I am French and I am absolutely devastated by what happened last night

I am French and I am absolutely devastated by what happened last night.

This tragedy is especially the symbol of the state in which France is.

Would Yea Forums have the power to psychologically awaken the French against the Muslim invasion?

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ouin ouin ouin ouin

Its just the liberal dream in action

No useful answer?

Yea Forums is nothing more than an imageBoard for trans and traps ?

Shut up frenchie a cathedral burned down. Noone got hurt. Get over it. Also that guy is laughing

Ça fait’des Année qu’on le dit ... au moin 15 ans ...
Le peuple ne commence qu’a se réveiller maintenant et c’est bien trop tard .
La France puis l’europe Sera islamisé, cette religion se propage comme un cancer. Ce pays est foutu mais on continue de nier le grand remplacement, le peuple bobo n’a finalement que ce qu’il mérite

Actually a fire fighter was injured.

OP, I’m truly sorry about the cathedral. It is a national treasure and I hope they can rebuild it.

How is France going to spend 200 years conquering shitskins and then turn right around and allow shitskins to live in Paris? They are asking for poo colored trouble.

I'm American and I'm not gonna lie, I got misty eyed when I saw the video of the spire collapsing. If it comes out this was intentional there will be hell to pay.

Don't worry user. Every single hour there is another terrorist attack in a mosque where atleast 10 shitskins die. They do all the work for us.

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We can never rebuild all the precious artifacts and art that was lost inside the cathedral.

This is what muslims have been doing in land they control for a century now.
Destroying any other religious relics, buildings, or symbols.
Islam is a plague.

Even if that were true they still breed like cockroaches with average of 4 to 5 little maggots, while average European household has one to two children.

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What the fuck happened to this place? A few years ago and everyone would have been jerkin it to this bullshit. I mean seriously, who cares? It's a fucking building built by ignorant retards who would rather believe in a sky daddy than shit that actually makes sense and can be proven.

Last I heard they were trying to save things. I’m guessing that they weren’t very successful.

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Truth, but one day, hell will break lose there.

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I think they managed to get some of the more important pieces of artwork and relics like the Crown of Thorns out and luckily they removed a bunch of stuff when the rennovation began but I just can't imagine how much was actually lost.

This isn't a bunch of randos getting killed in a shooting faggot. This cathedral was a symbol of western civilization.

It was an architectural wonder of its time and a truly beautiful building.
I don’t care about religion but I still value human achievements.

What about the ones already here in Europe and the Anglosphere? They aren't leaving, they aren't going to leave unless we curb stomp them.

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They will also fight eachother. We will put the ones who are left in arena's to fight eachother.

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You shut the fuck up and take 6 years of iraq with you. We don't need more violence in the civilized world.


Why didn't the christian god just reach out and put the fire out?

Oh well I'm not a dick. I hope he is right but that's the main thing here. Also what I am actually most curious is how did it start? Accident or did someone start it and did they get caught?

I'm sorry free thinker, I think the Big Bro are on there way to get you right now. Because properties...

Thinking this wasn't an artificial 15th century troll artifact

He did. Through the bodies of the firemen.

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i honesty don't give a fuck

Genocide is the only option. They won't leave on their own.

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I want your country's resources like a nigger.

They just said on the news here that it was a turkish citizen that did it.

They'll rebuild it, but I'm a way as not to offend their new inhabitants...

It is impossible to rebuild. All of Europe is priceless, France made jambonburre out of a fucking cheeseless ham sandwich. You niggerlovers aren't rebuilding shit.

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Because you can always trust the news.

>We don't need more violence in the civilized world
I agree, which is why Muslims must go back to their own countries.


Could not agree more, except for the sexy muslim women.

Do you think Koksal Baba can still life in our non-shitskin society? He's funny and not a big threat I think

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Europe is priceless. They crowned kings in there I don't expect you to understand.

Do you now?

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in-family breeding lowers the IQ 15points on average.
they are breeding a army of retards

Even if you are a retard the hunchback of notredame explains it.

Sorry I didn't know it was 500 years ago. How would you like your bubonic plague served? Rat or flea?

you are instrumentalizing this tragedy in order to spread hate against minorities.

The French people are literally paying Muslims to invade their own country through the taxes they pay. The country is lost.

