The American Psycological Association says "Many transgender people do not experience their gender as distressing or...

The American Psycological Association says "Many transgender people do not experience their gender as distressing or disabling, which implies that identifying as transgender does not constitute a mental disorder. "

A transwoman is not mentally ill. What the experts say is far more valid than you saying "hurrr trannies are mentally ill"

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cant wait for the mental gymnastics. All the "hurr mental illness" shit was because they kept citing outdated medical studies. What are they gonna pull out their ass now?

Then why do 40% of them kill themselves?

From the same source

'According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), people who experience intense, persistent gender incongruence can be given the diagnosis of "gender dysphoria."'

Nice try cherry-picking but your faggotry is still considered abnormal in the catalog of mental illnesses

Can’t be at all because abusive parents and/or people who want to kill them, surely

Because society is full of pieces of shit who cant keep their ignorant conceit yo themselves. Relentless bullying and discrimination against trans people is why, basically. You'd wanna kill yourself too if people gave you venom for looking different every single day of your life.

it's a mental illness because because "being a ___ trapped in a ___'s body" is definitely a health condition that they have to deal with. It isn't physical in the sense that, say, intersexuality is. It is mental.


This thread again?

>people who experience intense, persistent gender incongruence
Funny how you talk about cherry picking and then you come with just that. Tell me, brainlett, do you even know what that highlighted part means? Do you really understand what YOU cherry picked there?

Mental illness is a thing

>american psychological association
a bunch of subversive faggot jews who pull at the threads if civilization until there is nothing. The jew worships nothing which is why they have no qualms using people through usury and the like. This disgusting degeneracyhad reared its head many times throughout history and each time has been extinguished. It will be extinguished once again and all these faggots, perverts, transvestites and pedophiles will be punished severely for their disgusting perversions.

One of the most basic functions of any lifeform is reproduction. Anything which obstructs this drive is clearly a medical disorder.

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Most trans dont identify in that way though. You're fucking dumb to apply gender dysphoria to a large group of people whom you dont even know a single individual. Talk about ignorant

Because the other 60% don't have the balls (quite literally, in some cases.)

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Going to work must be a mental disorder by your defitnion. It obstructs reproduction by taking up all your time and killing all your energy. Retard.

I mean you are the one implying I don't know any trans people. That is certainly ignorant of you. I go to a college full of them, have had plenty of conversations that were more or less just me hearing their stories. I'm not demonizing trans-people in any way by saying that a lot of them struggle with themselves

Great argument, you really rekt those libtards with facts and logic

I have a gay friend who thinks trannys are a fucking abomination. He likes sucking dick but he wants a kid one day.

only a mentally ill person would self harm themselves

There's a difference between a physical illness and a physical abnormality, just as there's a difference between a mental illness and a mental abnormality. Just because something is health related doesn't mean it's an illness.

>the logic of the mentally ill

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alright that's cool, user but what does any of this have to deal with me

He is talking about internal factors, you are talking about external (also you can meet others to reproduce with at work so)

Nice anecdote. You're still retarded, plus I dont believe you. Gender dysphoria is a very specific and rare thing. The majority of trans people dont identify as a female stuck in a male body. They identify as a male who transitioned (or is in the process of) into becoming a female. That isnt dysphoria you utter retard.

it's a mental disorder.. justifying eradicating these faggots

> Ignore basic Biology
Gas yourself

What you do with your body is your choice. Don't expect everyone else to entertain your delusions.

And yes, when macho-man tranny savage looking rejects waltz into a women's changing room, women are going to be repulsed by it and feel unsafe.

Here's the cheat sheet for trannies: You are gay. The only men who will fuck you after you transition will be gays and deep closet gays. Straight men don't like larping idiots. The straight men that do go for you will be bottom of the barrel failures because they failed at actually getting the real thing (they would drop you like a rock for actual pussy).

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Just using his logic actually. Why post a selfie btw?

So not being able to afford twelve kids is a medical disorder?

If you think going to work is similar to chopping your balls off, there's no hope for you. Not that there ever was anyway.

Join the 40%, you filthy degenerate.

I agree

Euthanize incels and those who save themselves for marriage too while your at it

Ooh, get her!

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And yet they claim men are

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They don't have a vagina, males have one Y chromosome and one X chromosome, while females have two X chromosomes. In mammals, the Y chromosome contains a gene, SRY, which triggers embryonic development as a male. Anyone who "transitioned" is lying to themselves, and people like you are pushing society to turn a blind eye to such dissonance

No, you fucking retard.

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>gets demonstrated why his logic is fucking retarded
>attacks with ad hom
Wow you sure showed me!

