Gay moments when you were young thread? Tell us about the times you experimented with friends

Gay moments when you were young thread? Tell us about the times you experimented with friends.

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if the user from last night's thread is here I really hope you pick up where you left off.

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That perfect ass needs to be eaten

when younger, and experimental, a friend and I would suck each other and give each other handjobs.

I learned I like to give head. So I guess that makes me bi now. Whatever.

same here, friend and i in middle school discovered internet porn, started jacking off in front of each other, which lead to hjs and bjs went on for a while

Started sucking my big brother's dick when he was 16 and I was 6. It was my idea. Both loved it and I was his willing cumdump for the next 5 years.

shit comes out of there

do you gays really enjoy rimming other guys

>Be 13/14
>me and step bro have house alone one day
>parents had some kind of unlocked paperview thing
>we find porno
>Start to "show me yours I'll show you mine" shit
>eventually turns into mutual hand stuff
>a little older we start sucking each other
>somewhere mid teens at a friends house, same thing kind of happens but with porn on the computer
>go further with him
>basically turn into fuck buddies by highschool, say we arent gay just horny lol
>after school turned into fuck time before his parents got off work, he loved sucking my dick deep and letting me cum in his ass
>step bro moved away and then fell out with other friend
>Still wish I had a fwb to do geh things with, it's hard meeting people (not openly bi :/ )

UNFFF a lot

Last Halloween me and 2 of my friends took turns spitroasting each other

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Got a footjob from my older cousin as a teenager. First sexual experience with another guy.. Things have understandably always been awkward between us since.

fuciked the neighbors kid when i was 7, he wanted to fuck me too but he was to dumb to realize that his noole needs to be hard so he just rubbed that motherfucker against my ass as if that would be sex or something.

Thank god my mom moved to another city with me


How old were you when this started? Did you and your friends like swallowing, did you ever do anything with each other's holes?

yeah we would swallow each other. we were probably like 11-12 when we started, never did any butt stuff

>be me
>be 13/14
>still have friends
>we meet at our friends home
>it's summer
>we get bored
>one pretends hes jerking off
>we all get in the mood
>we decide to show our dicks, i have the 2nd largest one
>we jerk off, sometimes we jerk off eachother
>we repeat this a few times
>never get caught
>we decide to swim in a swimming pool that our friend had set up
>we sit down as it's one of those small ones, i get to touch my friends dick,
he almost cums in the swimming pool after i rub on his frenulum
We had this ongoing for a few months but then I got really antisocial and ruined the whole friendship.
As a plus of the whole thing it helped me to undestand that I'm gay so that's a plus

Would you give each other facials as well?

kissed a dude and dated one in middle school for like a week and found out i really enjoy women. bad part bout that is i haven't found one that hasn't cheated on me.

You didn't do anything more than kissing when you dated the friend?

nah we would always cum in each others mouth

>be me
>Last Halloween with 2 of my friends
>spitroast each other
>take turns

he told me he wanted me to cuddle him and stuff, id honestly fuck him now because hes a full blown trap and looks like a woman. Sad part is i think hes a ts but into women.

When I was 6 my uncle Jerry made me suck his cock and then he stuck his dick in my ass. Hes got cancer recently and hasn't long to live. I've only told close family about the incident

When younger I got invited to a much older guys house who was a friend of a friend. I was about 13 he was 26. I didn't do much but he did. Now he's a teacher in secondary school.

Depends on the guy. If they’re hot and clean down there yes. Not all guys are slobs. And just because I’d lick some guys asses doesn’t mean I’d lick all guys asses

Prostate stimulation is not gay. But doing it with shitty plastic dildos is not that great. What you want is the real thing. Basically me and my friend take turns stimulating each others' prostate with our dicks, while watching (straight) porn. It's really no different from buddyfapping, where you jack off each other while watching porn. That feels much better too since it's a stranger's hand.

