India will be a superpower and you white cucks can't stop it. Cry more you fucking bitches.
India will be a superpower and you white cucks can't stop it. Cry more you fucking bitches
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eat shit t-series. oh wait you already do.
I believe it dude, all that money they're saving by shitting in the streets and not having restrooms. I bet they're able to fund a lot.
I wish your politicians would stop using your tax money to line their own pockets and build infrastructure so you'll stay in your country. That would be nice.
Sure they will Habib, sure they will...
>India will be a superpower
They will be the first poop superpower in history.
You got eight months to clean the rivers, get people to start using toilets, and figure the abhorrent disease and homeless problem. Then and only then will you have my permission to die.
and we will take your things
The only good thing to ever come out of India:
was the British Empire, when it left you useless cunts to your own devices.
fuckin british thieves...stole shiieeet like the niggers they are
Hellooo! My name is Punjab Krishna Patel and I am here to take over your country. Would you like a Mountain Dew with that?
Get you tikka ass off the internet and get back to scam calling the rest of the world you useless brown curry eating piece of shit
whilst saying "durka durka durka durka durka"
Well, it's more likely than the blacks taking over, I'll give you that much.
U mad LUL
You got me convinced pajeet! Good luck with China though!
Will this all be before or after Pakistan ragequits at you with nuclear weapons?
I unironically can't wait for 2020
I have a folder with almost 100mb of poo in loo memes.
been waiting and saving memes for 3 years now, it's gonna be great
Poo in loo you dirty currynigger shitskin.
You and Brazil duking it out for Top Dog, any decade now...
show bobs and vagene
Go swim in the sewer you call a holy river
Fuck off streetshitter
>most of the people on india are scammers
>poor country
>India will be a superpower
Indians are delusional fucking retards that drink cow piss for fun and gangrape women in the street. Hands down the most shit-tier people on the planet.
most of these people are from areas with like no money, and their grossness makes them nearly immune to the elements
Implies India is a super power. Murders people in the street for offering to shit like a non sub human.
Indian society is too chaotic right now to become a superpower anytime soon. It has potential, but until it can change and adapt its culture to a modern age (no caste system, for example), it simply cannot compete with Western nations. And I know they're trying to change, but that's why it's too chaotic. For every Indian ready to join the modern world, you still have five shitting in the streets literally.
Technically, maybe. But the average person won't be much richer, let alone the poorest who are largely what's responsible for the economic boom.
>Super Power
>Hosts cow poop throwing battle royale in the streets to promote "good health"
indians are the most disgusting race