He's not wrong tho

If they make part of it a mosque I’ll sign up for the next French crusade.

>He did. Through the bodies of the firemen.
So you're saying that the christian god was too weak to stop the initiation site and too slow to stop the majority of his building being destroyed? All-powerful.

Muslims don't destroy christian cathedrals, they turn them into mosques.
In 50 years it's probably gonna be decorated with minaret towers and called Hagia Notre Dame.


Well sure but the French should hate Muslims.

I despise you fucking haters racists. Here is my proposal. Bulldoze this shitty cathedral and build the biggest and greatest mosque of France on this lot. So big it will shine over the Paris skyline. Open your heart to allah the great and sign my petition to build a mosque as a sign of friendship and the new face of france of the diversity. France should be an islamic state as allah is the only true god.

I was being sarcastic....

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Shut up Mohammed.

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I don't know, he seems harmless but he is in fact the Ottoman spirit of war, he has shown his true form to prepare for the final war. Otherwise he'd make a great mascot.

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and I'm not?

You can be a retard and walk into a crowd wearing a bomb under your clothes.

How about destroy every mosque in the world? Religion of piece my fucking asshole. Religion of believe what I say or perish more like.

hate does never any good, brother.


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How original of you.

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This to be honest

Anyone got a link to the Mosque Shooting vid?
Need it for uhhh, some research.
Legitly asking

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So who is going to plant the American flag in downtown Constantinople?

Deus Vult!

Muslim dragon wins every time

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You deserve to live in poverty for spitting on the face of Europe. This is how you pay them for taking your ugly nigger ass in.

It was a question. You think questions are original?

Low qual b8

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I think you mean Byzantium.

I want it back.

Dragons are fictionary Koksal.

Everyone ITT is a faggot.

Why stop there? I want all of Asia Minor back.

Allah himself the mighty burned that cathedral of the non-believers down. Where was your fucking god? Your god doesnt ecist thats why this piece of shit cathedral burned like hell. Allah would never let a holy site of islam burn this much. Allah is great

I was again being sarcastic, you autistic fuck

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As is religion.

Lmao, that is why he let his "children" suffer at the hands of ISIS then right? Kys hard pls.

I didn't say anything about religion faggot.

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Im a french muslim and i laughed and cheered with my brothers yesterday. It was a good day for islam

Nvr forget

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Easy there genius, it wasn't an attack on you. Although with your limited brain power I can see how you think it was.

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Sure kiddo. Go suck Erdogan's cock again Koksal.

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> That filename tho


Infallible rebuttal.

Stay mad muh nigger

Says the person resorting to slurs.

We muslims are perfectly safe in france because no guns permitted to the population HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA you cant do shit we takin over you fucking pigs. Allahs call is now

> Says the person getting mad because of a slur that is used all the fucking time on this hellhole of an anime imageboard.

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u go girl


When did I say I was mad? I'm drunk as fuck but not mad.

Ok dude, lets kiss it out then faggot.

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You two are making me uncomfortable

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We should help

How could anyone awaken that which God has put to sleep?

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This is WW3 getting started, faggot and you're on the wrong side of it.

Go back to your country Muhammad, or are you afraid the burned one will be you?

Not helping now will make people want to help more later, like the chicago fire, the london fire, nero's rome, the library of alexandria and various other fires which we all name readily and were victims of

The same allah who been burning your countries down?

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Where was your fucking God when you had to escape your shit hole of a country and go invade another one?

Never underestimate a Europeans savagery. They’ve killed more people then any other culture in history.
That includes the mongols!

One of the priests said most were saved.


Nice pic of Mohammed


am i just too baked or is this thread is like collective roleplay lol or some kind of weird play about an absurd argument

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This one made my day. It actually even matches the style of Soulsborne games.

fdp t'es gay kek

No, this is a giant war about to happen. We can just talk about it with the enemies,in this retarded internet age.


I wish I knew my dood

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lol its bait dude

It will never happen till you will hold white flag as your national flag. In my coutry we have a joke about french ppl.
>WTS WW2 Riffle
>Never used
>Once thrown on the ground

Il faut que la France redevienne la France!

Can we just burn every mosque in Paris?

No one cares about it anyway ,it's just a building

saw this movie once where hitler died in a french movie theater, so they got that going for them.

