Doomer greentext of the day

Doomer greentext of the day

>be me
>wake up, get up and immediately roll a cigarette and smoke
>turn on my monitor and check the same tabs I've had open for the past 4 days
>drink coffee and smoke
>lurk and listen to music
>browse some other sites
>installed tinder 2 weeks ago for the first time in 2,5 years.
>2 conversations in total
>the first one isn't interested at all
>the other one promised to go out with me, sit on a park bench or something
>she's kept coming up with excuses every time I've asked if she's free
>I give up.jpg
>I tell her on whatsapp "Im going to the park to get some fresh air, join me if you wanna
>no response
>walk to the liquor store first
>sixpack and a bottle of cheap wine
>walk to the park
>drink, smoke, listen to music
>2 hours passes
>check phone, 0 notifications
>walk back home
>sit on my computer chair
>feel absolute disgust towards the world and yourself
>keep drinking, keep smoking, listening to music
>I dont think I feel good at all, chief
>what do?
>don't care, keep drinking and smoking and looking at my monitor
>tomorrow's another day

Attached: doomer face.png (498x594, 121K)

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Maybe you look for a Job?

>be me
>35 yo doomer
>fifteen individual relationships, three of witch the girl ended because apparently they were gay
>open steam library, browse youtube trash, cry on the inside
>repeat this until next day
>next day
>watch MGTOW videos in hope that genetics are the main problem
>my ancestors fucked me over
>mfw normie great great great great great great great beta male grandpa managed to get his dick in a bitch to eventually spawn me

>the girl ended because apparently they were gay
I've had this happen as well. my first "real love" told me after 10 months that she's probably more into pussy and broke up with me. stalked her for 3 months and she eventually started dating another guy

Same shit. Second gay bitch went on to date at least six people within a month, don't know if it was at the same time but wouldn't put it past her. Bitches seem to use this tactic since gay card makes you impervious to judgement. Only another reason to take the black pill.

>22 yo doomer
>been jobless neet for 2 months
>trying to turn things around, need to make more of an effort to do so
>dont even smoke weed or drink like i used to
>just sit there half the time, browsing the internet aimlessly or having shitty convos with friends who i can tell ive done nothing but annoy lately
>vidya isnt fun anymore, everytime i log on, i get right back off and think about my younger days when vidya was fun
>spend day job hunting, but never apply
>hardly horny anymore, if i am it takes a lot of effort to fap
>pretty much just fucking sit in bed all day, trying to bring myself to do something besides stare at my phone or the wall
>feel this endless cloud of doom and darkness just hanging over me
please, how do i fix this, how do i go back

Attached: fuwa2.jpg (1272x1080, 200K)

that day would be fine if you didnt attach your self worth to being in a relationship

>younger days when vidya was fun
This, so fucking much. hurts to read.

In the words of ciel from black butler, when something is truly lost there is no getting it back. Since you take red pill you either stay there or progress to black pill. Traps aren't like women though, no homo

Tinder & wasting your time/energy on a shit tier bitch is where you went wrong. The rest sounds like an ok day

I don't. I just rarely do shit like tinder because I'm tired of the disappointment. finally I tried to get a girl to out with me and it went to the shits again

Do something maybe idiot, no wonder you feel like shit, all you do is shit

All dating sites are bullshit, bars are where women go on the hunt to fill their shriveling womb or some to support them, speed dating events are just stupid, best experiences came from walmart girls ended up being dudes. My luck is probably shitty though

This. No woman wants to date a boring faggot who does nothing but shitpost and drink/smoke.

I haven't told any of that to her. I just told the usual shit that I drink and smoke occasionally, and that I used to work as a chef(which I did). she didn't ask much else, we just chatted about random shit

At one point I thought the same way, but after being a social butterfly and being rejected over and over and have three relationship being ended by fake carpet munchers, you just kinda learn women are shallow and not worth it

They are pretty shallow. I have gotten more replies posting cock pics to girls saying no cock pics than I ever have talking about worldly experience or hobbies

Instead of thinking about how shitty you have it, act
You are in a negative spiral, feeding itself through thinking nothing you do matters.
The opposite is true, you have agency over your life, it's you that does the negative thinking, no one else. You have to take control, no one else can or will. Without this insight you will never have any self worth.

Set goals: long term: get a job. Short term:
apply to at least one job/day or learn a skill by practicing 1h a day.
Long term goal feeling better: no weed till after cleaning up or other chores. No lying in bed, at least fucking sit.
make the goals achievable and build from there. Once the goals are achieved you set new ones.
Always work towards something.

Setbacks will happen, the world isn't cruel, you just give up easily.
Rise to the challenge and you will come out of it better and more resilient with more confidence.

You know good and well what to do now, are you going to keep keep looking at everything negatively? Are you going to keep believing getting up is just a drag and you might as well stay in bed? Are you going to keep yourself from feeling because you might get hurt?

No. You can change yourself. You will. Life is a challenge and every hurt is a lesson towards happiness.

Only you can overcome your depression and take control of your life: keep setting simple, achievable goals. Grow, be better than yesterday, everyday

thanks, user

Never give up user, life is beautiful if you want it to be


There will be a war soon in Europe and America and it will cause a new culture to arise.
The culture we have now is Nihilist and vapid.
In 5 years, war will happen and things will get better

Shut up, get an amplifier, pick up a guitar, tune it to B standard (you might need thicker strings), and play some heavy ass doom metal like a goddam man. And quit being mopey nobody wants to be around a faggot that brings everyone’s high down.

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