>Anything which obstructs this drive is clearly a medical disorder

Not being able to afford another kid obstructs this drive. Lots of things which clearly aren't medical disorders do. Menopause is a health-related example. Point being that your logic is shitty.

You wouldn't know logic if it was rammed up your ass with all those cocks.

>poor people don't have a sex drive
This is your brain on transgenderism.

Third party here to reiterate that you are comparing internal and external obstructions

Amazing. Nobody denyied the biological differences between men and women. Transitioning from male to (fe)male isnt about denying biological differences in any case. You fucking retard. It's about transforming your body into something more than just what you were stuck born with. The amount of mental gymnastics you retards throw ahead in order to justify denying and ignoring this reality is quite something.

Ok. what rights are being taken away or not given? this is a question to all lgtbqxyz/trans/etc.
seriously what the fuck are you protesting about?
is your right to vote taken away?
is your right to get a job/schooling being taken away? (we are not counting PRIVATE citizens who own a particular business or cater to a majority or minority cause it's private. PRIVATE. they can do whatever they want).

about the only i do agree is that the state and federal government should have zero say in who you marry. what the fuck does it matter?

Even if it was not considered a mental illnes nobody would care, normally people dont like trans people because they are stupid enough to waste thousands of dollars in order to look like the other gender and then start crying when someone says something mean on twitter to them, or they will start complaining about wanting their money and genitals back

Your source actually tells that it is in fact considered a mental illness, fuck you

Also those so called ¨trans right¨ are the same right that every one haves, but in this case is like giving a clownfish human rights

When did I say that poor people don't have a sex drive?

preface: I think transgenderism is a mental illness,
but I believe what they are trying to achieve is more widespread social acceptance. A good reason why is this 40% suicide rate we like to throw around. It's likely that a good chunk of that is due to social pressure and stigmatization. Just playing devil's advocate here.

Seems culturally transmitted. Or a mix of taht and significant events that psychologically affected the person.

Well I think what I'm getting at is that there are higher considerations in life than just having children; there are plenty of external barriers to reproduction, and people often choose to not just endlessly shit out babies. That doesn't mean they have mental disorders, why would "it means they don't reproduce" be the standard for a disorder ?

he was talking about the reproductive drive, not the circumstances of reproduction, as any non-fuckwit can see

Daily reminder that the APA is shit and hates men.

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>not disabling
Is this why they want to kill themselves over being called the wrong pronoun?

All trans have serious mental issues no wonder 45% commits suicide. I have dated a few trannies and they're all fucking crazy. Especially the ones that cut off their junk to have a open wound for a pussy

Because cutting off body parts is perfectly normal.

Honk Honk

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I don't believe gender is entirely separate from biology. There are some socially imprinted bullshit things like blue vs pink or something like that, but say for example gender roles: men are supposed to be "tough" and women are supposed to be "caretakers for children". This comes back to biology. Women are pretty much out for the count for a period during pregnancy and shortly after birth (during which they would/do breastfeed the child). While this is going on, you have men, who are physically stronger, and were tasked with the more physically demanding chores. Biology largely begets gender.


experts said cutting off your dick and pretending your a woman is normal and not ill

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damn b, imagine living in a world where the desire to mutilate your own body is not seen as a problem

self preservative drive is not real they are 100% normal


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and then realising what a faggot they are and commit seppuku

Holy shit, you burned him! You really burned him!
You ought to do stand up. Have you thought about trying out some open mikes?
>why post a selfie?
Fucking classic. I’m still giggling.

>Transitioning from male to (fe)male
>others are doing mental gymnastics
Good luck with that (ar)gument

Imagine being so retarded that you think fucking up a body's natural systems and getting cosmetic surgery is better than solving a mental health issue that could be curb stomped with better research.

We should be helping them through their illness, not encouraging it

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social acceptance? the fuck is that? really. what is so important about that? all this protesting/crying/etc is literally this:
a parent with a child. the child draws something and says 'look at me/look what i did'
the parent acknowledges him/her and the drawing and gives praise or constructive criticism and the child is happy/gets a treat (kiss/hug/or something). the child grows/learns and goes away.

the second is (what is happening now/has been happening):
the child comes up and goes 'look! look!'
parents acknowledge and give praise/criticism and give 'treat'.
but the child stays there and keeps on saying 'look! Look! look at me! LOOK!'
and keeps on, and on until parent(s) say enough, then the child cries and cries and cries. and goes back to saying 'look! LOOK!' up until the parent(s) get angry/upset and says go away.

at that point the media and all the lgbtqxyz/trans/etc say that society (parents) are evil and wrong for not acknowledging them.

for fuck sake.

>fucking up a body's natural systems and getting cosmetic surgery is better than solving a mental health issue
Liberals encourage this and want you to pay for it too.