>a Cathedral burns because of Old Wood and Short Circuit >iTs DeFInetely MUslIm's FAulT Go Back to /pol/

No one ever said that faggot.

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we're catching muslims #3

brother of my friend is working in a bakery in france. It is his 3rd bakery so far because the other two got burnt to the ground...


They need to wake themselves up before it is too late.

Whoops, looks like it's too late.

retard thread

no u

Lots of people care about it. It's older than the written history of burgerland. Fuck any religion, but the building represented the accomplishments of humans who work together for a common goal. If it was Muslims who started the fire, it will be covered up and anybody who accuses the Muslims will immediately be labelled a conspiracy racist. I personally believe it was targeted but can't say for sure it was the scuzzy muzzy

Even if you're cool and edgey and hate religion you'd have to be completely autistic to not understand the significance of Notre Dame.

it was old mate hunch back dude who live up there left the cooker on hes at me nans and fessed up but shes no narc

we all know it was the ottomans

>you'd have to be completely autistic
thats the point normie faggot fuck off with your building fetish go some lick wainscotting

Try to evolve, let religion go. fuck those buildings

Muzzies are just jealous cause our womenz don't have to wear dental dams all the time.

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is that some kind of suffering

Aucun rapport entre l'Islam et l'incendie.
Va plutôt chialer sur Egalité et Réconciliation

Muslim man walk hand in hand while their women have to walk 20 meters behind them lol. It is the ultimate form of hypocrisy


filthy french frogs should tear down that nutte dome & put up a mcdonalds

Sure, Amerimutt

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Muslims didn't do shit

Oui oui et que-es ce que tu gonna do about it?

Adopting Feral cats

Feral cats are the same species as domesticated cats, but raised in the wild and lack human interaction during their development. Genetically, they are the same as any other house cat, but socially, they only learned to interact with other wildlife. Their only concern is survival. If adopted into a household, they attack the other pets, the people and damage many things in the house. It isn't possible to domesticate them after they are adults, as they will be wild animals for the rest of their lives. The only option is to have them euthanized.

Most immigrants to the west come from dysfunctional countries. Theft, corruption, and violence is normal to most of them and is part of their culture. The only culture they know is the dysfunctional culture of their country. They emigrate to another country and bring their dysfunctional culture, bad attitudes and bad behaviour with them. They cannot control themselves, and have no desire to control themselves. Bringing these people into civilized countries is like adopting a feral cat. They are human, but only cause chaos and problems to their adoptive country.


lol french frogs will surrender to a bic lighter

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fuck off you piece of shit globalist. When the reckoning happens, we'll throw you from the helicoptors like the traitors you are, and you'll land with a thud on the pile of muzzie corpses that you so adore. Your self destructive hatred for your own culture is sickening.

Don't worry, we'll come for you, too.

Only the older generation still does that. But yeah that's retarded

I would like people to stop reading or watching the news from one perspective only. If you are a cnn cuck watch the bigoted fox, and vice versa. Usually the truth is somewhere in between.

I will save this for later. Thx

They don't have to wear it at home. So muslim men can oogle your women but you can't do it to theirs cuck

They still do it in saudi arabia. I have seen it dozens of times

jews did it

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T. Butthurt muzzie incel

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Do you guys have any proof or just conspiracy theories.
Who still watches that fake news?

It's fuck all to do with Islam, you dumb Christfag, obviously your God wanted a new big church thing, otherwise it would not have happened, surely?.

Yeah but younger couples don't do that. My grandparents walk like that but my siblings just walk hand in hand with their spouse. Also it's not an islamic rule, it has no basis in quran or hadith. It's just culture

Got the download homie.

Im gonna fap about your mom and there is nothing you can do about it cucklord

Yeah, we really would like to see your wart infested moustache wearing women Amil.

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lol your mom & sis got raped by muzzies


I will lend you my mom's pincet

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We've got uggo's but we have beauties too like every other race. Difference is no one gets to see our beauties except their husbands while your women leave little to the imagination

It was a fire, nothing to do with Islam, you fucking idiot.

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The one your dad used to shoot you up your mom's ass?

