Is getting married worth it?

Is getting married worth it?

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define worth

All the struggle, financial, and emotional burden. Is the joy of raising a family worth all of it in the modern sense.



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Not to me. I don't want kids so what's the point?

I didn't want and don't have kids and have been married for years to a woman who also doesn't want kids. It's been a blast. Sharing experiences, goals, encouraging and being encouraged, having a base foundation around which to build other friendships not to mention an awesome and varied sex're being too simplistic if you think people only marry to have kids...

If you want her to be the mother of your kids, yes. But you have to think it through.

lol no

Well, my GF's family are absolutely minted so yeah.

Depends user. Have you being with your girl for more than 5 years, lived together for that time and you both are socially adjusted adults over the age of 25? If so then go for it.

Or have you just mistaken lust for love and now you want to marry your HS sweet heart and you are only 21? Protip, won't end well.

I have heard MGTOW arguments, real world arguments like men in civil court getting screwed, but also have seen my sister have a really happy marriage. She has pooped out 12 kids and all of them are great.

Why marry though? Why not just be together?

That is the question my friend

marriage under the age of 25 should be illegal

>She has pooped out 12 kids and all of them are great.

Your sister is an oxygen thief that should stop being a burden on society. Her ovary's should be removed from her and set on fire.


State rewards you with massive amounts of money, true relationship, etc.

LMAO! Where is your proof?

What a sad incel right there

I'd say no.

Why entrust your life to another human?

Depending on where you live, you get a divorce ans byebye half your shit.

Not to mention the price to get married

Fuck that. Save your money and your life.

Only if you have a high paying job

Just find a fuck buddy and some good friends in general while you pocket away all the cash you're saving.

This is true

I'm 16 years into a marriage with a girl I dated in high school and got back with. I have two sons, 12 and 13.

You will never know if it's worth it, or why, until you're there. But once you're really there, you will feel like it's worth it.

Bullshit in between, of course, I have a divorce under my belt from my 20's.

>all that Red-dit spacing
Kys faggot

>12 kids

Boom, hot steamy proof pudding. There is no way she is bank rolling all those kids herself, the governments helping and therefore I am through the very little tax I pay.

Ah ahh, not an incel, tax payer. I'm an adult like your dad little guy. One day you will get upset by people that are drains on the system like that guys sister and yourself.

Yes it is worth. After i married my wife i can do what i want. Ass fuck her, facefuck, Piss in her face, Piss in her asshole, go to Swinger partys. Make hardcore pics and vids.

Yes, but only if you are both willing to commit to working as a team. My wife and I have been married for 6 years, we both made it our mission to create as normal a healthy household for our child to grow up in.
We both grew up in broken homes so we both knew unequivocally how we wanted our house to be ran and what and what not we wanted our child exposed too. We rarely fight, but when we do it's never around our child and we squash it quick.

Why are

You so

Mad bro?

It's just white


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only if you're the girl, and you never want to work a day in your life.
otherwise you're just gambling half your shit that the girl who claims to be in love with you, will stay in love with you for the rest of your life.
>look up the divorce rate these days

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Typical relationships aren't like that tho...

If you choose poorly like I did, nope.

Wife does quite a bit for the kids but only because I don't. She is of the mindset that as a wife of an engineer she shouldn't have to bring in an income.


Don't do what I did son. Marriage is the last thing you need, someone that you can trust and is completely committed is the first.


In the UK prior to 1992 a man couldn't be found guilty of raping his wife. Once she had consented to the marriage her consent was assumed for everything.

Now everything has changed it's probably not worth getting married

Getting married, for men in particular today, is just not worth it, especially if you have money. She can take you to the cleaners.

Marriage in general makes it more tricky to leave when your wife gets fat and won’t fuck you anymore.

Yeah you can cheat but... like I said, she finds out, she can take you to the cleaners.

This. It is off topic but Listen to this man.

You are looking at marriage like is going to end, that's not very positive is it?. Most people look at marriage as an forever thing, it just goes tits up sometimes, like everything does or could do. Not all women are as bad as you seem to think they are. You are very shallow and probably an incel yank.

This on topic. Listen to this man.

You are not very experienced in life.

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>12 kids

That's fucking disgusting. That is straight-up subhuman and your sister and her brood should be euthanized as the literal vermin they are. How incredibly pathetic

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+ died as a dissapointment to all his ancestors for being a biological dead end, a money sink and a literal waste of time to bring up

You don't know what that word means, much less how to use it

Buy a house together OP.
You got your bond, and you got something out of it in +-25years.
If it doesn't work out, take back your part of the cake, and merry the fuck away with some handy cash.