No one goes to work 24/7 and what if your job was sexworker then you could still reproduce

I'll skin you alive to prove you wrong nigger

Kill yourself mentally ill faggot. Trannies are mentally ill. Men are men and women are women, nobody cares about your delusion

Actual trans person here.
I don't get it. What's all the discussions about, what's all the hate for? Why does it concern people what others (want to) look like, unless it affects their own lives?
All other trans people I met, and myself, agree that we all just want to get a chance to live a happy life. Some people are born with bodies they're content with, others aren't, which accounts for a lot of traits. Some want to lose weight, some happen to feel more comfortable adjusting their body to a different gender. Either way, it's their choice, they have to consider if they're happy with it themselves. In my experience, most that go up against trans people don't even know why, they just spurt out what they heard from others and/or believe to be the "normal" viewpoint (men in particular always seem kinda afraid of being affiliated with anything considered gay). Personally, I deem thinking for yourself a higher value, and find it said to see how few seem to be capable of it - one would think humanity developed into a better society.
But in any case: Live and let live. That's all we ask for.

Nice anecdote. You're still retarded, plus I dont believe you.

Comparing getting in shape and cutting your dick off is quite the stretch dont you think?

ok, lets try a game? This once and for all proves its a mental issue.

Are they biologically the sex they claim association with? NO move to next step

Do they have to have surgery to look like they sex they claim association with? Yes move on to next step

Do their chromosomes and DNA match the sex they claim association with? No move on to next step.

Are all of the things they claim to be true only true because they believe them in their mind? Are there any deciding factors other than what they "feel" inside that make them what they claim to be? See the issue I have with all of this nonsense is most of the people that suffer from this are doing so because of something traumatic when they were a child and the answer has now shifted from lets find the root cause of the feeling and address it and hope to solve it to. " EVERYONE MUST BELIEVE THEY ARE WHAT THEY SAY THEY ARE OR YOU'RE A BIGOT"

We don't tell a schizophrenic that yes the tv is out to get him and then have everyone around him pretend along with him that the tv is out to get him?

Transgenderism is the only mental issue we try solve by hiding the root cause and telling everyone else its normal behavior.

>Actual trans person here
Actual unicorn here. Protip: neither of us exist.

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Many flat-earthers don't experience their beliefs as distressing or disabling. But they're still fucking loonies.
>inb4 the earth really is flat

at what age were you first molested?

You know what, you're totally right. Let's let depressed people kill themselves. Let's tell narcissists that everyone else is at fault. Let's pretend that we see and hear what schizophrenics are hallucinating.

Yeah, we can try to do research to help them with their mental state. But that would be *insert*phobic and its easier to let them live out their fantasies.

But it is.

you are in the minority of 'lie and let live' because the population (talking about the US) here is sick and tired of all this agenda pushing bullshit. all these 'rights'. we simply do NOT CARE. if you're happy and doesn't affect me. so what. but if you're constantly in the media/youtube/etc crying about 'we need special restroom/we need special rights/special rights in sports/etc' we will have an opinion on it or ignore it, or sometimes get angry about it and talk our mind (and obviously a shitstorm of media and crying will happen).

Well, it's the internet, you're free to believe whatever you want. Just don't force your opinion on others, will you? (protip: you'll do it anyway)
So here's a (You), but that's it. I said what was to say. If people are gonna be ignorant about it anyway no use trying to push it further. I can sleep well knowing that most of them will wake up one day.

So trans people aren't normal. Gotcha.

I don't care what trans people do, but arguing that they don't "feel" that it is distressing or disturbing doesn't mean it isn't a mental illness.

There are guys who fuck the tailpipes of cars, and pedophiles who fuck children, and degenerates who do all kinds of shit that "do not experience their (enter weird fetish/illness/degeneracy here) as disabling or distressing"

Does that mean they aren't mentally ill? Lots of psychotic people or undiagnosed schizoprenic's don't think they're crazy either, does that mean they aren't mentally ill?

Observable distress/disability is not the single tenant of mental handicap. Mental disorders are one or many whacked out cognitive function. One may not realize how fucked they are or may convince themselves that what they're experiencing is not a warped facsimilie of typical brain function. People are complex. There's still so much to research

Trans "things" need severe mental screening and isolation from the general public. The most be locked up in mental asylums to stem the spread of this horrific disease

The trannies have an elevated rate of suicide that's a fact.

It's not just arbitrary they are killing themselves for a reasonable.

Its usually post op ones too because they finally achieves their goal of fully transitioning and yet they still feel bad because they thought changing their physical would fix their emotional/ mental state and they cant reconcile that it simply doesn't.