This. It's just an excuse for the edgy little boys to get hateful and racist. Half of these cunts probably thought that Quasimodo still lived there until yesterday

Stop with the mental retardation. Fuck the religious aspect too. The building was a feat of engineering when technology was at its infancy. The building represented the accomplishments of humans who work together for a common goal. It was a tourist attraction displaying artwork and culture. Who cares if it was paid for by a church that leached off the poor.

Stay sour m8

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Can you read? Oh wait you are from the Middle-East. Figures. Go neck yourself incest fucker

lol crusaders get BTFO

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The ones that the UK, France and USA bombed shitless?

You wish they could tho my habib

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They’re claiming it was an accident.

Weird that they have been saying that since Monday evening when the fire was still going.

Suspiciously fast conclusion to an investigation when the goddamn building is still on fire...

>It is just culture.
Religion is just culture.
Beheading infidels is just culture.
Not eating pork is just culture.
Torturing muslims is just culture.
Bombing civil targets is just culture.
Molesting children is just culture.
Living a vegan lifestyle is just culture.
Being a fag is just culture.

What the fuck do you want to say by "it is just culture"? About everything is part of some kind of culture, but that doesn't make it better or worse, you retarded shitskin.


Check m lol

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We get it faggot you’re an atheist. You can stop evangelizing now.

Gr8 b8 m8

Both gay et faux

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Another shit oldbuild, knock it down and build something better and non religious

Not sour at all, why do you think that?

Because you touch yourself to trap threads faggot.

Yeah I don't buy that. Someone lit it on fire

> Beauties

Example pls.

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>Muslim invasion
The Midwest United States has been for about a decade, since the lutherans and other charities started shipping in "refugees" from somalia, urging their congressmen to increase integration efforts.
Assimilation into our society was something they asked for.
Our Congressmen responded by calling them racist.
So we elected Trump.
We wanted better integration into our society because many of the refugees do not have to go through the same citizenship process as other immigrants.
We wanted to know that the immigrants know our laws and customs and what is acceptable behavior.
This is how Trump happened if you were curious.
Now that Musilums are there and act like they do you need to EMBRACE your traditions and EDUCATE the immigrants.
This is easily done through the education of their children but can take a while.
Schools are ... ok ... at this but the best education is through media.
Cartoons are a MAJOR french tradition and I would love some great French culture animation.
Best of Luck user.

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Im not from the middle east im in europe faggot. What are you going to do about it. Im here fucking your wimminz and your mom

jews did 911 tho

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Tone it down you fucking faggot.
Beheading has a basis in islamic law just like not eating pork, bombing civilians etc... That other shit you mentioned does not have islamic basis. I'll teach you something, the next time you see a muslilm doing something you don't like how about you look up in quran or hadith if it is sanctioned. If it's not then it's not islam. It's not that difficult

Jokes on you. My mums dead. Btw way I once fucked a girl called Aischa. She was a muzzie and said she loved Aryan cock. I even invited her to a gangbang. Shit was legendary. I think it was one of your cousins habib. Maybe one you are going to marry someday ;^)

You're absolutely retarded if you think only one race has beauties and all the rest uglies. Isn't mia khalifa a really popular pornstar? She ain't even that hot but sure enough you guys like hee

Fuck off stormfag, none of you would care about an old building if it wasn't an opportunity to be racist. Fucking alt-right faggots.

And then everyone clapped

Fuck off shill.

Fuck all Christcuck churches, hope they all burn down with the Christcucks in them.

Exactly, shit was legendary you see.

I think it’s just as likely it was an accident as arson. But if they find signs of arson they are going to cover it up. They obviously already are. You can’t possibly conclude the source of the fire conclusively before the fire is put out.

I have no idea how it works in France especially with a landmark, but in the states the insurance company and the investigators are gonna want more than someones word.

Why do Muslims come from shithole countries? Why do Muslims want to turn the countries they escape to, into shithole countries? How many people do you see escaping to the shithole countries for asylum?


But she aint a muzzie. Or if she is a very naughty one. Maybe she needs to be stoned?

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France should be disarmed.

Angela can protect you with her EU army & rest of the world not fear your Jihadi military training and misplaced nukes.

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can someone explain what does this have to do with muslims?



I don't give a fuck why. Maybe it's because the west got tricked into doing the kike's dirty work and bombed the shit out of their countries so they come here. Try to take jewcock out of your mouth before you talk shit

> Butthurt closet nazi detected.

