Psychology user is in the house

Psychology user is in the house.

Will respond by voice.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do you have any credentials? Psychologist? Psychiatrist?

>Do you have any credentials? Psychologist? Psychiatrist?

How do I earn more respect from my friends?

>How do I earn more respect from my friends?

wat do ehen hear voice of dead father

"you are disappoint"

40 year old virgin here psychology Yea Forumsro
Help me talk to women please
How can I go out and talk to random women
Maybe take their phone or something
I live with parents, I'm educated and I don't currently have a job (looking for a job though)
Please respond

>wat do ehen hear voice of dead father
>"you are disappoint"

>40 year old virgin here psychology Yea Forumsro
>Help me talk to women please
>How can I go out and talk to random women
>Maybe take their phone or something
>I live with parents, I'm educated and I don't currently have a job (looking for a job though)
>Please respond

about living with family as an adult

>Maybe take their phone or something

He meant phone number. I wondered for a second.

I'm trying to find a job
I had to stay unemployed for some years which I rather not talk about here
I had a job and I have a good education and used to be good in my job
My parents are always against me leaving, they think it's stupid kids to leave their house
I'm partly infantilised
I contribute to the house with whatever skills I have
I go shopping and stuff
But some things are out of my reach
Like I can't even cook, when I go to the kitchen they enter too and don't let me do anything
They hardly ever leave the house
I try to stay out of the house as long as I can, I can't stand it
Anyway, I feel worthless like you said because no money, no income, not really contributing
I'm trying to find a job to maybe feel better but it's hard, I'm running out of time, I blew it at interviews despite having skills because my no self esteem is showing
I walk in the streets and hear voices of people making fun of me
I compare everyone around me and I'm always the worst
Sorry, I'm ranting now, I don't even make sense

If you have anything to comment on I'd much appreciate it

How much do you charge per hour?

Aaah Kek okay.

P s y c h o l o g y is not a science, ask Popper.

Yes, I often don't make clear what my limits are because I see them as friends and I will let it slide off.
Could you elaborate on Establishing boundary's and imposing myself?

Thank you so much for doing this!

How do I become better at not procrastinating? No matter what I'm doing I always end up procrastinating to the point where I can't meet deadlines.
What's wrong with me?

>P s y c h o l o g y is not a science, ask Popper.

>Yes, I often don't make clear what my limits are because I see them as friends and I will let it slide off.
>Could you elaborate on Establishing boundary's and imposing myself?

>using e s t h e t i c to mean something negative
>p l e b

UR big gay. Just read the Zimbardo, which haven't used any scientific methods and in the chapter about ethics of his 'experiment' he literally wrote 'it was ethical because I said so xD'. Check out Money, Milgram they all cut off data that didn't suit them, or the big gay Jungen which told that the 'mass unconsciousness' (don't know the term in en) exists bc 'he dreamt about ice age'. Psychology is gay, change my mind.

>UR big gay. Just read the Zimbardo, which haven't used any scientific methods and in the chapter about ethics of his 'experiment' he literally wrote 'it was ethical because I said so xD'. Check out Money, Milgram they all cut off data that didn't suit them, or the big gay Jungen which told that the 'mass unconsciousness' (don't know the term in en) exists bc 'he dreamt about ice age'. Psychology is gay, change my mind.

Thanks man
Maybe I'm not really hearing voices
But when I'm in a bus or in the street and hear people laughing I think they are laughing at me
When I go to the cashier to pay I feel and almost hear them sigh and cringe because I'm who I am
Also I have a huge trouble getting people, a big mistrust of everyone, this is something I learned from my parents
I have trouble asking something in return, I feel obliged to do stuff for people for free
I almost superficially seem normal and well adjusted, it's when you get closed to me you understand something is off
I have many people say I'm good during the last year or so, but I don't believe them, I feel like they are lying to me because I don't believe it
I think I'm stupid
I had some women tell me I'm handsome, or they appreciate me, or they were thinking about me but I don't believe them either but I can't think why they would lie so I guess it's that I seem normal and they think I'm fine at first
Anyway I'm very confused, thhis last year was bad, I feel like I'm losing it
Anyway, if you like to comment on anything please do
If not it's ok
I guess will stop now because I'm ranting now, and it's too much, I talk like a crazy person, I don't think anyone should put up with me for free


Sorry, I missed your post. If someone has the recording from yesterday, about this exact topic, post it! If not, I'll respond anew.

And I don't know how to deal with women touching me
You know how women touch your hand when they feel nice around you
I feel so bad when this happens and good
I know I can never have anything more with her
I feel like I'm fooling her because she touched a loser like me
I tricked her I'm normal when in fact I'm a failure loser and the worse creep there is

Have any real qualifications?

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>And I don't know how to deal with women touching me
>You know how women touch your hand when they feel nice around you
>I feel so bad when this happens and good
>I know I can never have anything more with her
>I feel like I'm fooling her because she touched a loser like me
>I tricked her I'm normal when in fact I'm a failure loser and the worse creep there is

I have a shiny Pikachu.


