Argentinian master-race, fags. Name one rapper better than Christian de Lugano. Hint: you can't.
Argentinian master-race, fags. Name one rapper better than Christian de Lugano. Hint: you can't
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Yung dab
"I drink Termidor because I like it. I drink Termidor because I like the flavor. I'm not a dumbass like you, who drinks Frisé". Epic lyrics.
Okay, let's check this shit out
Damn, son. I used to love Tongo. But he lost all humbleness.
>Yung dab
goring as fuck
sounds somehow like 21savage, but 21 definitely better
You are nor white, user
>"You are not white, user"
>Argentina and Uruguay have a higher percentage o white people than the USA
I was in Uru
True Dat
Plus, Uruguay has this amazing vlogger. Tell me this isn't some arian shit.
Real shit? There´s still more black people than in Argentina, though. Also, some people think that there's no poverty in Uruguay. They're way off.
Dunno was never in Argentina
besides I'm not a fucking white trash nazi
so I don't give a fuck how many blacks browns yellows reds or whites are in a country
Big Pun is infinitely better than that hack.
weird al is a better rapper. if you define the value of your race based on rapping then your race isn't worth keeping alive.
>Using nazi as an insult
All rappers are shit you stupid faggot, next question
How many rappers make a cover version of a Pink Floyd song bashing the president of their country?
Also, there are badasses like this dude. A fucking genius.
the content of the rap is invalid, all rap is shit regardless.
>Argentinian master race
There’s a whole bunch of brits occupying your Islas Malvinas who would disagree. So would the rest of South America.
>thinks nazis and neo nazis are the same thing
what a dumbass
I'm actually Uruguayan. But OK. Fair point. The British goverment actually promoted the Islas Malvinas during an event in my country. That was quite amusing.
gotta admit thats a good one, brits are some ugly motherfuckers.
doesn't stop rap from being utter trash
Choose one.
I don't know. I wouldn't say that Kendrick Lamar is as good as Christian de Lugano, but it's still better than pitbull.
Go back to VOXED... You faggot
What if I don't wanna?
nigger tryin' ta learn how to suck out brains
Trap is not rap
Actually Christian de Lugano made a diss track against July3p (another youtuber). That was some gangsta shit.
Also. Apart from the Pink Floyd cover he made a tribute to Joy Division. That's fucking brilliant.