Anyway, we both like girls and we have a girlfriend so we're 100% straight, but each Sunday we go to a Hotel to jack off to some lesbo porn or something and then hammer each others' prostates until we cum like 10 times each. We both tried pegging with our girlfriends, but I can't even get hard like that, the plastic is just not the same.

nigga just admit youre gay and mnove on

>13 yo and moved to a new town
> made friends with the neighbor kid
> friend and I discovered internet porn
> watch and jerk together for a month
> get more and more used to it and jerk off togther naked
> realize friend has a girly looking ass like the sluts we jerk to
> try to jerk my cock by his ass, cum on his ass, and start to take control of how we jerk off
> one sleepover I put on porn as he sleeps and grab his ass while jerking
> friend wakes as I press my cock against his ass
> he freaks out and says no way
> tell him I gotta fuck and I’m don’t wanna jerk and that I want his ass
> friend offers to jerk me instead
> whenever we watch porn my friend jerks off afterword

Gayest moment is replying to this thread. Only after fucking a tranny an in the ass



do americans really do this?

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Lived rural. Real small town, barely anyone around let alone chicks to get with. Best friend and I used to hang out a lot. Ended up helping each other out with our mouths.
He started it, would do me and jerk himself off. One day I decided I'd give it a try, returned the favor. Wasn't too bad.

new trap femboy sissy cd tube

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>100% straight
>hammer each others' prostates until we cum like 10 times each

pick one.

Anyone not doing this doesnt have a proper friend. Its completely fine to do this, anyone saying its gay is a fag. Youre just getting eachother off, simple as that.

i didnt play with my friend but i was forced by his dad

> pressure friend to jerk me often
> make them jerk me off on their knees
> always try to get my cock as close to their face, cum on their face “accidentally” a couple times
> friend begins to get into it and starts to let me cum on them, before long my friend sucks my cock
> my friend doesn’t really watch the porn and just focuses on my cock and starts to enjoy when I compliment their ass
> friend tells me he’s started fingering himself and asks me to do that to him
> we hang out all the time and become inseparable
> watch porn less often and just fool around, I finger his ass and he sucks my cock
> one day we are sleeping over and he asks me to fuck him
> we start making out as we fuck
> always hang together and fuck whenever we can
> go over his house one day and his mom tells me “your boyfriend is upstairs”
> talk to him and he tells me he was telling his mom how he felt and that he loved me
> fuck super hard for the first time when not completely alone
> his mom heard everything but she was super chill and supportive
> she talks to us and tells us it’s ok and that she loves us both and teaches us about safe sex but tells us to be more private
> she helps us come out to my folks
> my folks knew
> go all through middle school and high school dating and fucking my boyfriend
> had rough patches but still with him in college rn
> love him with all my heart
> my bf is the sexiest femboy with the biggest ass

Were you both swallowers?

How was it when you came in his ass for the first time?

It felt amazing and he had been moaning so softly. He was always super fem and girly. He was already in love at that point and it was a big moment for him. Plus watching his cute butt drip with my cum made me happy

Yes sir we were. Easier that way. No mess. I hated the taste but did it so it never touched my tongue, went straight down. Have to admit found it hot to be on the end of his dick as he was blowing his load.
I think I've saved the greentext of our first time, posted it a year or so ago. If anyone wants I can go searching for it.

>be 13
>masturbate with friend's older brother to pics of his gf
>let him fuck me a few times
>enjoy cuddle time after

Just that. not into guys now and pretty straight

You're not considered American if you don't.

You understand

Why not both?

I say "no homo" first and we never let the tips touch.

Would he always push it out for you to watch?

>100% straight
>jack off each other
>hammer each others' prostates
>can't get hard from being with a girl

yes, thats common practice among young men

woa man thats reaching gay levels that require new sciences to comprehend

no no you missunderstand, its the plastic not the girls (or he would get hard from the dude right beside him)


As he got better at taking it he would keep it inside Bc he loves the feeling

It’s funny cus it’s gotten less gay cus he started talking to me about wanting to transition recently so retroactively does it make it less gay ??

