My asshole is in great pain because of these cuts on it. I dont know what they are from. Anyone else ever have this...

My asshole is in great pain because of these cuts on it. I dont know what they are from. Anyone else ever have this? I need your Doctors opinions!

Attached: F1A0B0DA-8C26-4E1B-9287-10D521E90D66.jpg (802x631, 200K)

Feel free to comment on the perfection of my asshole

People become infested when they swallow tiny pinworm eggs, usually after touching something that a person with pinworms has touched. The eggs travel to the small intestine * and hatch into larvae * . The larvae then migrate to the colon * , where they grow into adult worms. Female adult pinworms emerge from a person's anus * at night to lay their eggs on the skin of the perianal region * . The worms return to the colon, where they usually die, but the eggs can survive for up to 2 weeks outside the human body. If the person scratches around the anus and later touches the lips, it is possible to transfer the eggs from the hands to the mouth, where they are swallowed and begin a new cycle of infestation. Pinworm holes will show around the entrance of the anus, with the appearance like ingrown hairs.

Ew nigga

Its not pinworms

You might have Crohns like me

stop putting things in your ass and blaming it on aliens

Stop wiping so hard.

You have psoriasis in the anus.

Since you wipe with moderate force, you aggravate it.

Unfortunately, your injuries (however small) are constantly in contact with fecal matter, and so have exposed you to all sorts of infections.

These infections result in minor inflammations, which in turn prevent you from ever fully healing.

Now for the bad news:

That white residue is the consequence of a formation a constantly-scabbing injury. It's the body's auto-immune reaction to an expected burden. It heals, despite having no injury, and forms that residue as consequence.

That residue is the first signs of a malignant growth. I'm sorry OP, you have cancer.

Stop using 1 ply bro

Attached: download (1).jpg (300x168, 9K)

HIV, faggot.

>still using toilet paper

Attached: pajeet.png (500x746, 525K)

You're wiping to hard mate. Won't hurt to clean your asshole once in a while.

Use to get those all the time after diarrhea for the constant wiping. Then I found out I was violently intolerant of milk.

Herpes 2 100 percent

>Somavãra, Caitra 26, Saka Era 1941
>still shiting in the streets
>still doing nothing to clean the remaining shit off your ass

Same situation here, however it was not milk intolerance, or wiping too hard, or diarrhea. In fact, it actually just turned out that I wasn't using enough lube with my boyfriend.

Stop shoving things up your ass.

1) Don't wipe so hard
1a) How do you not wipe so hard? Eat some damn vegetables

Holy fuck op that is, technically speaking, a very well executed photo. What camera did you use?any tips for me when I eventually ate a photos of my own asshole?

I set my phone on a tripod, then i put an ipad behind my phone opened w front facing camera so i could see my phones screen behind my phone and move my asshole into position. I used a wireless remote and flash. Im very proud of the crisp quality. I needed to see clearly what the f was making my ass hurt so much abd there is no way to see your ass in a mirror cuz fuck knows i tried

Iphone 8 plus. Takes great asshole photos

>there is no way to see your ass in a mirror cuz fuck knows i tried
Exercise and eat less, fucking land whale.
Still a pretty good photo, though.

The effort you spent trying to take a crystal clear closeup of your own asshole could have been spent seeing a doctor.

See a doctor. Get the cream. Delete the pic. Move on.

You got butthole dandruff, son. You’ll just have to sit tight until they release “head, shoulders & butthole” pun intended.

Why did you post a pic of Obama?

Could actually be anal cancer.
I’m 100% serious.

I can’t wait to see the good people at apple exploit the capabilities of the new Xs camara with butthole dandruff shots.

Your boyfriend needs to use lube.
This is how you get the AIDS

>still believing the hiv/aids myth

Attached: 336.jpg (286x176, 11K)

It’s not a myth hiv is a blood borne pathogen easily transmitted through genital/open wound contact. Have fun with your AIDS, bro.