Feels thread

Feels thread

Is your life doing good? Tell me about it.
Is your life doing poor? Tell me about it.

Share your hopes, fears, loves, woes and dreams

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Everyday in the mornig i wake up and have to construct a new psychic foundation again so my life doesnt go down the drain. Sometimes im scared of starting anew in the mornig and dont sleep for 2 or more days.
The only things holding me in my life is a gf i keep far away from me exept on weekends because im unstable and that scares her sometimes, but she loves my crazy "not in a social cage" way of living. Also i've discovered psychoanalysis a few years ago and its something i study almost daily.
Living with things as they come helped me a lot.
Been through worse.
Excuse my poor english and thanks for reading my blog

Hmmm,well I'm glad that you're on a track that's allowing you to better yourself. I think that's one of the most important things: not becoming so content in such a place that you're unwilling to move out of it.

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I have some really unintelligent and financially dangerous people in my life. If I don't get away from them, the rest of my young years will be eaten by their financial greed and short sighted stupidity.

Trying to better myself for about 25 years is what got me into this in the first place.
Just be yourself and do what you really enjoy. Its very hard to actually do and a very long way to get there but it really pays of.
But i think i get what you mean.

That sounds interesting. Are these people that have access to your finances? It sounds like a solution would be to separate from that, unless it's your guardians and they're squandering resources which should he yours.

Ah, I of course don't mean to become obsessed with such a thing. I know a friend who has also gone too far in "bettering himself" and is now bettering himself in a different way. I'll keep in mind the distinction there in the future. Are there other things you like to do?

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I started a business in college walking dogs. And then I handed what I could over to my mom. I then moved to Pennsylvania with the intention of expanding the business. I had made an agreement with her to send me a certain amount of money each month from the business money in order to secure a customer base.

Only to find out later that she was spending all the business money on short term personal luxuries. She sent me $800 a month out of the agreed $1600 or more. Meanwhile she hired a personal chef for $1000/month, while I had to dumpster dive for food. I ate nothing but cheese blocks one month, and I bathed with dumpster dish soap. Another month I had only canned beets and Oreo cookies. Another month only glitched sale yogurt when I could afford it from Amazon. Each yogurt for 1 cent and I got a hundred of them. That really helped me out a lot.

She was also spending all the business money on restaurants, trips, and unnecessary crap. Appliances, clothes, very expensive and unnecessary trends like Avon and a failed knitting business that she tried with my little sister.

Later that little sister started telling everyone that her stepdad raped her. She later admitted that she was lying, but it scared him away and made the financial situation even more difficult. He forgave her, not sure why. Not even his kid

Needless to say, it failed and I couldn't get anything established. I had to move back in with her and to this day she demands that I appreciate her for destroying the business. Now I'm trying to recover, but the business has been stagnant for two years. We are losing our old customers and not gaining new ones.

Still she demands that I appreciate her

She called the cops on me and almost had me shot by them when I had an argument with her about how much she is wasting the business money

I really hope there's Justice of some kind in the Afterlife, if it exists. It's hard to imagine people like this make it into heaven, or something like it.

Wow, that is something else. I think you're a strong person to be able to go through as much as you have. Without that drain, I think it would have worked out very well, and I admire your confidence. Would it be out of the question for you to get a job and move put somewhere cheap, become financially independent, and then try to restart the business elsewhere? I'm sure you've thought of this, but it sounds like a toxic environment that it would likely just be best to get out of entirely for now.

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She tried to get me put into a mental Ward when I argued with her about the business money being wasted. I had to be attached by 10 cops and put in an ambulance. They discharged me the same night from the hospital but I don't have the money to sue the police department.

Now I am putting everything I have into Bitcoin but I don't really have my hopes up. I'd rather gamble it all than continue with this business or these disgusting people.

I moved back in and had to live in the kitchen for a while, then the living room on the couch as people went in and out all hours of the day and night. She adopted some random little girl from a random family through her church,zoo becauseways wanted 2 girls (this isn't the one that cried rape. My biological sister did). We never had the money to sustain ourselves. Even less now, with all the spending.

My other younger brother committed suicide at 18.

I now live in the room where he hanged himself. I have 3 dogs who I truly love and fight against suicide for everyday. That's why I keep going and didn't kill myself too.