>be me
>be around 12
>visit my best friend, as usual, play on his N64
>dominate him in smash bros
>established some sort of point system for wins in smash bros
>points could be used for anything, even to make the other one do whatever you want
>both of us had accumulated a couple of points.
>Dare him to get undressed thinking this is would be hillarious.
>He dares me in revenge to undress as well
>stand in front of each other completely naked
>He dares me to touch his dick, dare him as well
>After daring each other to touch/kiss/jerk each other off I dare him to bend over so I can fuck him
>He doesn't want to without a condom
>don't have one
>agree to use some foil he had lying around.
>didn't work of course but he couldn't see it.
>decided to ram my dick in raw
>Cum inside his ass
>He then dares me to suck him off
>slurping that dick
>Feel his dick twitch as he cums in my mouth.
>swallow everything
>doesn't taste good, but hey I came in his ass so I swallow it.

>We then started to do gay stuff regularly, until we eventually stopped after a year, as we got girlfriends.

I refuse to believe this is true

yea not very creative

>wanting to transition
>less gay
how does cutting off your dick to make you look more like a female make you less gay?
It much rather makes the whole thing transcend the limits of gayness to a whole new level.
This makes you a bigger faggot than OP and he started a thread about gay expiriences

why do i read this in a faggy voice?

when i use 13, i would suck off my neighbors kid, he was 10.

me same!
me 13 me have big boy ben next door who is 13 too and his brother 14 and his brother brother 12 and cousin 15 and my cousin 12 and we go all together us 13 12 and 11 year olsd and we fuck and suck and shluck and poop on each other and kill people and piss. very fun times.


Mods. Do your fucking jobs faggots.

>Be me
>Early 2000's
>Go to friends house for sleep over
>Also 14
>Play on his PS1 all day with him
>All is good, feels great man
>Go out for meal later in the evening
>Macdonald's kiddie shit
>Go to sleep late as fuck that night
>Sleeping in the same room as friend
>Wake up to weird feeling in my ass in the middle of the night
>Friend is right next to me fucking my ass
>Let him do it and cum in my ass
I pretended it never happened and we're still cool to this day

no porn is, shut up noone cares about you anyways

Endless porn threads where people repost the same shit all day everyday is killing Yea Forums

no porn is, shut up noone cares about you anyways

meth is a hell of a drug

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How wild did the two of you get? Ever do facials or play around with your cum-filled holes?

need more details. for a friend

I never experimented with a friend [spoiler]but I did with my dad.[/spoiler]

We were seeing this more as a way to blow off our loads. We weren't super gay. We didn't play with ur cum or something.
Although yes we did cum onto ech others faces as well as in our mouths and asses.

We stopped after a year, but when we were 18 and my younger brother turned 16 it was a hell of a party, with lots of booze. we were so fucking wasted, that after everyone left me, my friend and my brother were the last ones there.

It all ended in my brother fucking my ass, while I sucked my friends cock.

>Turn 12 and finally eligible for overnight summer camp
>Go to performing arts camp at a college campus
>All the boys at camp are gay
>Get asked if I 'fool around.'
>Think they're talking about just slacking off after rehearsals, so say I like fooling around.
>Get invited back to the dorms after lights out
>All out orgy is happening
>Nervous but don't want to run away
>First mouth on my dick and immediately give in

By Night 7, I was fucking, sucking, getting fucked, and everything else.

started the story just horny now im happy for u cute story dude

Story time?

My friend had a seizure while I was sleeping over at his place when we were 12. We were just chilling watching the Digimon movie and suddenly he's passed out and foaming at the mouth. I felt really horny for some reason so I pulled down his shorts and put my mouth around his dick. It was soft obviouslu but nice and I just played with the balls for a few minutes and slurped around the foreskin for a couple of minutes before I freaked out and finally got his parents while having to hide my boner.