Reminder that the APA thinks that traditional masculinity is a defect. Reminder that APA hates men

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Exactly. Jeffrey Dahmer likely didn't feel disabled or in distress when he was eating human brains. But I've yet to see a single person argue for his sanity. Asking a crazy person if they feel crazy isn't going to get you a reasonable answer.

No because reasons



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Stupid nigger

making these valid points HERE, though, is completely nuts

do you ask an insane person if there is anything wrong with them?


fucking retards

It doesn't matter whether they're "mentally ill" or not. The problem is these people using it as a slur don't even know what mental illness means and are in most cases affected by schizophrenia, antisocial personality disorder and many more issues.
Stigmatization against mental health problems needs to end and health care for all be established.


We should celebrate the Let's Beat The Queers day! :D

neither do a lot of psychotic people u dumb fuck

Also, seems like a strange thing to say about a group with a 40+% suicide rate...

>protip: you'll do it anyway
Protip: you did it before I did.
>I can sleep well knowing that most of them will wake up one day
Well, I guess that's just one more delusion for your collection.

What about that one tran bitch that hacked two people in a gas station?
That's not mental illness?



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What about what Bill nye said about tran people being ice cream...or something.

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Thats mentally ill but not related to him being trans you monkey fucking slum cricket

the ones who are really mentally ill are the ones who think plastic surgery and hormone therapy is a legit way to change your gender or sex or whatever the fuck you're calling it now

>We don't tell a schizophrenic that yes the tv is out to get him and then have everyone around him pretend along with him that the tv is out to get him?
>Transgenderism is the only mental issue we try solve by hiding the root cause and telling everyone else its normal behavior.

Well, there is religion....

So you finally admit that it's a choice. Thanks faggot.

"Live and let live" works for me.

nobody cares, stop shoving your weird fetish in our faces and go back to posting your hourly circlejerk trap threads.
you are not and never will be real women, just accept your lot in life and let delusional fags fap to your nudes.

>It isn't physical in the sense that, say, intersexuality
Expect for the observed physical neurological differences that could be described as epigenetic instersexuality ;^)

>Many transgender people do not experience their gender as distressing or disabling
So if a portion of people would see nothing wrong with antisemitsm then that means it is okay.

There are cannibalistic tribes in Papau New Guinea who do not experience their practices as distressing or disabling.

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Get the fuck off my Yea Forums.

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Based af

>Get fired, kicked out of housing, and refused nessesary services just because they're a tranny
If this were about white people hetti g fired and kicked don't of housing just for being white this board would be losing their shit freaking out and crying reverse Holocaust.

Fucking yikes that burns

Face it faggots, you can never be a women no matter what. Might as well just join the 40% ;)

Hope you get shot up at those gay parades everyone hates but faggots like you love

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>The American Psycological Association
They aren't an authority.

If you claim to be a woman when you have Y chromosomes, you are mentally deficient. /thread


TEsting 123

Lol, imagine thinking the APA isnt an authority.

You know nothing if genetics and it shows. You know its not only xx and my right? It can be xxy xxx xxxx or hell even xx where the Male region of y is transposed resulting in a genetic "female" that has a penis. Go do like 30 secs of research you mongrel. Source: biology degree

Nah, just hicks and rednecks. Stay mad kid

APA bases its statements on academically approved papers from Feminist Academia much like the academically approved Mein Keimpf rewrite from a Feminist standpoint of glorification, so you are gonna have to work harder on trying to pose someone as an expert OP.



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So their expert opinion means nothing unless it falls in line with your opinion. How "open minded"

Reminder that the APA hates men and their approach to helping men is a joke.

Why should you take this opinion as fact when their others are retarded?

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Is this a subtle trap thread? I wouldn't mind seeing some trap benis.

Support has a huge impact on the suicide rate
>Inb4 "me no like source!"
Not an argument, it's a collection of linked research that you can follow to the source.

It's hilarious how this number keeps changing every other time someone mentions it.
You have no idea what you're talking about, you haven't read the research, you're just repeating some meme you heard secondhand.

>We shouldn't let depressed people kill themselves!
>But we should let trannies kill themsleve if the alternative triggers me!

>stem the spread of this horrific disease
>Get the trannies away from me before either catch the gay!

>A transwoman is not mentally ill. What the experts say is far more valid than you saying "hurrr trannies are mentally ill"
If they're not ill they don't need treatment.

>Support has a huge impact on the suicide rate
No shit. Supplying attention to narcissists makes them feel validated. Take it away, and they will try ever-more drastic attempts to get attention (up to and including suicide). It's classic pathological behaviour.

>Its usually post op ones too
[[[Citation Needed]]]
Nice attempt to slip in a lie, hoping no one will know the facts and will just circle-jerk with you.