I have been finding money missing in the kitchen. A total of $80 and change, as well as a lot of food missing. My older brother who is now 30 has always lived with my mom, never held down a job, and has a felony conviction from stealing a bunch of iPads. He cannot get a regular job. When I found out it was him, he started insulting me and threatening to call the cops on me too.

I am trying my best to escape these people and make a good life for myself, but it's very difficult. She had all the best customers, but as the years went on they have moved or their dogs have died, and we aren't able to replace them. We are stagnant. Or rather they are, because I want to abandon them and the business when I get enough money.

A Bitcoin coin flip is all I have left. There's nothing else that can get me out

Yes that's my plan. I want to start a small lavender farm and chicken coop somewhere. But I need money to re-establish myself.

Thanks man. I wanted to be a scientist as a kid, but my life has been really drained by these people and I no longer have interest in serving mankind. I want to be financially independent on my own instead now. And start a nice essential oils business that can sell all over the world. Already researching organic certification, soil, elevation, etc. Chickens would make excellent fertilizer and a semi free source of food. Also going to keep bees because they work well with lavender. I look forward to it but I'm already almost 30 and I'm trying to escape these evil awful people. They have no sense of right and wrong. Just enough to avoid punishment. I think something will catch up to them eventually, and I don't want to be around when it does

I dont want to overshare here since im kinda (understatement) paranoid.
Something i like to do?
Yeah, browsing this site and watch how different and still alike humanity can be. Its fascinating.
And see myself how much i've changed over the years.
I really like what you and the other fags, who do something similar on this board, do.
Have a nice day OP

Well, I do wish you the beat of luck. It sounds like you have plans and goals. Just make sure they're real, and not idealistic scenarios in your head. But you don't sound like the sort of person to let dreams stay dreams.

Intend to start a thread at about 8:15AM EST, if you ever want to keep a look out~
And you enjoy your day as well

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Stuck in a mental ward.
Three xanax+ pregabalin
What is the point of living user?


I tend to*

Thank you. Yeah I'm very realistic. I've only chosen future businesses that will easily complement each other and hopefully earn organic certification.

Thanks to you too. I wish I had some better start but at least there's my dogs. These people are monsters underneath, if society wasn't keeping them tethered to at least pretending being civil.

If Bitcoin shoots up, I'll be fine. I could always do landscaping in the weekends for quick cash as I get established, and of course that would also complement farming. I would need to use the same equipment anyway for both.

These people took a lot of time away. They took my youth away, but I don't want them to take my soul and turn me into a bitter person. I just want to succeed and move forward, far away from these abysmal people. I honestly can't imagine why people are like this, but I'll never turn out like them. No matter what.

I'm just chilling here high out of my mind
Can't even walk properly.
Psychiatrist was supposed to talk to me but nothing.
I'm just stuck here feeling lonely and it's killing me.
This is how the world works I guess.
Not even the people that are supposed to care for me answer me/talk phone me.
no one visited me.
When i'm out i'm going to stream it so I atleast make somd anons happy who made my live a little more bearable

Honestly it always sucks to go into these threads because its just asking to read about a bunch of people in the same exact position as i am. Dreams eluding me, not really talented in anything important, depressed, finds no motivation to do anything, and usually feels a general nihilism plaguing their lives.

Ive been doin pretty good. Have a partner who helps me stay away from self destructive behaviors and mentalities, keeps me happy, supports me. Im only 19 but were planning on moving out for him to go to college later this year. Everything has been smooth sailing til yesterday. Get a call from my sister, aunt, and cousin all one after the other telling me my grandma had a heart attack and shes gonna pass before the night is gone. Im too far away to go visit before she would be rip, so i just had to sit on the sidelines and get text updates every few hours while fighting off breakdowns. I waant particularly close to her, but i havent seen her since i was 17 and it hurts knowing all of the memories i have from when i was really little are gonna be the only things tying me to her for the rest of my life. I dont even remember what I last said to her, but I just hope she knew i loved her.

Sorry for novel, im just processing alot i spose.

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I'm horny and it's driving me crazy. I downloaded Grindr and am looking to just have a sexual partner, of course I'd prefer to meet up with a woman; but they don't have an app yet that allows for instant NSA hookups like Grindr does with location based results.

I've sucked a cock two days ago in my city's college campus just because I was so fucking horny and looking for someone to orgasm with. Shit leaves me hating myself for being such a faggot but I love the company sexual relations bring. And it's not even that I'm ugly or a hopeless virgin, I've had sex with 5+ beautiful women and one of which is a model who gets paid for photo shoots (I still have sex with her) it's just that there's no app for hetero casual encounters.


