
It's nice to watch when you're depressed though..
Never understood this one, even tried to get into it. Guess I'm not a complete idiot.

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You have literall shit tier taste.
Bioshock 1 while not goty was a solid engaging story and decent overall. Infinite was hot garbage sifted through someone's ass pubes.
Fallout was hit or miss, 1 and 2 were awesome, 3 was meh, NV was good but still only ok, 4 and 76 were crap

Overrated? Probably, but by no means bad games

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This. Literally the donnie darko of final fantasy, only edgelord and nostalgia fags like it. Plays like typical jrpg stock.

Literal who?

Ok grandpa, go back to your 2deep4me movies and edgelord 80s crap rock.

all that is good from this are some sfm porn parodiws


Nigga wot? There have been decent popcorn fair. The last standalone hulk was decent. But most are garbage.

I actually just got done watching lain, and perfect blue. All of which are 90's sci fi, and kind of talk about how this new technology that was blossoming in the 90s could impact peoples lives

They actually had some interestesting philosophy, and portrayals of how things like the internet can affect the human condition.

In comparison the matrix looked like a children bed time story. It just didnt introduce anything that was actually substantial, and the ideas they portrayed of what the future might consist of were fantastical on ways the other pieces of cinema were more grounded(despite all kinda being both surreal and weird)

I can get how the CGI, and maybe even the action scenes could be called impressive for the time. But to me that doesnt make a good movie

no u.

Holy fuck yes, literally the poster child for overrated circle jerking.

Because explosions and cgi effects nigga. Also the comics are sjw filled bullshit now.

Liked it better the first time when it was called Harvey

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Your first paragraph is exactly why people like them. They are fun because I dont need to think. And they make me feel like a kid watching Sunday morning cartoons. It's not some slow plodding edgy social commentary or pseudoscience bullshit. It's literally a guy punching another guy into space.

some of it's good, but boy do I hear about a lot of stupid, ridiculous trash that's not even good

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rap and hip hop

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Kung fu? Slow motion? Vague philosophical ideas? Sunglasses? In 1999 it was the coolest shit ever. It is also an important cultural turning point. Just as a movie it’s overrated but if you grew up with it or have interest in contemporary culture it is excellent.

Yea man, I just dont see the appeal of that. That and the movies actually cringe me out, with what hollywood thinks is "cool".

If im just trying to feel nothing for 2 hours Id rather take some percocets, than watch some blockbuster drivel

ok you almost got me

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he dies in the book, ha!

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