Go back to /POL/and

Also the place is covered by cctv. I know because I was there a good few years back. If there was any suspicious behaviour, it wad caught on camera. No media has mentioned this so it is already very likely to be omitted to maintain the accident narrative

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Christcucks are a cancer on the world. Even Hitler wanted to get rid of you trash.

Is this the end of times..
Illuminati puppets nwo scum burning down a cathedral landmark? Also no joke I was at Penn station buying a ticket and I had my back turned and some guy in a suit with a brief case turned to me while walking by and said satan in a deep voice towards me almost in my ear and I turned to say excuse me and he already walked away upstairs to 34 street exit.

Muhammad been fucking your ass good then? Keeping his little bitch happy?

Oh namecalling? What a strong argument.
Honestly what business did you have in the middle east? Jews made you their bitches and let you fight for them, even now your citizens need to pay yearly for israel's defense. Blind deaf and mute


Why don't you post that on social media with your name a pic. Tough guy on anonymous board

all kikes should be executed for treason

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Friend see a doctor. Seriously. See a doctor

You're such a muzzie fag. Nobody is talking about the Christ side of this. It's only other muzzie cucks like you who care it was a church. It's about the engineering that civilised humans achieved while muzzles were fucking goats and little boys.

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They bombed themself up with american weapons

Seriously, Yea Forums, what the fuck else needs to happen before Europe and the US have civil wars and kick out all the Muslims and we stop immigration?

This is insane
This shit happens every year in Europe and it's always Muslims
US crime is high from Immigrants as well just from Latinos and not Muslims

Civil Wars/WW3 when?

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Stay mad and stay sucking Erdogans cock Baba Cocksal

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I know I'm crazy right? I sound like a mad man but that shit I swear happened. It was so weird

Allah = want destruction
Real God = want Salvation

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>believes the muslims haven't discovered fire yet

You are one fucking retarded fag aren't ya?

You're a sheep to the liberal social engineering. The weak minded are easy to convince of a single theory without the ability for critical thinking.

Ask yourself in an unbiased way, who could possibly gain the most in whatever form you can imagine, from this tragedy?

Good point actually

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I'd rather suck erdogans cock than the jews because at least erdogan won't fuck us over in the long wrong. But jews are already doing it in your country. First your guns then destroying the white race

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I’m not trolling you man. Seriously it sounds like your having delusions. Please see a doctor.

Do you have a verse that corroborates what you are saying or are you just making it up as you go along

Not delusions

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Not muslims. What would they gain from a burning cathedral that is empty most if the time?

Fine I will but you got to believe me. That happened dude. I'm serious...

I challenge you to make a post without talking about sucking cock.

This is why we should

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All the impressive architectural work is done by Chinese nowadays. Christcucks don't build shit anymore you stupid faggot, you just hire foreigners to make it for you. Kys faggot.

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What's your point?

Yes those rules have islamic basis we can't abandon them. But having your wife walk 3meters behind you is culture not religion

Stop projecting kid. You sound like you're talking about yourself.

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And who tf are you to call other people cucks when your women do this. Blacks and browns are the ones cucking the shit out of you.

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Whites should be race-mixed out of existence because they are too much of a threat to the rest of the world as they have proven time and time again with imperialism, colonialism, etc.

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Doesn't matter.
People coming from other countries never totally give up their culture.

And you have to think, what is the idea that caused that idea to arise in your culture?
SOMETHING lead people to believe in that part of the world that the proper way to act was having 4 wives, forcing them to walk 3 feet behind you etc...

Islam played a part in producing that to some extent

Sure kid

I said in an unbiased way you fucking moron. Your first response was to defend the Muslims. You sir, are not fit to be part of this conversation

Crown was saved


>BBC posting in a thread not even about black people

It's been confirmed


You are the most retarded guy I have ever seen on this board and that's a hard challenge.

>it's been confirmed
>no source

Fuck off you pathetic stormfag.

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>What would they gain from a burning cathedral that is empty most if the time?
>what would an excuse infedel gain from destroying Mecca

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Ok, why is that retard? Historically labour was cheap and materials were expensive. These days labour is expensive and materials are cheap.

Let me think. Where could I find cheap labour??? That's a tough one...

