This is sickening. In America a small fire like this would have been contained inside of 20 minutes...

This is sickening. In America a small fire like this would have been contained inside of 20 minutes. Why are Europeans so lazy?

Attached: ct-notre-dame-cathedral-fire-photos-20190415.jpg (2060x1030, 339K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>small fire

Attached: 4bf.png (625x626, 181K)

french frogs are cowardly shitskins & quickly surrendered to a bunch of flames

...says the cuntry that lost billions of hectares of forest last year

Attached: yeah right.webm (772x1080, 1.84M)

Attached: zl.jpg (625x552, 101K)

There is nothing of value to save from burning in your diseased nigger cesspool, you dirty cumrag.
Not even french.

Attached: 1553937495429.gif (233x465, 90K)

Fuck off with your virgin metric system, only use the Chad system of Imperialism when you have America in your faggot mouth.

> "... In America a small fire like this would have been contained inside of 20 minutes. ..." ;

Like they did with the "Twin Towers", I assume ?

> inb4 : twin towers was big ;
..... not significantly bigger, nor more difficult to extinguish, than the Notre Dame Cathedral fire.

TL DR ? : Mind your own business - go fuck yourself.

amerifag here, can confirm this. not sure why the firefighters even show up

filthy french frogs should tear down that nutte dome & put up a mcdonalds


Attached: Moron in chief.jpg (663x672, 90K)

>Like they did with the "Twin Towers", I assume ?

this is just a building people are retarded

Just a 900 year old building known throughout the entire world.

all of europe wanted it to burn, symbol of pedophilia.. the vatican next

>Metric system
That's not metric system you illiterate fuck

Those types of trees are built to burn, if they aren't thinned out by burning then they create massive fires. Also one building vs a forest is a slight size difference

In one sentence you just proved what an idiot you are.

I was thinking about that too, obviously I'm not an expert either but aren't there helicopters with water payloads as well? I immediately thought of team America world police

dumping water on fire in that kind of building almost insures collapse of the structure

The US doesn't have old buildings.

>tfw acres are standard but hectares are metric

Metric system is trollin lmfao

What about a chemical retardant

I came here for the Burzum memes.

where them Varg memes at

Attached: genie.png (385x385, 191K)

To call it "one building" isn't really doing the size of the thing justice.


>obviously I'm not an expert
Then shut up faggot

>structure is a thousand years old
>weakened by fire
>lets pour 1000 gallon of water on it at once

That much water would destroy even modern buildings lmfao that entire ceiling would have collapsed instantly.

Remember that a gallon of water is 8 lbs

You're talking 4 tons of water lol I know its not compressed so it doesnt deliver the full weight but still. Thats like dropping 2 mid sized cars on it....

Why did it burn for so long

Probably the fire wouldn't have started if the french had raked the cathedral floor.

Attached: asd.jpg (960x875, 168K)

probably would ruin the relics inside

So does fire but I see your point, there's no easy good option to pick


>tHe uS dOeSnT hAvE oLd BuiLdInGs

Yes we do. Look it up. Pueblo buildings out west.

Nothing as fancy as Notre-Dame but it accurately reflects the technology differences given that they were constructed at a relatively similar time.


>imperial system
>from your overlords empire
>achieve independence but still use your previous overlord king's body parts as measurement
You can't be more cucked than this

>> inb4 : twin towers was big ;
>..... not significantly bigger, nor more difficult to extinguish, than the Notre Dame Cathedral fire.
Nigger, is you retarded?
>Fighting a fire and saving trapped people 75 stories in the air no different than fighting a fire is an old ass church and rescuing artwork

The fire was contained mostly to the upper levels. So the stone protected the lower areas some.

If they had watered it that hard (via helicopter) it woulda driven all sorts of flammable materials down into the lower area and damaged the arched ceiling.

The only reason we use helicopters over here is we're dropping it on the ground/trees. Nothing to get ruined.

Was he a king or Emperor?

If the brits had an empire why wasnt he emperor?

Theres holes in this story Mr. Swiss.

In Europe you need to fill out paperwork before you put out a fire.

wow old rock huts and caves. What is your point? We only have records of them from the 1600s, we dont know how old their rock huts even are. Not that theyre particularly interesting

Now im not an expert but when you have a stone roof being help up by wood literally from about a thousand years ago that also makes up the internal skeleton of the entire building you can't just drop water on it, they could have put the fire out at any time but that would have guaranteed the place would have been basically demolished. The fire raged cause they were trying to save as much as they could.

Let me fix this for you

In Europe you need to fill out paperwork before you put out a fire or brush your teeth.

United KINGDOM you dumb fuck

Well, you're not wrong. England never had an emperor, they just declared themselves an empire to sound fancy, and gave 'imperial' names to things to sound fancy, like the imperial system

> Talks about Twin Towers when planes crashed in them with tons of fuel

> Can’t put out simple building fire

still much smaller than a forest fire

I hope a Muslim burnt down the church honestly

and If america built the twin towers with european scaffolding they might have survived..

Should have called me

Attached: B2EABEFB-9EFC-40F3-8D73-0912EBFC07A4.jpg (500x500, 39K)

sure bud

Attached: 1555354061507.jpg (686x843, 210K)

Holy shit did he actually tweet that retarded shit?

Chemical retardents are mixed with water
Same weight


kek, another fucktard, born after 9/11

>Why are Europeans so lazy?
they have Muslim Firemen

but you can use planes and helicopters to fight forest fires. comparing an open area with a building is incredible retarded, but that's typical american, so no surprise. better get some healthcare and gun control aka civilized

Attached: us_soldier_cry_iraq.jpg (270x193, 14K)

Islam wanted to see it burn so the french government full of cucks let it happen.

hmm, do you still believe in god?

another example of american education....

Are you implying we have firetrucks with 700ft hoses and helicopter wings?
Kek m8


your civ didnt build them, your faggot ancestors werent even there at the time notre dame was build. maybe some low-life european peasant. I'm sure your grand-grand-grand-uncle was The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Attached: 16-the-hunchback-of-notre-dame.w330.h330.jpg (330x330, 23K)


>He hasn’t seen a Texan or Californian Wildfire.

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you could have crashed another plane filled with water instead of jet fuel into the twin towers to put the fire out, you retard americans. duh!

too busy fucking their hot 11/10 girlfriends user

In America nothing lives that long. Boy let your shitty country build something up first.

proves that a 1000 years of shit, is still shit

there wasn't a neighboring mosque


That building is hundreds of years older than your faggot union of states. That single piece of architecture has more culture and history than an entire country.

Also your president is an overweight mentally handicapped tv celebrity.

>we’re going to build a wall that everyone wants, we need funding
>still waiting on that wall

>fire destroys most of a historical building
>within hours rich, poor, old, young from all over the globe offer to pay for it to be rebuilt