Why is it so hard to find a virgin girl with no tattoos and debt-free?

Why is it so hard to find a virgin girl with no tattoos and debt-free?

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And she has to be pretty, but not TOO pretty.

>but not TOO pretty

feel like stomping this stupid bitches face in

if you we'rent such a nerd I'm sure it would be easier

Am I out?

You're projecting a little there, I think.

You want to date a stripper? I mean not butt ugly and mangled, but I dated one that had like triple 3 tits and hips and ass that made me turn my head everytime. It's just hard to respect them as a human when they look like a fucking walking talking sex doll.

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They're not. But those women probably wouldn't even give you the time of day.

Find Christ, then have the most boring sex ever with one of his devout followers after immense courting efforts.

You are a fag, dude.

Say hello to cultural Marxism and its host of worn-out millennial feminists with a major on gender studies

Sounds like a personal problem.

Humanity is represented by all kinds of people. If you can't wrap your brain around all that we can be, then your a small minded piece of shit.

With a little dick to match I bet.

It really isn't that bad. You should go outside more.

Sounds like OP is a pedophile, as a child ticks all the boxes.

It's actually a biological problem. Men are kind of hardwired to see women as objects, but even in really slutty hot looking women even OTHER women have the same issue. It's 'a pair of tits' as opposed to a women with tits. There's been brain scans that identify that different parts of the brain is used that actually view the women as objects, instead of the human identifying part of the brain.

I can understand the misconception that it's an individual thing, but as a species it's ingrained. Humanity is represented by all kinds of people. If you can't wrap your brain around all that we can be, then your a small minded piece of shit.

With a little dick to match I bet, because you're probably projecting your insecurities, girl.

in times where women are at their most degenerate the last bastion of hope you have is to get them while they are tweens. a risky proposition depending on your jurisdiction, but what else can you do?

>with a little dick to match

sage your life

citation needed kek. where are these brain scans? And regardless that doesnt apply to OP at all. He wants a virgin with no tattoos or debt, how is that based on instinct at all you fucking brainlet?

Because it's illegal to date a 14 year old if you're not also 14.

Brainwash them. I mean there's some real effort to be said about hypnosis but it does take a willing subject with the proper aptitude. I've never actually tried to make a girl LESS sluttier tho doing that...

The fuck you think this is wikipedia? Don't get mad at mean you're underqualified to have an opinion bitch.

I knew this was a pedo bait thread. OP kys.

Actually even when you're 14 it's still seen as taboo. Most parents discourage dating until late teens.

wash your balls

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How the fuck does that apply to OPs request??

stop being mean to me

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if you subscribe to the motto that all is fair in love and war then i guess that would be a perfect solution.

but i like to function on the belief that those tactics arent needed. i simply meant to lower your dateable age. if youre in your 20s and seek girls of similar age theres no virgins left.

This is your request, and I am OP.

did you even read the article you posted? You absolute melt.

Then you're a fucking trash tier pleb.

brainwashing is something that's non-invasive and reversible and consenting too and just a part of life. It's not drastic and most people would even go on stage for a hypnotist because it's about as sever as a party trick...

Because they have way more to offer than a dumbshit like you. Why would they settle?

Tattoos ruin a hot girl, insta ugly

Like taking a can of spray paint to a work of art. You didn't add more art to it, you just fucked it up.

because empowered women

Don't forget rich and famous. an incel has to have his standards.

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This thread is weapons grade virginity.

I've had two

Is this what you are trying to say?

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Because girls are able to make their own decisions and not all of them are good.

Still, if they have tattoos are slots and owe a load of money, they still have better decision making skills than to end up with an incel like you

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

This sounds like cries of some overweight low-effort incel, who feels he doesn't need to exert any effort to get pussy. And yeah, hte pussy has to be prime pussy too.


jfc, want her to be a billionaire astrophysicist biking-model too? Next thing you won't want her to have kids or be fat, keep dreaming dude.

>projecting this much
>wanting a virgin makes you a low effort incel

you are fucking stupid

I've been with the same girl since we were both 16 so I already got my girl who was a virgin, no tattoos and debt free

I have found and I am lucky man. She is 20 (picrel when 18). Just keep looking dude

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You learnt "projecting much" shit at what, local incel discussion board?

You tick all the boxes, incelboi.

I really don't care, I don't need to have citations to back up what I gave examples for in the my previous argument. Your argument consists of 'prove it' and childish insults. Ignorance is not intelligence. Go be a bitch somewhere else, you're probably some butthurt feminist that think all the problems are the guys fault that all women are fucked up now that they are more free of men now then they ever have been in probably all of human history.

I think most women would agree bitches be cray.

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I dont care about those things except tattoos. Every fucking damn woman has at least one ugly ass fuck tattoo somewhere. It just looks trashy like hell. Why even bother?