By accident I closed tab, sorry. The argument that it was an "early stage" of psychology is shiet, it was all like 60 years ago. As long as you can not conduct a segmentation of a brain it is worth nothing, it's just a bunch of hypothesis. You do not have any objective instruments, just look at strongly biased MMPI, you can prove just anything you want to prove.

>By accident I closed tab, sorry. The argument that it was an "early stage" of psychology is shiet, it was all like 60 years ago. As long as you can not conduct a segmentation of a brain it is worth nothing, it's just a bunch of hypothesis. You do not have any objective instruments, just look at strongly biased MMPI, you can prove just anything you want to prove.

just admit that not every psychological research uses fmri or pet, thats all

How do I quit my bad habits and start good ones?
Whenever I attempt to change my habits, I only follow through for a couple of days, then I just stop.

Say which habits you mean, then I'll give you a better answer.

Habits I want to start: going to the gym, taking better care of my teeth.

Habits I want to stop: I still sometimes suck my thumb without thinking about it :(.

23 years old btw

How do I become a more interesting person to the people around me? I tend to think of myself as an open book. Should I do something about this?

>Habits I want to start: going to the gym, taking better care of my teeth.
>Habits I want to stop: I still sometimes suck my thumb without thinking about it :(.
>23 years old btw

>How do I become a more interesting person to the people around me? I tend to think of myself as an open book. Should I do something about this?

Neuropsychology? Stop kidding plox, those are just simple region based observations, noting sure can not come out of it. I mean there is no sure answer what schizophrenia or consciousness is, no one neither you nor all 'academics' have no sure answers to any of a questions dated as far as ancient Greece.

>Neuropsychology? Stop kidding plox, those are just simple region based observations, noting sure can not come out of it. I mean there is no sure answer what schizophrenia or consciousness is, no one neither you nor all 'academics' have no sure answers to any of a questions dated as far as ancient Greece.

I think you confused MS with schizophrenia, faggot

I didn't. Recent studies suggest that less myelin around the axons might be the cause of schizophrenia. I posted you an article.

How do I stop caring so much about what other people may think of me?
This affects so much of my life.
For example: I make myself drive faster than I would like because I don't want the car behind me from thinking I'm too slow.

Also I can't go to the gym when there's other people because I get self conscious. This really affects my life as well because I would love to go to the gym more, but its hard finding empty gyms or being free when no body is around

Read about "people pleasers", you'll learn a lot. Some of my answers ITT deal with this.

How do I deal with feelings of jealousy? Especially when it comes to friends getting laid more often than me.

I like the eristic of yours, is that what you had studied on your uni? You do say that i am wrong, but you cant point it out or show any example.
>as to how schizophrenia may occur
it's still a hypothesis, and all of the mentioned symptoms might me linked to any kind of a psychological disorder. Also there is not a word about psychosis or dopamine levels. just fucking heuristic, thats the whole problem.
BTW I like how the article treats you like idiot
>chimera (concept of Greek origin)

>How do I deal with feelings of jealousy? Especially when it comes to friends getting laid more often than me.

Every time I'm in a relationship with a girl, I fear she's going to or has cheated on me. I can never get rid of the doubts no matter what I do. Help me Psych user!

>Every time I'm in a relationship with a girl, I fear she's going to or has cheated on me. I can never get rid of the doubts no matter what I do. Help me Psych user!

And that was what I've been waiting for, the holy grail of any discussion with a psychologist
>you cant answer the argument
>bam! diagnosis which no one ask for
That's an awful ad personam m8. But back to the discussion, I had made some solid points, event in recent post, about heuristics or dopamine an you didn't addressed those, but you talked for a half a minute about my simple funny observation.

Thanks for the reply user!
Your voice is really soothing, read me a story please :)

I get this feeling that out in public that people just laugh behind my back.Do I ignore it or is it all just in my head?

>I had made some solid points,
You said we haven't learn anything serious since Ancient Greece, that's not a solid point, that's lunacy.OP is being very patient with you. You also insulted him and, so far as I know, he hasn't insulted you once, but you have the nerve to say OP is the one attacking you personally. Kek.

This was answered ITT, look up 40 yo virgin user.

Thank you sir.

You must have super masters degree then

But I'm not a virgin tho.

Not you, the user I was responding to.

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Yes I am none of that.

Ok, let's begin again. Im my studies I have to use math, I have to prove everything before any real-live implementation. To achieve this I have to solve some differential equations, provide a proof in lambda calculus all this stuff. But there is no math, physics or even scientific chemistry in psychology. There is a form im psychology, you surely can help people but there is no content, nothing that can assure you that what you doing is good in a long term, that is falsifiable. You still didn't mentioned some of my valid points like the heuristics of psychology or lack of mentioning in your scientific article about dopamine levels, the most problematic thing in schizophrenia.

The point is: in that series of responses, OP talks about feeling like others are laughing at you.

Okay mister masters genius guy.