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I am so glad that I'm attracted to animals. Way way better and less stressful LoL

I'm sorry to hear that. I have mixed feelings about mental wards, because I know sometimes people are there unjustly or against their will.

It's my personal philosophy that not only can nothing get better if I'm not alive, but that I also can't make any mark or effect on the world that way. The agency of man is one of the most beautiful things to me. Will, and the capability to act. To me, those are treasures and should never be taken away. If your alive, there's a non zero chance that you can make something good in the world, or something could be made good for you.

how do you get into a mental ward?
is it comfy?
who pays for it?

Idk. I just turned 25 recently. Not only was it the most uneventful birthday ever but it hit me with a huge dose if reality that terrifies me and makes me so much more scared for the future.

I have osteogenesis inperfecta, meaning that my bones are weak af and I'll probs make it to 50 if I'm lucky and I've wasted the last good 3 years of my life. So I'm trying to make up for lost time by doing healthy shit for myself from here on out. But I still feel like an ass for literally doing nothing with some of the best years of my life.

Shit kinda sucks :/

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I'm a jobless neet who has nothing.
This place is the only thing that makes me happy

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I think that's a good mindset to have. Make sure to take care of yourself to. Set time for self-care.

That sounds fun. Do you have a twitch user already? I could add you if you like, for the time that day comes. Otherwise there is also a discord room which I could drop here.

You don't need to apologize, and I'm sorry to hear about that. Loss is hard, and I've had a hard loss recently as well. Make sure to be honest with yourself. If you need to grieve, then grieve, if you can walk forward, then walk forward. But I'm sure she knows you love her family is family.


Ah, I'm a bit low on the libido myself, so I'm not sure if can provide you some solid advice. I think I'd just ask you to be careful. I know a lot of nasty diseases can spread through those hookup apps. Keep yourself cleans friend.

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Eurofag so the state
Suicide threat and various other reasons which would take to long to explain because i can only use my phone and its a pain in the ass to write on it
It's pretty chill lots of freedom can even go and take a walk

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I prolly not going to use twitch and also first I have to get out of the mental ward lol

What's the point
I always wonder that everyday I got no job no school no skills when i try i always fail it seems like the world is run by demons and all this occult shit I see everywhere is finally starting to sink in not mentioning I'm a khv the all consuming loneliness of having no friends as well is what hurts the most

Nothing more relatable than this.

Well, if it does make you happy, then that's something itself. But it might be a good idea to find something to add. When I find I'm not really very much, I usually go outside and think about things for a while. I try to think about something that I might rather be doing, something that would make me feel somewhat fulfilled. I don't know if it will be the same for you, just a thought.

Ah, wow. Well, there's always hoping that medicine continues to improve through the years. Breakthroughs happen often enough, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to know about this. In the end, life is life, and we all have a limited time in the end. And that time is minute compared to the time of all.

But as humans, we get to make a mark on those around us, and that's a thing of beauty to me. Exercise your agency and live in a way you can be happy with.

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It does seem chill, wish you were in the states so I could ask for advice but I likely can't end up in the same situation. Sigh, there goes an easy room and weird pillz.

Haha yeah
Really could use a Yea Forumsro to talk to

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I think it's important to find a standard for yourself and live by it. Remember that it's not a race, and that comparing yourself and your abilities to others is not a useful tool. If we judged all animals by their ability to climb a tree, then sharks would not be very high on that ladder.

Skills are something you can build. We live in the information age, with near li.itless resources available to us. Unfortunately the downside is a lot of those resources are "trash", like media, so it takes a certain diligence to not be distracted that man has never needed before.

Its up to you to get up on your feet, try some things, and find something that satisfies you. For some people, that quest for finding something is the thing itself they're looking for. Don't sit on the ground. Stand up on your own two legs.

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I feel really empty. I went out with friends to a minor party for once in my life but left early cause I just didn't feel comfortable. Also felt sketched out since it was a bad part of town.

Idk. The party was alright at best. And I wasn't having a super amount of fun, but after I left I wanted to go back. Just felt empty as fuck. Girl I like was there too.

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I feel that sometimes too, around parties. I'm not sure what it is. Sometimes it clicks, sometimes I just don't want anything to do with, even though I "want" to.

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