Jennifer Lunn

Jennifer Lunn
Dumping what I have

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holy shit what an ass, perfect fuckmeat

This is it boys. I know there's more of this slut out there somewhere...

would assfuck her until she cried/10

She likes taking it up the ass. I've dropped many loads in her asshole.

noice. what's the nastiest shit she's let you do to her? she looks like the kind that needs to be degraded to get off

She likes to be choked out, hit, and spit on. Thumbs up her ass while you fuck her. ATM if she's drunk enough. If she's on coke she'll pretty much do anything. Basically just a cum dumpster for anyone willing to deal with her crazy shit.

hot. exactly the kind of shit I imagined she's clearly an eager slut. she ever let you fist her? she looks like the kind of slut who would let a fist in her with some coaxing

No but I don't think much coaxing would be in order.

her snap is doexeyedxbambi if I remember correctly and she's very responsive

Yeah you're right she doesn't need much for that. Feeling her squirm on my wrist while calling me daddy was pretty hot

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Don't really have a lot because she didn't send me many pictures. We mostly met up at my place. Never thought I'd see her on Yea Forums lol

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She fucks a lot of dudes in the Houston area. She's bound to end up on here.

you got any more bro?

She gets destroyed by dudes. She dresses like such a hot little slut that when I would see her I wouldn't even let her get undressed. One time I forced my cock in her ass right as she came in and she asked me to wait. I slapped her across the face and told her to move her fucking hips. I've never seen a girl so eagerly humping a cock

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For real hahahaha she dresses up like she wants to get raped like short skirts all the time and wanting cock 24/7

Where does a Houston gentleman need to hang out to meet this lovely piece of fuckmeat?

She goes to the Denny's in Cypress a lot with her fat retarded friend

All that was nice but she plays a lot of games. One day she just ghosted me and I never heard from her again. After a nice weekend of kinky fucking too, just gone. Blocked me on everything, no reason given. Hours before hand she was calling me daddy and jerking me off while we were cuddling, talking about the future and then just gone. I've met a nice girl since then who lets me do nasty things to her. I had forgotten about Jennifer until seeing this thread

Probably because she might have a boyfriend. To be totally honest, dude, you dodged a bullet. You don't want a future with her. She's broken and pretty much just good to get your dick wet.

recent pics. she looks haggard as fuck lol glad i hit that when she was at her peak

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That's sad really, she can be a pretty great girl really. There were some fun times that weren't just fucking, I really wanted the future she talked about us having. I really do hope she finds whatever she's looking for before it's too late for her. You can do whatever you want with the pictures, after seeing this thread and the similar negative vibe she spreads I don't think I want them anymore. She's really hot but if I'm being honest it just reminds me of how much she hurt me to look at her. I hope you heal too user

It's already too late for her, user. You can't turn a whore into a lady.

Maybe but honestly that's her problem to do with and no one else's. I contemplated sharing those three photos and some other stuff I had before too, those three are the only ones that survived a purging. I didn't even know she was a blonde now, I don't think I really wanted to know that she's a blonde now. You clearly know a lot about her like where she goes and even how to get recent pictures of her. I was in a similar mindset after she broke my heart and probably would have done what you're doing now at the time. After the purge and finding a new girl I feel more at peace, this thread really just reminds me of how bad of a space thinking about her puts me in. No offense user but I don't think I want to become someone who still checks on this person even after all this time. I really do you heal from whatever happened with you two. I think this has really helped me move on. It feels reliving.

Being a whore isn't just her problem, user. She can't just go around cheating on and ghosting people free of consequence.

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ITT Assblasted exes who can't let go

Great ass tho, I'd be salty too. Not this pathetic and still attached but still salty. Have any of you fags even talked to this bitch within the last six months?

thanks for the bump, moralfag

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So it's been more than six months then. Have you even spoken to this bitch within the last year? I don't give a shit if some slut gets her pictures posted and I'll be fapping to this bitch later but these kind of threads are always pathetic. You fags are talking about her cheating and ghosted and basically helping each other cry wank. How old are any of these pictures even? When was the last time this person even spoke to you? I'd probably cheat and ghost on you fags too if I were a hoe. I have friends that are total beta orbiters and I can totally see them doing this shit if one of their only girlfriends was stupid enough to give them nudes instead of cheating on them with me. Post more, she's got a nice ass but this thread alone tells me all I need to know about why none of you fags aren't still tapping that ass lmao


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lmao you can't even stand up for yourself on Yea Forums of all places and you wonder why you can't get a 6/10 to stay loyal or not ghost on you? She's definitely a dumb bitch for having such shit taste in people but being the type some dumb whore is attracted to isn't really a good thing. You fags keep crying over average whores with marginally nice asses, just so long as you keep posting her. I just had to inform all you after reading this thread that the reasons you fags are on here posting her pics and not still nutting in her is pretty obvious. I'll let you get back to feeling you're le epic maymay bee tard owning the moralfags instead of just genuinely being pathetic and still attached if you keep posting more.

Level with me though, since you still haven't answered. Have you even spoken to her within the last two years? Huge sign of why you're here and not here if so

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You sound angry. Are you angry, user?

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lmao so it's been over two years? Sad. I don't even keep pictures of a slut, they're so disposable and bitches like OP's girl are dime a dozen so it's not like more won't snap me some more. You fags keep gassing up this average slut, if this is really what you consider such a hot bitch that you need to obsess over her this much then go nuts. Just don't shit up the threads of her pics with your emotional baggage no one cares about

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Cool story, bro

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lmao that picture suits you. Over two years then and trying to play it off like you aren't sad. Have you atleast spoken to her within the last five years? Don't tell me you're that sad user. A burnout whore is pathetic but the sad sap who obsesses over a burnout whore years later is just as sad. Thanks for the pics though. Gonna fap to these and imagine being the guy she cheats on her boyfriends with. With all the butthurt in this thread I can tell that this is clearly the hottest girl you fags have fucked. Here's a slight upgrade for you fags to fap too, if all these passable pics of 6 is this great for you then this is all you'll need of a solid 8

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You just sound like a white knighting incel, bro. You're not a tough guy.

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>He thinks someone calling him a loser for being obsessed with a tired whore faced skank is a white knight
>Le incel maymay
>He's talking shit on Yea Forums he must think he's a tough guy
Level me me man, is this chick even of age? You kind of seem like a little bitch, you can't even answer a basic question of when you last spoke to this slut you're obsessing over and I can't really imagine you being more than 18.


It's cute that you think I owe you something. Keep bumping the thread tho, faggot.

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It's more cute that you're being smug and can't see how much of an immense fag you are. I'm going with it's been over 5 years and you're still so hung up on this bitch that you'd drop everything to be with her again if she called you right now. Keep being smug while you're engaging in light cuck play of sharing her with anonymous strangers on Yea Forums. I don't mind bumping the thread, I know you cucks get off on this sort of thing and like I said I enjoy the ass pics. I can see how you two must have started dating though, a broken whore and a Yea Forums cuck can probably pretend that they both won't die alone even if it won't work. I'll let you get back to thinking you're some kind of badass jerking off to this slut, you clearly don't want to admit that you're just as sad as her and who am I to ruin that for you

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