This is symbolic of the muslims taking over France and Europe

This is symbolic of the muslims taking over France and Europe

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Churches don't usually burn down by accident, #1 is arson, #2 is carpet bombing by allied airforce and #3 is accident

church was under repairs so it was most likely a construction accident.

"french" crew with blacks and arabs, it was not a fucking accident

Islam is the least of European problems. The politicians and degenerate population is the real problem. Then there's the question on what a certain ethnic group has been up to...

Jesus you are a fucktard. Might want to wait until there is at least a sliver of proof to what you are saying. You really are terrified of the browns aren't you. Don't worry, overlord trump will save you from the dangerous muslims.

>main stream media when government statistics show certain immigrant groups are over-represented over 40 000% in rape

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Was it still open to the public for tours and what not??

>Might want to wait until there is at least a sliver of proof to what you are saying.
top kek
>can survive the nazis
>can't survive "nouveau" frenchie repair crew

>muslim celebration and bait threads and posts are being spammed all over Yea Forums

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>angry chriscucks can’t handle the idea that their precious building got burned by a bunch of drunk worker frogs

Allahu akhbar, fellow Muslim.
Soon, brother, the decadent ways of the infidels will stop, as the new order takes place.

That's what you get when you let in people from north Africa AND the shithole nation of Pakistan. Though I don't what's worse Pakistan or India.

Threads about Muslims having anything at all about this is a symptom of psyop paid shills

>Plagiarizing Sun Tzu
Also, if true, will make the thing with the Romans and the Temple look like small deal when we get around to it

>south american commie pope pushes unchecked immigration into europe
>mfw your pets burn down your own house

Attached: Keks from Forests Unknown.jpg (1024x484, 86K)

m'ashallah brother

Let me guess, when it turns out sandniggers did it you'll just find a way to blame white people

Would not say Muslims..
Follow my sight

My bet is on arson and muslims

>Workers consisted of African, Indians, and Muslims
>Happens during Catholics Holy Week