This guy bullied me in high school now he is a strength coach at a college found him on facebook he married a black woman how can I get him back without having to fight him
This guy bullied me in high school now he is a strength coach at a college found him on facebook he married a black...
>waah guy bullied me in school and now hes having a mildly successful life while all i do is sit on Yea Forums!!!
eat chode
Ye old flaming poop bag maneuver
that cuck looks like a coca cola drinking bitch
knock out his wife
Get on hormones
Grow titties
Become cute & effeminate
Seduce him
Let him fuck your boipucci
>”haha u gay”
Go with this one OP
Probably bait but I would fight him. I don't like bullies. Everytime I see someone in public getting bullied I stand up for them when they can't. But not in prison that's a death wish lol marking yourself. Fuck that.
soo im thinking about getting into wood working.
mostly snapping twigs in half
Slash the tires... wait months, maybe a year... slash them again in a different location. It will drive him nuts, then do it again!
You live in the US right?
Just fill him with lead as you usually do over there. Blow his head off and then piss on his corpse while his mourning monkey-wife watches.
Bitch shit. A fat black kid I used to know got mad at someone pretty much just jealous of the kind so he put sugar in his car
Do both
theyre called "niggers" cuck
Swap out his roids with a hot dose
Call him out on Facebook or something. Embellish a little.
Or suck his dick. That would really show him.
He was a cuck
>suck his dick
This is OP desire
Rc cola is king
Splash a jar of caustic soda into his face
You too are on Yea Forums ya dumb fuck
that shit sucks cuck.
i bet you dont even snap a twigs in half
Yo just anonymously expose him as a bully. Tell your story. Post a review where ever he works
looks like life hit him with a ton of bricks already lol
>married a black woman
You already won dude.
Live your life, that's how you get back at him.
He probably doesn't even remember you. Stop being a beta and go get some training sessions in
Me too him
Put up posters saying he's a right winger (big nono on a campus these days)
Sand in his gas tank every fuckin' car he buys
OP, If you really want to ge him back and you're at a disadvantage then keep in mind that most of the times strenght lies within numbers. Call/Pay/etc some guys to assist you in this matter and get it over with. I do think that whatever trauma he inflicted on you during high school has not worn off hence your desire to inflict harm of equal value onto him. Best way to move on is to let go of the past, and have the certainty that if such things are prone to happen again you will be ready to face them in an according matter. Instead on inflicting pain onto him., strenghten yourself instead. Work on improving your flaws and to becoming a respect worthy person. Trust me , follow my advice and take on this daunting task so you will have something to feel proud about.
I wish you all the best user