He never said anything of it and acted normal afterwards etc. Definitely didn't have any memory.

>Spend summers with my dad on his ranch
>Hot and sweaty work so seeing each other naked was pretty normal
>He would typically strip down at the door to keep from bringing muddy/sweaty clothes inside

>Can't sleep one night
>Hear him go outside
>Get up to go see what he's doing
>See a light in the barn office
>Open the door to find him looking at a porn mag on the little couch in the office
>Waves me over
>Tells me if I want to look at his magazines, he keeps them in the office, as long as I don't skip work to look at them
>Heart pounding out of my chest to see pictures of naked chicks
>Asks if I jerk off
>Tell him no
>Sits me down on the couch next to him and hauls out his cock as he keeps looking at the magazine
>Mumbles 'like this' and starts to jerk off
>Start doing it with him
>He tosses a big arm around my shoulder
>Feel closer to him than I ever had, jerking off together
>Shoot my first load as he hugs me tighter
>He shoots a massive load onto his own belly before chuckling and tossing me a towel
>"Don't tell your mother, ok, Junior?"

I wish I could say it was some porno story where we were buttfucking the next day but that was basically the routine. I'd occasionally go look through his collection and jerk off by myself. Sometimes we'd do it together if we were both in there at the same time. We only ever touched each other once or twice, but he seemed pretty uncomfortable with letting it go further than just the arm around the shoulder and both jerking off. I love him and we've still got a great relationship.

I never got to


I mean, I think I told the story? The camp was mostly girls so all the councilors were busy with all of them. There were about 20 guys and 10-15 would all get together in a dorm room to fool around. The more experienced guys would have lube and stuff. I think I was the only uncut guy there, so all the guys wanted to check out my equipment.

Is there anything specific you want to know about? Or any specific kind of story?

Bump tho

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How many boys, were you all around the same age? Did anyone ever get bukkake'd, or had their filled with everyone's loads? Share the kinkiest, messiest, funniest incidents you remember.

not the guy you replied to but I have questions, love hearing the specifics of this stuff

Right after my ex wife left I was asked to join a friend and his wife in bed. I had never done anything with a guy but felt it was a good time to try it. I ended up giving him head until he came (which almost got me to cum) and then started fucking his wife which turned him on again and I became the middle of a sandwich that was probably one of the most erotic things I’ve ever experienced. I’ve been sucking cock since and every so often I’ll let a guy take my ass, but I still prefer women.

What is the server for?

I'm 41 years old now and back in my early 20's I had the only gay moment i've ever had in my life. I was dating a girl that had a gay best friend and we used to party together all the time. Well unbeknownst to me, he had told her that he was hot for me and wanted me to fuck him in the ass while she watched. My then girlfriend (now ex) was the kinkiest woman i've ever been with in my life and she was big time into watch guy on guy porn so behind my back, she set it up. He came over one night we had a party and I went to go take a shower, when I got out both my then girlfriend and her gay best friend were right there eyeing me... he walks up to me and drops to his knees and starts sucking me right then and there. My girlfriend was all grins and nodded at me as if to say "let it happen". That was the first time I ever felt a guys' mouth on my dick and honestly? It felt just like a girls mouth so I didn't really give a damn. He sucked me til I was hard then looked up at me and said "Fuck me.. I want to feel you in my ass". My girlfriend coaxed me into it, we ended up in our bed. He dropped down on all fours, I moved up behind him, lubed up my dick and shoved it up his ass. My girlfriend was fingering herself while I plowed into his ass. I fucked him til I blew my load up his ass. He cleaned himself up and left about 20 minutes later. My girlfriend and I talked about it and she said she loved watching me dominate another man. Was the only time it happened and we broke up about 6 months later. I still think back to that time in my life. I'd do it again if I could. My favorite part was dominating another guy and making him my bitch. It's a good feeling.