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You fucking virgin beta.

Brilliant idea, what could possibly go wrong? What could be the downside? What could be the loss?

Is that how you rationalize your mistake? Terrible way of doing it

Literally the first one to say it in thousands of years

Security in case of a big fight, monetary benefits for both and a higher social status.
That's the awnser

Yes but not the way most people do it. If you spend 50k on a ceremony and stress your face off over it, you're a moron and its not worth it. If you just hold a good party with close friends, totally worth it. The actual commitment to each other is neither here nor there as the government considers you married anyways so its a moot point.

As for having multiple partners instead, have fun being terrified of AIDS your whole life. Fun while you're young, not worth it after 30.

>says marriage is good for you and society
literally the most alpha thing to say

Hell no.
20 years wasted. She banging other guys. No longer welcome in my own home but I still have to pay all the bills. Mortgage, utilities, everything. I sleep in my car most nights.
Pro tip 1. Don't sleep in the cabin of the car. The cops will tap on the window and you're fucked. I have a big car (300) and I sleep in the trunk.
Pro tip 2. Park in a place where you won't get towed. I popped out of the trunk like that scene from "The Hangover" after they let my car off the hook. Freaked the fuck out of the tow truck driver.
Oh. #3. Keep that key fob on you so you don't lock your dumb ass in the fucking trunk.

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You obviously have never actually been married then... ffs.

sounds painful



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Females must find you very useful

Have you ever run out of air?

same here DINK

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>> Have you ever run out of air?
Haha no. Trunk is not air tight.

Sometimes I put a plastic bag over my head and a rubber band around my neck but I want my kids to collect on my life insurance and that is not the correct way out.

What a faggot

My insurance for my car (with perfect record at age 28) went from 175 a month to 85 a month after getting married.

Plz English


they didn't have social security, contraception and robots

>That's fucking disgusting. That is straight-up subhuman and your sister and her brood should be euthanized as the literal vermin they are. How incredibly pathetic
... said the basement dwelling virgin.

only in games

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You, sir, have a mooch. Kids are old enough where they don't need day care all day. Tell the bitch to get a part time job.

>Not very positive
>Ignoring the stats that show over 50% end in divorce

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It’ll all end in sadness . Don’t do it

well that is up to and not us

Depends on who you are getting married to. If she's expecting a free lunch and getting to sit home all day while you work, run as fast as you can. If she's good at cooking, cleaning, and sex, go for it. Also make sure you've dated a few years so you know where she falls on the crazy spectrum. If she's pushing psycho bitch, run.

Income tax went from 25-28% to 15%
Yeaaaaaaaah boiiiii

So your wife makes no money and stays at home getting BBC while you work?


Putting up this this shit, working out which country the divorce papers are coming from, no way worth. Being a wizard would be better, being never married chad with a pirate boat would have been way better.

If she wants to watch BBC she's paying for the fucking TV license. I otherwise refuse to pay because I morally disagree with pedo vision. Better she watches the TV and flicks the bean than running of with some nigger though.

>You need to change your perspective on life user

Not sure if bait....

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With the right partner, no kids is a financial boon for both parties.
I know several DINKS (Dual Income, No Kids) and I am a little jealous.
It's a hard and rare find but well worth it.
You end up sharing expenses and lessening the burden on daily living.
It allows you more freedom to do things you want to do. he's more realistic than most?

>Hey all you sex doll buying mgtows, is marriage worth it?

Fuck user did someone dare you to be as stupid as possible?

If you don't have kids... Totally

>Security in case of a big fight
>aka "insurance so I can take half of my partner's shit because the courts will always side with me even when i freeride off him!"
Roasties are the fucking worst.

If you own your own real estate, or anything else of significant value:
avoid marriage (or long term live-in partner) at all costs - They will only take half of it off you as soon as the whim or fancy takes them.

On the other hand, if you don't own anything of value, marry some rich cow who does and take half of it off her.

That you need to resort to such a literally thoughtless, safe, comforting assumption indicates you have a lot to deny

I wouldn't marry unless you want to live a religious life. Secular people don't respect marriage

If it's the right person you will know without a doubt that marriage is the correct choice.

Ignore other advice.

