Are the Nike Air Force 1 nigger-tier shoes? Because I'm thinking of buying a pair...

Are the Nike Air Force 1 nigger-tier shoes? Because I'm thinking of buying a pair. Feel free to post other shoes you think are cooler. I'm open to ideas.

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youll find out if a pack of afro-americans take them from you

If you are a cuck, then Nike is PERFECT for you.

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i wore this as a teen in school as a britfag we wear black af1 with our school uniforms was top tier the thing you have to remember about af1s is they look amazing but are fucking terrible shoes they crease like shit you have to do a bunch of shit just to keep them decent like iron the creases out with a wet towel get them half a size smaller so they dont cave in so much add a thick sock around your feet with you put them in to stop creasing its a lot of fucking hassle but if you love that i say go for it dude also wash them with a toothbrush

he never cut dick off just saying

what size feet do you have out of curiosity because af1 look shit if you are over size 10 look like fucking clown feet

>buying Nike
You are already a nigger.

caring about your shoes is what's nigger-tier, nigger

What about this color?

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why not british knights

the high top air force ones are the move if you’re going for them.

Top tier would be jordan retro 11's

Clean as fuck and black women cant resist white men in them

they honestly are shit

adidas sambas.

>spending and undue amount of time and care over a pair of sneakers
You must be a british nigger

best shoes ever made. Don't be a nigger, keep them white. Get them low and white. Every other color is nigger tier.

All Nike’s are. Be a white man and purchase comfy new balance shoes.

Get a fuckin pair of comme de garcons converse. goat has pairs for sale. Don't waste the 90$ on those shoes. There are far better alternatives that I guarantee will have people complimenting them.

Which fuckin set. You better now show me those ugly dad shoes I see almost every over weight dad wear.

get mids bitch

AF1 are one of the most uncomfortable shoes going around today.

That hard heel scraping you each time that stiff as fuck body bashes around when you walk will give you blisters. Its a bulky unaesthetic relic last popular in the early 2000s.

dont get low white ones because literally everyone has at least 7 pairs if them, go for one with like a different coloured tick or something because then you will stand out a little while keeping the main aesthetic the same

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Jordans are shit teir shoes unless its a 1 they all look futuristic as fuck

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