> Huehue Im so original and quirky I have a tattoo of a shallow af phrase behind my ear or on my hand hihihihi Im special and have to show it gurl!

Keep on deflecting all your insecurities, I am okay with who I am. The problem I have is finding an equal.

Do you know who are usually debt-free virgins?


It does make you a pedophile or at least extremely insecure. What benefit is there to a virgin apart from inexperience, bleeding and autism.

u can brainwash someone into believing a simple party trick or you can indoctrinate them on the very reality of their existence. i wouldnt say the latter is non-invasive or consenting.

Your argument is, wanting a virgin with no tattoos and no debt is somehow related to the way men process information when they see a women, in terms of looking at their ass/boobs first. It makes absolutely no sense to mention it you absolute moron.

So you're a virgin?

You don't know much about post-modern art. Banksy shredded a painting after selling it and it doubled in price. Trust me, even if Van Gogh came in and spray painted an X on the mona lisa the price would go up, but I think that says more about the world of art than it does about the topic at hand... it's subjective. There's no real hard objective answer, unless you want a virgin christian wife.

You've met up with her IRL right? This isn't just an internet 'romance' cos if so I've got bad news for you...


depends. if you think we are all just pieces of meat in motion then it doesnt matter.


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most women, or people for that matter, dont understand that less is more.

all these white knights for imaginary women

if she has kids, it would be weird if she was a virgin

Because capitalism sells sex and individuality

Y'all dun goofed.

Those are cries maybe you hear a lot at night when you goto bed...


Because republicans raped the economy so hard that girls have to sell foot pics to get through college and this leads down dark paths in pursuit of a better life. Also, stop obsessing over virgins. Sex with a virgin sounds incredibly terrible.

How is it?

Yes IRL. And she didn't give up her sweet pussy that quick :>

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Stop larping dude its fucking embarrassing.

Because those girls don't go outside

Even if he has, she isn't even 21 yet. ETA about another year before she breaks free to live her life.

The fact you fail to understand the logic doesn't mean the logic is flawed. They were 2 separate ideas, in two seperate posts even, you dunce.

Yeah she's gonna get bored of his clingy ass

Well, at a time I had no gf, that's just what I thought about all of posts like mine. It is funny watching it from the other side when you are not lying.

We are actually together for 2 years now, and it doesn't look like it is going to change.

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Best answer of the entire thread.

Ok at first I thought you weren't larping but it seems like you have an unhealthy obsession with this chick

Even if you arent larping you sound like Eliot rogers got a gf.

What a weak meme

Lol yeah only virgins want virgins

It’s not hard to find OP there are lots of them who go to your local elementary or middle schools.

great argument you deep and simple nigger

Modern art is all about shock value. It's all a big scam by rich dudes anyways.

For me I just don't like being with a girl that everyone wants. It's like, yeah she says you're the only one for her but there are plenty of guys that can have better game or more money. Odds are if 20 guys try to pick her up a day sooner or later she'll cheat or you'll end up fighting dudes for her because they take things too far when rejected.

Obviously you want a hot girlfriend but there's a limit for me. Like the face can be gorgeous but the ass can't crazy too. Your just asking for problems

You mean a child? They are everywhere.

If you're in a relationship and you can't trust your woman to stay loyal how long do you expect it to last?

glad you're so willing to commoditize female sex organs

>They were 2 separate ideas, in two seperate posts
I think thats his point, and that you shouldny be conflating the two

Wow you sound like a snivelling bitch

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Because girls like sex, some of them like it as much as guys. Those are the funnest ones, not the virgin's who don't know what they want cause they've never had it. Virgin's are for high school kids.

I literally have one of those right now. Been with her for 3 months.

t. roastie

Fuck Banksy. King Robbo would have stomped him had he survived

Who she?

your mom

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just don't be this guy and you'll do fine

because drugs are awesome but illegal

I match all of that, but I'm a dude

T. Incel


Just trying to hit all the buzzwords there huh bud

Jewish Influence in your Culture's media.

Join Islam. They’ll turn you into a pedo in no time. They ate there but they’re all 7-13 yo though.

Wow how unique


kill yourself

Probably because OP is such a fucking faggot

cuz everyone is looking for that instead of personality

who the fuck draws this, what a retard, penis bigger than the person and it disappears completely?

Well still a win due she got a nice genetics and still beautiful for a milf. But you, a nigger with a double Decker old stinky momma, a nigger momma disappointed of her gay son.

>pic related, user's motha

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Because you sound like a misogynist asshole.

Oh boi white knights here?
Fuck u faggot


The proud of North American artists


What's the difference ? Still utterly shit

Oh it was a word play, sry Im retarded


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Nigga go tilt your sperg fedora elsewhere.

I found one. Kinda ugly though. 25 year old and I took it. Then haven't talked to her after a few weeks.

And you're how old, making what salary, with what accomplishments? Lol

Nat v nurt D-baggio. Post links to your studies.