>APA thinks that traditional masculinity is a defect
[Citation Needed]

Let's increase the suicide rate to 100%!!!!!!!!

Be whatever you like but don't annoy people about it.
And if you're in EU you're shit out of luck, those guys have a real hard-on about the topic.

>No I don't mean literal narscassistic personality disorder, I'm just using it as a buzzword for people who want things I don't like
Lol brainlet
Nice attempt to conflate family support
with a never ending need for attention but you played your hand getting to specific with
>Take it away, and they will try ever-more drastic attempts to get attention
because I can now say [Citation Needed] and we both know your only source is your feels.

These kids are vastly more likely to kill themselves if rejected by friends and family but can approach normal rates with support and you want to just blame the kids and deny them help based on some pseudo-philosophical excuse that it's wrong-help according to your feels. Newsflash, medical treatments are based on efficacy.

>being this triggered
Calm down, don't get your knickers in a twist.

If trannies aren't attention-seeking narcissists, then why are they all over Yea Forums (and the media in general?) After all, they're a negligibly small fraction of the population.

Fucking weirdos should all kill themselves

There is a huge difference between losing weight and the trans movement. You've just compared changing ones body to gain happiness to exercising to be happy. It makes sense. The problem however lies with the trans groups who act in more of a "fat acceptance" type movement. They want the approval of society in order to avoid having to put in the effort (exercise), thus they push changes on society and want said society to conform to them. Being trans and expecting society to cater towards you is like being morbidly obese and expecting a plane to have extra large seats ready for you. Not all trans people have this mentality but the ones who do speak the loudest and it gives other trans people a bad rep.

>hurrr trannies are mentally ill

I don't mean to burst your bubble but I went ahead and read the article your editorial was based on.

It was a small non-randomized sample and 100% of the factors considered in the study were based on self-reporting through surveys. That in and of itself isn't suspect but the strength of the statements you can make based on it is extremely low.
Then you start looking at other factors in the study once you glance past the abstract. Like the fact that it states conclusively that actual trans suicide rates are not quantifiable but attaches a source document to that claim that didn't even analyze trans individuals in its suicide study or make any mention of them whatsoever. You have them linking articles with policy agendas that use buzzwords like "Social Justice" which in modern academia should be considered extremely suspect. You have them stating in the study that they intentionally over-broadly categorized two-spirit, genderqueer, genderfluid and other orientations into the trans demographic when assessing and drawing conclusions about their data. And you have the author stating outright a presumption that it is preferable to refer to different race categories as "racialized" and use compatible language to address the issue of race because they whole-heartedly presume that race is an entirely social construct; they actually say that shit in their write-up.

Your article is trashy as fuck. It was written in an intentionally misleading manner with weak data and an openly expressed goal of pushing social policy by people who unabashedly spit in the face of human biology.
Next time read what you link instead of just hovering over ethically bankrupt rags until you find a title you like and hoping no one looks into them.

>Yeah, we can try to do research to help them with their mental state.
>But we should let trannies kill themsleve if the alternative triggers me!

Nice jump in logic. Wanna draw the dots there buddy?

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>Y-youre just mad!
Lol kid, not an argument, just a pathetic distraction from you getting btfo.
>If trannies aren't narsassistic then why do they see them
First off I'll once again point out that "triggers you" is not the same as "narcissistic personality disorder", secondly you feel like trannies are everywhere because you're OBSESSED and notice them more, and lastly most tranny threads are made by tranny admirers which is also why trannies post there, because there is a sub-culture of accepting and appreciating them.

Anyone want to help me out?

My current gf is pro trans and when asked about it just parrots leftie bullshit.
How can I redpill her on transgenderism?
points to bring up, etc.

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>I went ahead and read the article
>It was a small non-randomized sample
Apparently you need to work on your reading skills because that article cited 6+ pieces of research showing how external factors affect the suicide rate.
>You have them linking articles with policy agendas that use buzzwords like "Social Justice"
Nice attempt to disregard all the actual resarch for being in the same article that also references stupid shit.

>can be given the diagnosis of "gender dysphoria."
The cure to which is transitioning.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness but being trans isn't. If you visited a therapist about your dysphoria, they'd all tell you the same thing: to transition and try your best to live as the person you want to be or feel you are.

>All other trans people I met, and myself, agree that we all just want to get a chance to live a happy life.
I really wouldn't have a problem with this sort of thing if the discussion were to be in good faith, but frankly it never is.
Your "good life" all too often depends on the destruction of someone else's quality of life. There are other options, and better ones. Transexual identified individuals who receive proper support and therapy are over 90% likely to resolve as simply being confused heterosexuals or homosexuals later in life, without the increase in suicide. The lifestyle just as with each of the non-cis-het lifestyles devolves into sexual degeneracy and leads to an increased prevalence of child abuse and sexual exploitation of minors, also tending to intentionally drive impressionable youths into non-cis-het lifestyles that do not fit them and do no favors for their own long term mental and physical health.
Entertaining transsexual fantasies also interferes with the identification and proper treatment of the more than 1/3 of transsexual identifying individuals who have schizophrenia.