>psychologically awaken the French against the Muslim invasion
people move around. people are people good and bad.
>symbol of the state in which France is
all of france is not on fire but you have some fixing to do.
>I am absolutely devastated
from the loss of a building?
are you in the drama program of your secondary school?

> T. Landwhale

Your first response was to suck Christcucks off you dumb fucking faggot. Stick your Jesus up your ass you fucking queer cuck.


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Could save your life in that case

“They” like em thick


Because whitebois are too lazy to do any work now other than fapping, shitposting on the internet and playing vidya, so hard-working non-white men have to pick up the tab.

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Again 4wifes is islamic, walking 3meters is not.
You know why islam should rule? Because all those islamic rules wouldn't need to be upheld by non muslims. Christians and jews have lived under islamic rule before and they were free to practice their own religion. They could even go to their own courts if they wished. People who don't believe could fornicate and drink alcohol to their hearts content. We only ask that you keep that shit private.
But you Suffecate and suppress anything that doesnt belong to your world view. Always acting like the world police.

Dont need It because I am not even christian but I recognize evil by the acts and words, if you say allah want to burn something its because just want destruction. as opposite the true God wanted that cross, the candles and the altar remain safe. That is a fact, and facts prove reality

Ugh fuck off

Are all atheists this angry? You rage rage as if you have an impacted bowel

Exacly my thougts. Saved for later use.

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You can say niggers user

Nice comeback

Once again, you're the only one talking about Jesus. I know you're gay for Jesus. You want that Jew cock deep inside your muzzy ass. You've had that Jew cock deep and he never called you back. Now you're taking that Muhammad goat shit cum all over your face. Grow the hell up nobody cares about the fucking catholics it's about the engineering that was destroyed

>I am French
No you are not.

This thread needs some talking heads or blood hound gang. good american music

Random but this guy comes from a long line of royal executioners in Saudi Arabia and is basically the only black Saudi arabian. He is teaching his son how to execute to pass it on.


Wow nice argument you sure showed me the error of my ways by forming an irrefutable point. Good job sir

Nah im good. Reasons.

Mecca is filled with muslims all year round. Notre dame is empty most of the time except for tourists. See the difference?

Ok? I challenge to simply not be gay.

I can't deny that. A lot of whites have become fat, weak and controlled by women. It's the only reason that muzzies have places to take them in. Otherwise they would be stuck in their shithole countries dieing bt the millions

>impressive architectural work is done by Chinese nowadays
I disagree.....
I know this is bait but Brands still exist because of the level of chink-factory overseement(?).
A Brands success, in the US anyway, is dependent on how closely they monitor their factories and product quality, if they use chink-labor.
If there isn't much monitoring, they go bankrupt because chinks will do as shitty lazy job as possible.
Are the Chinese aware of the reputation that the "Made in China" label has in the US?

Based and redpilled, but my only caution is that these white alt-right men deserve to suffer under feminism and cuckoldry. These rabid fucks want to kill all non-whites simply for existing. Non-whites should vote for the left to cuck and make the lives of these alt-right shitstains more shit. I hope leftism crushes the balls of every white alt-right Nazi wannabe faggot.

Non-white men should not reach out to these alt-right white faggots and help them achieve traditionalism. They should be helping the left cuck and destroy these rabid racist faggots.

Okay let's say a group of policemen started raping children. Would you say it is in police code of conduct to rape kids and all policemen do it?

Fuck off stormfag, you wouldn't give two shits about it if it weren't an opportunity to talk shit about non-whites. Blow your brains out like your leader Hitler did.

Of they make it part mosque I'll START the next french crusade

>People coming from other countries never totally give up their culture.
My wife is 3rd generation Mexican-American.
This is true.
Though there is some degradation.


Also keep going. Im getting a dopamine rush.

every religion should make a peaceful bon fire out of thier house of worship. its all fake anyway

Ok. Well find a Muslim holy site, that isn’t occupied, burn that motherfucker down, and watch the reaction. You’re being willfully ignorant that Muslims wouldn’t target Notre dame cathedral of all places. That’s fucking retarded. I have no idea if the fire was intentional and don’t give a shit. I’m just saying it would absolutely be a target.

You realize all Muslims don’t all talk to each other and can actually do things as individuals without it being isis correct?

