tard story i got one
Tard story i got one
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I did something fucking stupid an hour ago. I'll type it out now
Still waiting faggot
I´m waiting, user.
Was it deciding to post this suck-ass nothing thread, you unspeakable turbonigger?
The only Tard here is OP for lying about having a Tard story
tard story i got none
OP here keep the post bumped i'm still typing it
imagine typing a tard story for 45 minutes.
Stfu u stupid tard
type faster nigger
I want tard stories, tard stories about spiderman
Were waiting
Hurry up tard
>Be me
>Browsing Yea Forums bc I’m bored
>See Tard spastically typing on keyboard
>”HHhhhhhHey guiez! I gutta Tard tory fuh yew”
>Guess I’ll humor him
>We wait
>And Wait
>Finally decide to ask him “What gives”
>Gets mad
>Flaps arms spuratically
>Waiting some more
>Fucker still sits there doing nothing but giggling and flailing his arms
>These tards, man
long story short. girl broke her eye socket
OP here
Forget the story, the ending is this; I sucked a dick
Should I suck more dicks or just stay a virgin at 22?
long story short
OP is literally retarded
Fucking retard, what a terrible fucking thread. I hope the Jannies can this piece of shit.
OP can suck cock and get cancer
Fuck you and fuck your mothers, cry about it niggers lmao