This is bait. There are no real evangelicals on Yea Forums


I'll try to give you my perspective. I'm 29. European. Good looking, financially stable, looking to purchase a house in the next few months. Self employed. I have been with 7 girls my whole life, 2 of them were long term relationships (3 yrs and the one I'm in right now), 2 short, 3 were one night stands or very short. Currently I have been with my gf for 3.5years. And I know I will eventually kill this relationship as well. In my opinion no man is built to be eternally monogamous. Long Term Monogamy is a terrible burden of today's society, in past man (and in some cultures also women) was able to conduct his life with a companion and at the same time seek the company of others with no shame. There's a breaking point in which you realize you are getting bored. You need something new. Not only from a sexual standpoint but mainly from a human standpoint. Relationships are meant to build together and to obtain simoultaneus inputs from eachother so both people can grow. But there's a breaking point were you realize you can't build anything else from that relationship. 99% of people fail to see this, and they rush to get married, thinking that their ''love'', their being fond of eachother will stay forever. And then they divorce, with great waste of money, resources and energy, and ruining the life of children.
I say, live and build yourself, talk to people, confront ideas, discuss, have great sex and great relationships with many partners. There's no need to settle down and drain eachother out after 5 years of life together.

heck yeah, you get to wear jewelry and it's not gay!


I agree.

get a pre-nup.

Have you ever gone to a restaurant and seen a 40ish y/o couple just looking passively and silently at their food the entire time? The type of silence that turns the air to water.

All marriages, eventually sink to a level of pure coldness as each persons individual failings and degradation get blamed on the other.
Not worth it.

you are broken

Mate. Please don't do it.
Just don't.
Maybe have like a little ring changing ceremony or some shit. But just fucking don't. Don't do anything official. It will change your life for the worse. Been married 5 years. I'm 36. Worse mistake of my life. If I didn't have a beautiful little boy I'd leave the cunt in a heart beat.

Listen to this based user.


Worth it in what sense? What exactly are you giving up?

You're gonna die either way. Do what you want.

Religious means all religions not just christians.

Yeh. So. Do something else with your time other than looking up meta data. You fucking loser

>samefags on/b/
>calls someone else a loser

>beautiful little boy

Pedo spotted

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Lord Annon, doing God's work by spotting out degenerates!



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>Implying I needed meta data to recognize your samefagging

Saved me 50k on capital gains that year, so yeah

i think you already made your decision.
so did i - when you are with the "right" girl, same goals in life to live a family life, raise kids, already live together for several years, probably already have kids together or she being pregnant, go for it.

Just because she has 12 kids doesn't automatically mean she is a drain on society. As long as she isn't on any government assistance it's all fine if she wants to have that many. Technically speaking she is helping more than you by having to buy more product, IF she isn't on government assistance.

Absolutely, 100% worth it if you both have the same good, and traditional values of marriage, and aren't willing to treat it like a throwaway piece of paper, but instead as something sacred and holy.

It can be as long as you both put your all into it and do as one of these anons said be together for several years and live together at least a year before. I've been married 2 years and living with my wife for 8 and it's been great. Like all relationships it has its ups and downs but you just need to work through it

There's some legal reasons, getting on each other's insurance, being able to visit each other in the hospital in more serious situations. Probably affects taxes somehow.

Just sign a prenup so she can't jew half your shit.

Tone it down m8

Been married for a year. I think it is as long as my wife stays hot, to be quite honest famalam. She's gained a few pounds but only in the right places so far

Accusations of :
> "... samefagging ..." ;
are proved to be wrong
75% of the time .....

Pepe Oldfag Wizard
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Attached: Pepe - Oldfag Wizard .gif (660x780, 201K)

..... even when posters make it blatantly obvious that they are, in fact,
> "... samefagging ..." ;

Pepe Oldfag Wizard
󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 ▲
󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 ▲ ▲

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If you find the right girl, yes.

Else, no.

..... samefag


..... samefag

NO! Been married 10 years


Marriage can be great for companionship/ partnership, NOT for sex (except early). The sex will become routine no matter what. Worst possible arrangement except for all the other options, lol. It's not really about choosing the "right" partner, although some are clearly not suitable. Don't expect to be "compatible" with anyone. Everyone has serious, significant differences. Good relationship is about managing your differences without generating to much negative feeling. Attraction fades. Sex stales. Live with it or make an arrangement or cheat. It's nobody's fault, none of it. Just how life is. Just be sure to be realistic going in. Don't blame each other for the inevitable challenges.

Yep :)

Only if you can truly find the one. Otherwise you are taking a 50/50 gamble on losing half your shit.

It's called pressing enter twice.

You autistic cuck.

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If you think 'Reddit spacing' is new or even an actual thing, you have not been here nearly long enough to be posting yet. Silence, newfriend, you have lurking to do

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funny thing is that I'm the original poster of that content and I just came back from gym. Who needs samefagging when you know your theory is correct? History backs me up. Lifestyle of succesfull people through history backs me up. Retard.

Just got done with a lengthy (and expensive) divorce. I can say it’s definitely not worth it.



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