You are welcome dude

>I am not a Christcuck
>But I will furiously defend my shitty religion anyway


Christians really do believe all non-Christians are so retarded they can't see through their act.

Her name is Austin White

>I have no idea if the fire was intentional and don't give a shit
>So I am just going to blame non-white people even though I have no facts

Why do stormfags exist?

It's still a stupid target. They should point their weapons to parlement and the elite that is responsible for this mess. Civilians are just brainwashed by them

Keep posting this every few minutes like you have been throughout this thread.
>fedora tipping intensifies

>They should be helping the left cuck and destroy these rabid racist faggots.
The trick is not throwing all white men under the bus.
My mix kids don't want nazis nor to have their dad cucked.

Thanks user.

Nice dubs.

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>I'm not always butthurt, but when I am, I gonna blame the muslims
Fucking retarded faggots

>obvious troll is obvious

all religion is retarded, Humans have left this planet. people still believe bullshit from flat earthing jews and pedophile sand niggers? if we survive long enough we'll all be grey anyway

Sure kid

Nobody have ever accused muslims of being intelligent.

Post it again


But stormfags are a special kind of stupid. They believe in white purity and white nationalism, but then they go and worship a brown Middle Eastern Jew and get all butthurt when you criticize them.

Stormfags win the Nobel Prize in mental gymnastics and retardation.

>all Muslim are the borg

Why are you talking to yourself samefag?


>real god
How the fuck is this not made up?

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I'm just sad at the loss of a part of history. I couldn't give two shits about who paid to build it or all the people who died in the construction.

The scuzzy muzzies have a pattern of behaviour when they are the dominant religion in an area. They destroy all other religious beliefs and history. Look it up.

The simple fact of the matter is that muzzies are slowly colonising countries (sharia law/ no go zones) and it's very likely that the extreme believers are unhappy with large monuments that disagree with their beliefs.

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Right back at you

Norwegian black metal started burning churches again?

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Why are you still samefagging

Based and redpilled, the fact you alt-right cucks have to watch your precious white race get bred out by black men is beautiful. The only disappointing thing is that you are not watching it from the barbed wire of a concentration camp.

You know Christcucks have the exact same behavior right? Why are you defending one Abrahamic religion over another you brainwashed Christcuck piece of shit?

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Made up or not is besides the point. Im asking is this something that came from that group who has that belief or not.
You can't say pedophilia is legal just because other US laws are also made up

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Are you trying to that pedophilia isnt legal?
What the fuck am I going to do? Im to ugly to go to jail. I dont want to be like Jared Fogle and eat foot longs.

You responding in a disregarding way doesn't invalidate my comment. It just shows that you're too stupid to come up with a logical counter argument. You're embarrassing yourself and you should feel bad

Confirmed retard

Based Pagans burning down Christcuck churches.

Lol you are dumb af kid, u will live a miserable life with your ignorance, this is the world of today, bunch of sissy’s that cry over anything and think that they know anything, fuck off kid, hope a war starts soon so you go directly on the battlefield and die like the useless fuck you are!
Enjoy your day ignorant fuck

Wow, now you showed me!

You do realise that interracial relationships are very uncommon in Europe and can be found more often in the US? You're trying to overstate what is happening to demoralize people.

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Imagine the bullshit they believed and preached when notre dame was built. Science mother fucker

You are welcome danone

Post it again


Post it again

>quickly quickly! The Europeans need to see more interracial shit! If this doesn't normalize faster they won't fuck all these niggers that are being forcefully migrated over! Here you go good goy, some nice interracial porn to get angry about, now get used to seeing it more!

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Based Satan trips BTFOing Christcucks.

Back when the Notre Dam was built, Christcucks were still bathing in animal feces and burning cats and dogs alive for the Black Death.

Post it again

666 hows it get better?

>Hard working
>non-white men


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Tits or GTFO. I know you're either a lesbian or a trap

Post it again

Who would do such a thing, to just go on the internet and lie.

There's no such thing as interracial relationships being common, you fucking zionist paid shill.

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I've seen this exact thread before.
Literally the same conversations going on.
MODS you following this shit?
Looks like a new kind of bot. or a farm.
Man the influence some of you get behind.
I bet New Zeland was cause for your celibration?

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Post it again

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