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>Ok, let's begin again. Im my studies I have to use math, I have to prove everything before any real-live implementation. To achieve this I have to solve some differential equations, provide a proof in lambda calculus all this stuff. But there is no math, physics or even scientific chemistry in psychology. There is a form im psychology, you surely can help people but there is no content, nothing that can assure you that what you doing is good in a long term, that is falsifiable. You still didn't mentioned some of my valid points like the heuristics of psychology or lack of mentioning in your scientific article about dopamine levels, the most problematic thing in schizophrenia.



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Statistic is not math, it originates from social studies and as it might be helpful it doesn't prove anything. Ok user, you've won, I'm too tired to continue. But plz remember that I admire yours eristic, for the third(?) you didn't answered my questions about dopamine, heuristics, biased MMPI, that those symptoms described in an article can be linked to any psychological disorder, that you don't have any certainty that therapy as it is, is good in a long term, but in the last answer you spend 2 minutes whining about physics, which was literally an example and no more than 15s to talk about psychology as a science.

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>Statistic is not math, it originates from social studies and as it might be helpful it doesn't prove anything. Ok user, you've won, I'm too tired to continue. But plz remember that I admire yours eristic, for the third(?) you didn't answered my questions about dopamine, heuristics, biased MMPI, that those symptoms described in an article can be linked to any psychological disorder, that you don't have any certainty that therapy as it is, is good in a long term, but in the last answer you spend 2 minutes whining about physics, which was literally an example and no more than 15s to talk about psychology as a science.

Why are anons who study classic sciences so butthurt about psychology?

>Statistic is not math,

>Statistics is a branch of mathematics dealing with data collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation

OK, faggot, OP shouldn't be wasting his time with your low quality trollage.

A good friend of mine is very depressed and says he wants to just kill himself but whenever I or anyone else in our friend group tries to help him or give him advice he just dismisses it and says we don't understand and it doesn't matter.
What is the best way to deal with this situation?
Thanks user

Just the last thing and i'm done
>if one thing goes wrong (...)
that's definition of falsifiability, like word-for-word, exact term which is used, and you still doesn't seem to accept it

>A good friend of mine is very depressed and says he wants to just kill himself but whenever I or anyone else in our friend group tries to help him or give him advice he just dismisses it and says we don't understand and it doesn't matter.
>What is the best way to deal with this situation?
>Thanks user

OK paggot, prove you're actually a major in psychology, else no one should be replying to you anymore.

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Are you a Scientologist ?

I'm not OP. Ain't got shit to prove to you.

>Some consider statistics to be a distinct mathematical science rather than a branch of mathematics.
It's there on Wikipedia, just do a little bit of a scrolling

>that's definition of falsifiability, like word-for-word,

>A statement, hypothesis, or theory has falsifiability (or is falsifiable) if it is contradicted by a basic statement, which, in an eventual successful or failed falsification, must respectively correspond to a true or hypothetical observation


>all swans are white
>find one black swan, first statement is wrong

>one psychologist does heinous things
>psychology is not a science

Not quite the same.

That's because you're full of shit.

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He seems to have some pretty good insite.

Probably. There's clear evidence of brainwashing and zero knowledge of actual science, unlike he claims. He doesn't even know what falsifiability is and he didn't know statistics were mathematics.

how do i convince my parents i actually have obsessive compulsive disorder and hat it IS a mental disorder?

Why do you hate psychology? Are you a Scientologist ?

Imagine being this dumb...

If some consider it a distinct branch, that still means the majority does not, and it's still defined as a branch of mathematics.

Are you legit retarded?

OP, stop wasting your time with this 80 IQ faggot.

Go see an expert together. Or show them articles about it, or documentary. If nothing works, stop trusting them.

>dat BTFO

Yes, Show them some of the written info about OCD that includes symptoms.

Ok faggot, just acknowledge this plz, the probability theory it math, the stochastic theory is math but statistic is not, as you can not provide infinite number of examples to fulfill the law of large numbers.


Okay faggot. Why don't you prove yourself that you're certified in psychology you fumbling paggot.


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Hey psych OP! Been reading through a lot of this thread and most of it has been kinda helpfuk for me. I just had my own personal question for ya

I just turned 25 and I kinda got hit with this awful reality that I've been fucking up some of the best years of my life. It also doesn't help that I have a rare bone disease that'll for sure do me in by my 50's. So not only have I been having feelings of regret for not doing the best with what little time I have on this earth, but the future is seeming more and more grim.

I also don't have any insurance and haven't done the healthiest things for myself these past few years (i.e. drinking every night for the past 2 years with little to no exercise. Also have like 0 social life atm due just being a depressed weenie cuz I feel like I don't make anyone happy anymore since I can't make myself happy)

So yeah, I guess I kinda rambled there but if you could help a homie out with some wise words er something that'd be really awesome :)

Don't bother. Some faggot in here is hanging around trying to act all smart when he can't prove anything as to what he's saying.

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Yeah I noticed that sad fag. But I figured hey, maybe that fuckwipe didn't discourage psych user to leave. One can only hope

So angry

Psych user pls. Don't let the pissy know it all fuckhead discourage you pls

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why is my biggest fetish the act of titfucking a woman in clown makeup?

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