
I am looking for a specific webm. It contains 2 guys talking on a stream with a woman in the background. The woman has a ponytail. In the webm one of the 2 guys says something along the lines of "girls with ponytails are unfuckable". The girl in the background is then looking up and absentmindedly grabs her hair while looking sad.

This is a description of what i am looking for. I need this webm for personal reasons.

Now please do my bidding and post this webm.

Attached: Feibin-Tie-on-Ponytail-Hair-Extension-Tail-Hairpiece-Long-Straight-Synthetic-Women-s-Hair-B43_28005e (800x800, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: PhysRevLett.108.078101.png (400x200, 30K)

Attached: f6af680060249062dc77ce869c7e83ea.jpg (525x700, 34K)

Attached: Loreal-Paris-BMAG-Article-How-to-Wrap-Your-Hair-Around-a-Ponytail-D.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

not the webm but i think this is the right source

>Now please do my bidding and post this webm.
I hope you die of a aids related illness.

Attached: istockphoto-639569270-612x612.jpg (612x408, 15K)

Your dad should never have stopped beating you. If he never did, call him today and remind him it's not too late to start beating you.

I knew my description was precise enough, yes they are those guys. Thank you

Dying of an aids related illness is a probable outcome for what i am about to do

>demands webm
>with talking
>on /bee/

you're welcome

well it worked cunt

Lucky for you Yea Forums speaks retard

Ok, my turn. I've been looking for the webm where there's a monkey in a cage and a guy goes up to it and holds his hand against the cage. The monkey licks his hand then proceeds to have sex with the guys hand. Anyone know waht I mean?

yeah feels like home

Attached: Monkey.jpg (1200x800, 937K)

Pretty sure it was an orangutan actually

Attached: O.jpg (710x1075, 144K)

give me a second

Attached: VagueSimplisticAlpaca-mobile(1).webm (352x640, 1.31M)

I wouldn't say she looks sad, but.
anyway, what are you using this for?

That's the one. This will be put to good use, for scientific research

research and development

why did he not move his hand oh my god

go on

it's pretty common for zookeepers to do this kind of stuff. It's their job to tend to the needs of the animals.

regarding R&D
I am sad to inform you that i can not elaborate

you certainly can

Its funhaus, and it's about women of a certain age with ponytails. The woman with the ponytail then turns and looks ashamed, because if I remember right: it's her husband.