And that's not even getting into the fact that if we take the OP's article to heart, that means that your transition money dries up because if it's no longer a mental illness then you're no longer disabled and there's no longer a medical condition to treat and there's no longer a way to compel insurance and social programs to foot your bill.
It's all arguing in circles, 24/7, for the sake of delusion and hedonism.

>seeks more attention
I sense a pattern beginning to emerge ...

>Psycological Association

who gives a fuck, these people are literally the least important group of people in human history. That's no exaggeration. They simply don't matter, they never have. If the all did right now nothing in the grad schemes of things would change whatsoever.

if they all died*

Thank you for your input.

>categorized two-spirit, genderqueer, genderfluid and other orientations into the trans demographic
Holy shit, OP's """""sources""""" sound way beyond the looking glass ...

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>Yeah, we can use the most effective research-supported treatment to improve quality of life like we do with every other condition
>But we should just let them kill themselves because the treatment triggers me
Lol, the irony is breathtaking.
You're not even trying to connect the dots, just doodling your feels on the back of the paper.

Trans-girl? More like trans-it. Oh snap.

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>I just KNOW muh feels are right and other views are just bs but I don't know enough about the topic to have any supporting facts or form any arguments

If you have to go through surgery to be comfortable in your own skin, you're mentally ill. Remember when these "experts" said video games were an addiction? Fuck off.

I find looking at transgender people distressing and disabling. Where's my compensation?

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I'm sorry, but if you want to be taken seriously you should choose to quote better source material in the future.
If you don't want to be judged for having tied the validity of your statements to something full of bupkis then why not just post a worthwhile study instead of an article that, now by your own admission, poisons its own well?

By that logic you're an attention seeking narsassist too because you keep replying, retard.

>most tranny threads are made by tranny admirers
trannies are their own admirers, that's the point

lol @ all this unwarranted anger

>being trans isn't a mental illne--

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Hey, at least I can spell it.

look at history

being gay gets popular, suddebtly it is no mental illness anymore.

The same happens here. So instead of argumenta they use popularity to rule things as normal.

>I skimmed the article and the one study is bs!
>Umm there were more than six studies, do you have some reading disability?
>J-just find better sources!
>post a worthwhile study instead of an article
I guess I was expecting too much for feels-driven tards to be able to pick studies out of an article and follow them to their source. I just do that automatically because all articles are trash besides for compiling links and providing (cited)context, but I guess not everyone can overcome their emotions and kneejerk reactions

>being gay gets popular, suddebtly it is no mental illness anymore
Which is why you have to be "extra special" to get attention nowadays. Hence trannies, furries, and all the other types of snowflake.

You're not "oppressed" enough :/

>Guys make threads posting trannies, asking for sauces, and begging for pics
>N-no it's all the trannies!
Lol are you even trying to argue anymore? You've devolved to just non-sequitur excuses to distract from getting btfo.

this is boring. let's change the subject.
black people are only black because they're being punished for being bad in their previous, white lives

prove me wrong

i don't care about all that mental bullshit all i care about is fuck trannies because you guys are retarded freaks who don't deserve to raise
children who are retarded freaks like you.

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If someone wanted there arms and legs cut off because they believe they're a snake you'd call them mentally ill just saying

I notice you still haven't posted a link to the study.

>this argument again
We've been through why that's retarded on multiple, separate occasions.
It's possible to truly believe you are supposed to be of a different gender, but not species, because it's impossible for a person to truly imagine what it's like to live as that species. This is why no one is trans-species. It's not a thing.
Also, cutting off your limbs would severely hamper your mobility on a scale of daily basis.

It's just not the same thing, and to make that comparison is retarded.

the projection is strong in this one

Looking at tranny monsters makes me feel mentally ill. Oh snap.

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You argument also applies to """"transgenders"""" you blinkered dolt. And cutting your dick off severely hampers your ability to have sex. Holy fuck, how could you be any more delusional?

Until Like five minutes ago gender dysphoria was a diagnosable mental illness in the DSM. Then PC culture got ahold of it.