The camp was mostly girls with about 20 guys. The room party was typically about 10 of us. Ages were 12 - 17.

There was one year that we had this kid that would announce "Everyone needs to cum on me!" Not everyone obliged but he'd usually be glazed by the end.

Favorite story? Probably my second year when I was ready for what was gonna happen.

>Had talked with some of the guys from camp via AIM all year
>Knew how to clean and stretch and prep
>First night and ready for the party.
>Easily sit down and take a shy first-timer
>Get him to rut me hard while I'm on my back
>Buddy starts fucking my mouth during
>Get a cock in each hand
>Feel a couple other smear around my body
>Get loads in the mouth, face, body, and ass all in one sitting


this shit is why Yea Forums is still good

you sick faggot

What would you all say to each other as the orgies went down? Did it ever get nasty to the point of boys farting out huge cum loads? I wanna hear you describe more of the messes that must have been made. What was it like the first time the cum kid was drenched by everyone?

does this turn anyone else on?

played truth or dare with cousins, three of us, we all got naked, did sword fights, sucking each other off, no finishing though :(

why haven't you done anything since?

It was weirdly chill. Guys would just hang naked, chat about camp, catch up after the year, then get back to action.

The cum kid was a pain since he was so demanding but he got at least 10 the first time. Just circled around before someone pushes forward to paint him, then it would set off a chain reaction, everyone would want their shot at him.

ugh that must have been the dream. would love to hear about more of the boys and the shit that went down. would anyone get their hole played with after being filled with cum? did anyone ever get gaped and then filled? any cum swapping action? I'm sure you got crazy stories from it all with how horny everyone must have been


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Honestly? No situation has happened since where I had the opportunity to. I don't want to meet any random guy online or anything. Ideally I've always wished I could befriend a guy and then after awhile him confide in me that he wants to mess around and then it become a regular thing between us. But... that's never happened.

Oh yeah, we had a guy called HC Eric, for "horse cock." He'd leave a hole so gaped that the rest of us could push in no problem. I had one guy get up to ride me and when he straddled me, all this cum just poured out of him onto my hard on to grease me up before easily hilting it.

Where ya from user?

How would you all react to nasty incidents like that? Did anyone try eating out anyone's holes before or after they were cummed in? Any spitroasts or DPs? Would love to hear more greentexts

I live in Ohio. Been here most of my life. How about yourself?




That doesn't sound like a nice experience :( I'm sorry if it traumatized you.

>can't even crop that old ass image

this thread might be full of gays, but you're a faggot


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>Me at 15
>Opened minded typical young libtard
>Brother's GF has an older gay friend
>I'd say ~21
>He starts messaging me on IM
>Think it makes me cool to say I have a gay friend
>He always steers the conversation to something sexual
>Convince him to drive over an hour to bring me weed, liquor, and some fat girl he's friends with (tits were 7/10 though)
>Let him suck me off while I made out with the fat chick
>Fucked the fat chick while he watched and rubbed my ass
>Did this on and off for 2 years or so
>Eventually the chick became born again and stopped coming around
>Started fucking the dude instead
>Actually really liked cumming in his ass
>No risk of pregnancy, I could fuck him 3-4 times a night calling him faggot, cock-slut, the works
>He's really fat and obnoxiously liberal now, so I don't talk to him anymore

not with a friend but first gay experience years ago

>be me, 19 and straight
>discover traps from Yea Forums, gain crossdress fetish
>toy with the idea of having sex with a guy
>say fuck it, full send and post on craigslist
>older guy responds, 26 and decent looking. 6/7 inch cock
>meet at gas station in small town
>get in his truck, he takes me to his house which is in the middle of nowhere
>walks me to his room, and locks the door
>tells me to undress slowly for him so i do


yes, nice trips

in like 30 mins i'm meeting a random guy from a dating site to suck him off and swallow for the second time in my life, i'm 22

Was anyone else surprised at how much they enjoyed giving guys blow jobs?

