Do any other anons find the vastness of space oddly comforting?

Do any other anons find the vastness of space oddly comforting?
Also chill/comfy thread.

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Never thought of it that way but now that you say it, yeah, kind if is.

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Comforting, yet boring.

I think the universe is incredibly interesting; there is so much mind-blowing shit happening out there right at this moment.

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No. It's creepy and cold and full of unspeakable dangers

Okay McCoy.

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Fucking y e s
Also love me some space sims to just check out space

100% because there's not a lot of visible stars where I live so whenever I get to see them it distances me from the long daily routine

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>it distances me from the long daily routine
I always feel that way too, user.

Earth is flat, and space is fake. You better ask Jesus for ride for when this gay earth is scorched.

scorched by what

Don’t ask questions that no human answers.

My guess is fire.

Maybe I'll ask Jesus for ride

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I often dream that I am floating in space. Very relaxing.

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It’s fake. You will never be astronot.


Do this by believing that He is the Lord, and He has Risen, after He died for humanity’s sin. Then try your best to live with him and love him. No homo you fucking faggots.


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I like to pretend I’m in a desert barefoot.

Exactly haha

you could also chill/be comfy here

Space is fake and gay. It's just a mechanic that the programmers used to trap us on earth.

That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard you trolling faggot.

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Kiddo, you have no idea just how vast it is.

But if you all wanna hear something interesting, then take a seat and listen up...

My name is Felku Desrias. I was born on a small planet, many light years away from here. Your astrologers here on Earth haven't even spotted it yet.

Anyways, I came here to get away from the oppresive regime on my home planet. The Buhvl regime has comquered half the galaxy and have enslaved my people. The few of us that could, hopped on the last remaining ship to anywhere. We expected to die in space. That was until we decided to land on your planet, Earth.

We don't look like you. My people are highly intelligent, but it's becoming increasingly difficult for us to remain hidden. We have created a vast network of underground cities as we have grown. Your planet is actually ruled by a supreme race of aliens known as The Annunki. The are benevolent towards you because they feel pity for your sad lives. Towards us though? They hate us. They don't welcome any foreigners, and they especially hate the fact that we're here without their permission.
The U.S. government entered into a treaty with them in the 1950's. In exchange for technology, the Annunki would be allowed to rule this planet silently.

Your world leaders are all puppets to the Annunki, even if they don't realize it.

My people though? We're hunted like dogs by you humans. Our appearance is grotesque by your standards. We are often mistaken for the legendary creature "Bigfoot". Sometimes we must kill you humans when you venture to close to our entrances. My people have already begun a new plan, one that doesn't involve living here with you savages.

Good luck, humans. In about 200 years, your species will be extinct. Their is a massive fleet of marauders that have their sights on Earth. Your planet is a bread basket for other aliens. Water, Iron, Helium, Zinc, Gold, you name it, and you got it. That's going to be your downfall.


Here you go Yea Forumsros, a photo I caputured and post-processed of M33 - Triangulum Galaxy.

Attached: M33 - Triangulum Galaxy [Triangulum] 2018-11-03.jpg (5142x3422, 1.5M)

>tfw light pollution keeps us from seeing the universe with our own eyes

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If space is fake does that mean the programmers are trapped on earth too? Like what are they keeping from us from? If earth is all there is, the programmers are here also. Where is their garden of eden?

OP here.
Did you really take that yourself, user?
That's fucking breathtaking.

Lots of dark spots around the Earth. Look up a dark spot map, head out there and have a look at the sky. I remember spending a night under the stars in the desert. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Honestly it feels like you’re in a balloon as the sky suddenly feels very “wrapped around”. I don’t know how best to explain it.

Comforting until you realize you're alone.

One of my favorite xkcd comics.

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without light pollution the night sky feels so deep

That always bums me out too.

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It really is, it makes you think no matter how much shit happens, in relation to everything that exists it is totally irrelevant. The day when the earth gets vaporized by the sun and our entire earth history is wiped away, it will be so incredibly inconsequential

Yeah, I love astrophotography. That photo was taken in Death Valley.

I know there's places you can go but I'm a neet with no money.
At least I live far from any big cities now.

This is some gay nihilistic shit.
The fact that we're here make the planet earth infinitely more important than anything else we've seen in the universe.

Here is a comet I captured last summer.

Attached: 21P Comet Giacobini-Zinner 2018-09-09.jpg (4916x3237, 1.22M)

>The fact that we're here make the planet earth infinitely more important than anything else we've seen in the universe
This is coming from you, a human; that seems pretty biased to me.

Calm down, Lovecraft.

>This is coming from you

As opposed to some random ass star/planet that can't speak and has no thoughts or feelings?

Infinitely more important to whom? Us, the only ones to be able to consider it “important”?

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Put it back.
>free the comet

No, I'm just saying that it is much more likely that our existence is inconsequential than it makes our planet "infinitely more important than anything else we've seen in the universe".

True it is, It doesn't mean I don't love what I have though, pets family whatnot or that I don't enjoy what earth has, just in the end it's of no consequence

Yeah that's correct. What are you dumb

Not comforting, just cool af

>Us, the only ones to be able to consider it “important”?

Well since we're the only ones we know of that can even conceive the concept of "importance", yes I'd say that makes us the most important.

Better res?

Just reverse image search and I'm sure you'll find a better res one.

Attached: Orion.jpg (800x1233, 239K)

Here's M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula (the outer shell of a dead star).

Opps, helps to post the photo.

Attached: M27 - Dumbbell Nebula [Vulpecula] 2018-08-19.jpg (4718x3121, 1.18M)

>doesn't mean I don't love what I have
This is what makes earth more important than anything else we know of in the universe.

You think a planet cares when a massive asteroid crashes into it and fucks it up?
No, it's essentially a giant rock, it has no thoughts or emotions.
It's like saying a baby's head getting caved in is just as "inconsequential" as an ant getting squashed.

I see your point, but I think you may have missed ours; I think we're all disjointed here.

1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ants being around doesn't make that baby any less important

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> what's
it all mean?

We should turn mars into another oasis. It's so close (relatively).

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I hope we can do it in y lifetime.
We have the capability.