I honestly don’t care, you be who you are as long as it doesn’t effect me. But if we are going to talk objectively about the subject we have to be honest that it is a mental illness. What type of treatment you choose to pursue due to that illness is your business... again as long as it only effects you.

well he wouldnt have one sucjing dicj

You’re right, it can’t. If it were due to bullying we would see a more comparable rate of suicide to the general population. Since you know everyone gets bullied for something in their lifetime.

i bet you jerk off to traps, faggot

The saddest part is some of it is self-hating closeted trannies.
I mean, thinking trannies are gross and weird is the norm but being SO mad and just OBSESSED with them to the point of engaging in hours-long debates, colleting arguments and talking points, and lying about facts is a big red flag for underlaying issues. It's like when a politician is SUPER anti gay then gets caught balls-deep in their male intern, they doth protest too much.

There's also a weird overlap with obsessed tranny-haters and pedos. Based on what I've gotten them to admit it's basically jealousy. They see growing acceptance and mainstream exposure for trannies and think they deserve it more which, as often happens, twists in their head into "___s are STEALLING our ___".
Just... like how pathetic do you have to be to be jealous of TRANNIES? lol

>Attacking spelling
>Things to do when you can't make an actual argument
I'll take that as you giving up.

Mutilation in the name of believing you are something you are not is wrong and insane

>You argument also applies to """"transgenders"""" you blinkered dolt.
No, it doesn't. Animals have separate social conventions, traditions and rituals than people. It's very easy for a person to envision being a different type of person, but not a different type of species altogether.
>And cutting your dick off severely hampers your ability to have sex.
It actually does not. Trans people often have sex just as easily as cis people do.
What you've just said is akin to saying "having dental surgery severely hampers your ability to eat." It does, yes, but only temporarily. That's how surgeries work. Incisions and body modifications need time to heal, but after your problem is solved, the quality of life improves.

pic is you hahaha

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A trans could thinj he felt lije a woman but he wud still a man internally

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The only solution in a shit thread is to shitpost.

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Because there's still several studies in that article, you only attacked one.
I'm not gonna spoon-feed you more if you're just gonna ignore what's infront of you.
You're obviously arguing in bad faith and just trying to stall.

I totally called trying to ignore the studies based on the source too lol
Fucking predictable npcs



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We should assemble a team of the world's top linguists to try and decipher this post. I think we could do it with enough funding.

>delusions intensify
Yes, I bet you will.

Can you handle her high-res toes without falling in love?

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Look at these fucking toes.

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"Many people with dementia do not experience their dementia as distressing or disabling, which implies that dementia does not constitute a mental disorder"


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>Trans people often have sex just as easily as cis people do.
Explain how a man can have an orgasm without a dick, genius.

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Listening to what the American Psychologists say is downright laughable. They make up fake mental disorders to make money every day.

Doesn't desiring to be a different gender imply discomfort with your current/biological gender? Furthermore, isn't a condition which causes discomfort with basic elements of one's existence a prime candidate for classification as a mental disorder?
I still don't understand why someone with gender dysphoria is allowed/encouraged to acquiesce to the condition and attempt to alter their gender while other conditions like schizophrenia are viewed as definitive negative influences that must be counteracted.

>Many people with dementia do not experience their dementia as distressing or disabling,
Flat-out lie. Dementia is extremely distressing and is in fact one of the scariest diseases one could get.

American pediatric board has ruled that giving children hormone blockers to prevent puberty is child abuse

You don't seem to have a clear grasp on how gender reassignment surgery works. For FtMs, the penis isn't actually totally removed. Things are mostly just rearranged so that the patient can still achieve orgasm.

Stupid trans-its will never be real girls. This is what a real girl looks like.

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>I want you to cut my dick off and make me into a little girl
>Oh I’m not mentally ill

because you fucking idiots wont leave them alone

Is that before or after they’ve pulled he hair out the wound and removed the glass dildo so it doesn’t heal itself up?

Gross tranny monsters make grown men puke.

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Or is it because for years they’ve wanted to be a different sex and rather than treating the mental illness people allow them to mutilate theirselves and all that happens after the OP is they realise they still don’t feel like the wrong sex, just with a mutilated body. Say it’s a man who wanted to be a woman. Now they’ve had the Op and they’re suppose to be a woman. Sure go find a straight man that wants to fuck a tranny. Now they feel like they’ve made a mistake, they’ve realised it’s a mental illness and fuck, they chopped their dick off. Oh well, might aswell kill myself.

>getting it completely backwards
it's because they're left alone that they try to kill themselves. they can't live without constant attention.