Enjoy it! I may go to the rest stop guys hang out at and see if I can swallow a load today!

I want to lick that ass out so much

Leave a note at home so when you go missing your parents know where to start looking

Try not to end up dead user

I molested my best friend in like 5-6 grade twice in two different spots. Just touched his dick, nothing crazy. I think someone sucked my dick back when I was 5, I didn't know what was going on, thought we were playing house. I try to block the memories, not something I'm proud of.

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Just truth or dare naked time

And a bit of blowjob sharing

> Both in elementary school

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no such a place near here, i'm from a rural area in central europe :( i'm meeting people from this site similar to craiglist

first time trips lol

>i get completely naked and he pulls me close
>takes off his pants and makes me suck his dick
>first time and he didnt take it easy at all
>like 5 minutes pass and he throws me on the bed
>grabs something out of a drawer and walks over
>tells me to put my hands behind my back and handcuffs me
>i have no clue what hes going to do
>lubes me up and starts fingering me
>tells me to take a deep breathe and puts it in
>hurts like hell
>starts pounding me, my head is swimming from nerves/pain/enjoyment
>15 minutes pass and he finally cums
>i ask him to take off handcuffs and he says no
>i have no clue whats hes going to do with me


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if they only cum from prostate stimulation and not from sticking it in another mans ass then totally 100 % not gay.

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For a few weeks a friend down the street and I started with touching our dicks together, then went to touching eachothers, then sucking eachothers.




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Funny how that's relatively tame these days

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>says he isn't finished
>flips me over and fingers me for a few minutes
>im wayyy too sore
>makes me give him head again
>doesn't hold back at all
>seems like forever passes
>finally stops and cums on my face
>eventually walks me over to his shower
>showers me off then takes off the handcuffs
>ends up driving me back to my car
>i never tried anything with a guy since.

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You still here?

nigg this shit is super gay and sickening. Just find jesus for christ sake.

Aww, that's sweet :D

>17 y.o. At a party out in the country
>friend invited a girl to come so he could fuck
>she leaves with another guy
>end of the night most everybody leaves
>crawl into tent to pass out
>friend opens tent and says he's sleeping in here because he didn't bring one
>wake up to him humping my ass
>don't say anything because bi-curious
>pulls down my pants then his
>presses his dick against my ass
>I push back against him
>he rolls me onto my stomach
>spots on dick and shoves in in
>I put things in my ass alot so nbd
>he fucks my ass and cums inside me
>I suck his dick after
>leaves tent
>we never spoke about it


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awww show us pics!

your friend's mom sounds amazing - esp for a woman of her time to be so supportive, you guys are lucky.

not b


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Seriously? You fucked Hitler?

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Dubs confirm, Hitlerposter fucked Hitler!


what a twist, good on you


kik Akara.Gray faggot for chat about use by my dom

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Thanks for keeping a thread that would die in an hour up for so long you retard

don't engage, not worth it


>>i never tried anything with a guy since.
I can see why, that doesn't sound fun :(

I was 11 and would go to my neighbors after school because my mom worked late. Walked in on him jerking one day and I was curious, so he showed me the ropes so to speak. He tells me that there is other things we could do that would feel even better. He said if I suck him he'd suck me, eventually that would turn into him fucking my ass almost every day

I was molested a lot 13-15ish.

Also first gay moment I remember was when I was in elementary or jr high, I sucked off another classmate after changing in the pool locker room during summer camp.

After that it was pretty much every day after school, we’d go to his house and I’d suck his dick-we’d play video games-hed get hard and I’d suck him off again.

Then we went to high school and never saw each other again.

Did you enjoy making him cum?

When I was 14 I browsed Craigslist personals and found an ad.

>Was lossless virgin
>Met up with a 30 something year old man
>Snuck out of my parents house at around midnight
>Meet him behind my elementary/jr high school across the street from where I lived
>Go to secluded/private area behind building
>Drop to my knees and put his cut dick in my mouth
>Got that first taste of dick
>Started bobbing my head up and down while he's grabbing my underage head with his hand, playing with my hair
>Sucking and making lots of dick sucking sounds
>Tell him to let me know before her cums
>He agrees
>Keep sucking
>Feel him swell up in my mouth, becoming rigid and tense
>Moans and cums all over my tounge
>Very warm and wet in my mouth, kind of a salty taste
>Spit it out next to me
>Get my first blowjob from this guy, never came

Realized I loved sucking cock. Sucked 20+ cocks for the remainder of my teen years, I loved making Craiglist ads on m4m when I was 15-17 and sucking cock and let older men use my underage mouth. Got fucked twice, first time was with a black transexual who I couldn't get hard enough to fuck. Second was an older white man who lives about 2 minutes away from me. I liked the submissive aspect behind being fucked.

Now I'm 20 and homosex isn't the same. I've sucked maybe 3 or 4 cocks since I've turned twenty, but it's lost its magic. I don't like cock like I once did when I was a kid. Now I'm concentrating on fucking a ton of beautiful women, which isn't hard as I got the first girl I had a crush on at 16 and have a model who's in love with me right now.

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Fuck yeah. I still get hard about thinking about it. He would never suck me off or jerk me so I would still be horny af or I would jerk off during or after because I needed to release.

Hot, I posted above you lol

I hid in my friends closet with his little brother and he and I sucked each other a bit. He didn't get that hard so a lot of the time he was sucking on me

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I've heard a story like this before from a buddy in Michigan but the reverse

> Good forumLinks for fappers and not only


anybody has the green text for the guy that sucked all of his friends cock while in a wig but when it was him time to get sucked everyone refused to?

>young teenagers
>fucking around in my room whilst my parents at the pub
>end up sticking a bike pump in my ass and making it make me fart
>both die laughing
>he tries but it won't fit
>tell him to put some vaseline on it
>he asks me to do it
>bend him over the bed and lube my dick and feed it in
>he moans so i keep going
>nut in his ass in 5 mins
>do gay shit for another 2 years till we make different friends
>meet up when we're 21
>he's now bigger than me
>playing l4d together most of the night till he puts his dick in my face
>I suck it off whilst wanking
>he fucks my ass
>I blow a huge load over my body and face
>he then blows his load inside me
>best sex ever now in a relationship with a woman and never had anything as close as that

Oh yeh nice.

Ya dude I would be burning in my stomach horny for him to flip that dick out so I could get to work for that nut.

It wasn’t until my sophomore year I was able to hook up with another cock and he would return the favor. Plus I could order toys online and shit so I’d wear a plug and a Calvin Klein men’s thong on the days I was gonna get some except p.e. Days (which was like alllmost everyday). That’s when I started plugging too. Been wearing plugs on the daily since 2004.

Nice, I loved being fucked. Every time before, he’d suck me and make me cum. Then sometimes he’d be balls deep and reach around and start jerking me while he pounded me. I miss cumming that hard, he would cum so much too.

Gave a blowjob to my father’s boss several times in his car, sometimes afterwards he took me to his home and fucked the shit out of me.

who said sexual orientation cant change? no one is born "gay"

Ya me too.

He was a junior and was like 6’2” and 210lbs and bigger than me. We’d never kiss or anything but he would totally handle me almost like s chick. I’d like to think pretty passionately.

I just like the way he’d take control of me. Like I would start sucking him off and he’d make me stand up and turn around and play with my plug or even take it out and tongue my ass then suck me.

I would sit on his duck and he would spread my cheeks so far apart so he could get it so deep it’s hurt my stomach almost. The head of his dick hard would barely fit in a Gatorade bottle.