I dunno. I'm not trans, so I don't know the extreme details of the process of gender reassignment. Let's ask Wikipedia.
>When changing anatomical sex from male to female, the testicles are removed, and the skin of foreskin and penis is usually inverted, as a flap preserving blood and nerve supplies (a technique pioneered by Sir Harold Gillies in 1951), to form a fully sensitive vagina (vaginoplasty). A clitoris fully supplied with nerve endings (innervated) can be formed from part of the glans of the penis. If the patient has been circumcised (removal of the foreskin), or if the surgeon's technique uses more skin in the formation of the labia minora, the pubic hair follicles are removed from some of the scrotal tissue, which is then incorporated by the surgeon within the vagina. Other scrotal tissue forms the labia majora.
>Because of the risk of vaginal stenosis (the narrowing or loss of flexibility of the vagina),[3][4] any current technique of vaginoplasty requires some long-term maintenance of volume (vaginal dilation), by the patient, using medical graduated dilators to keep the vagina open.[5][6][7] Penile-vaginal penetration with a sexual partner is not an adequate method of performing dilation. Daily dilation of the vagina for six months in order to prevent stenosis is recommended among health professionals.[4] Over time, dilation is required less often, but it may be required indefinitely in some cases.[7]
>Regular application of estrogen into the vagina[citation needed], for which there are several standard products, may help, but this must be calculated into total estrogen dose. Some surgeons have techniques to ensure continued depth, but extended periods without dilation will still often result in reduced diameter (vaginal stenosis) to some degree, which would require stretching again, either gradually, or, in extreme cases, under anaesthetic.
Does any of that answer your question?

Why trans rights exists if these people already should be protected by the standard human right? Is almost like they are assuming that trans people aren't human...


I worked with a tranny, it told me all about what it had to go through. Men couldn’t get on with it because it acted like a flamboyant faggot and woman couldn’t get on with it because it looked like a man in drag trying too hard. It was just so obnoxious, constantly wanted to be the centre of attention, it was so sad, it clearly needed mental health but the docs just kept throwing hormone treatments at it and it got the OP.

The earth is flat. If OP does not agrees he's a fucking bigot nazi fascist

>I worked with a tranny; *they told me all about what it had to go through. Men couldn’t get on with *them because *they acted like a flamboyant faggot and *women couldn’t get on with *them because *they looked like a man in drag trying too hard. *They *were just so obnoxious; constantly wanted to be the centre of attention. It was so sad, *they clearly needed mental health but the docs just kept throwing hormone treatments at *them and *they got the OP.
Fixed that for you. Try to use "they/them" pronouns next time you're not sure which pronouns to use, as using "it" when referring to a person can have dehumanizing connotations. :^)

Also, the tl;dr is that hair in the vagina isn't usually a problem unless you had a horrendous surgeon who didn't know what they were doing, and dilation usually isn't necessary after a certain amount of time (although it can be indefinite in some cases.)

A sample size of 1 isn't really a large enough base size to accurately judge an entire community, you know.

oh wow, you worked with a tranny once and she was obnoxious.
guess all trannies are obnoxious then

Mentally ill or not, fuck you anyways

Well, I'm convinced.

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I don't need a reason to hate trannies.
I just do. Fuck trannies, even if they're not mentally ill. Fuck niggers, curry-niggers, sandniggers, women, nu-males, soyboys, liberals, Greeks, blacks, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, Jews, and non-Trump-supporters also.
But mostly fuck OP.


if it goes against nature - its not natural - its a disorder.

Unfortunately, suicide rates say otherwise.

I know perfectly happen schizophrenics, so does that mean they are fine?

>A transwoman is not mentally ill
That's like saying "an Orc isn't a psychopath."
Neither such creature exists, therefore the premise in nonsensical, therefore the conclusion is meaningless.

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Lots of things humans do aren't natural.
Cooking your food, eating that food with utensils, wearing clothing (especially clothing you don't like), using complex technology, writing and listening to music, communicating with written language, etc. These are all things that humans do on a regular basis that no other species ever does.
Is cooking your food a disorder?

you cant be trapped in the wrong body, simply because there is no wrong body you imbecile

This motto is absolutely stupid.
From a semantic point of view it points out that both "Rights" are equal EVEN THOUGH Trans and Humans are NOT equal

>"boy, I really wish I was born with arms like everyone else"
>"shut the fuck up. there is no wrong body you imbecile"

holy fuck you are retarded

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That’s cool I guess? They’re still freaks that I don’t associate with.

you're really not doing anything to disprove that assertion, user.

>these are the same as chopping your cock off

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Reminder that the APA is a terrible organization

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fuck off, thought police. anyone without a clear and obvious gender is subhuman, therefore "it" is a fitting pronoun.

Factually, this is incorrect. Gender isn't relevant to determining an organism's genus, phylum, class, order, family, genus or species.

Who cares about any of this. Look at how small Ellen Page is.

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Kek when you fail critical thinking that hard, trannies are mentally ill

Nobody cares you gross tranny

>Failing to understand the point.

god i hope all of you fucking trannies die you're so fucking disgusting like jesus christ