I go to Cal Berkeley. Dubs gets to pick something redpilled for me to say in class tomorrow. OP delivers; I'll post what happens.
I go to Cal Berkeley. Dubs gets to pick something redpilled for me to say in class tomorrow...
jews run the shadow government
>op you'll get fucking kicked out
if op says anything about the niggers he's fucked to tuesday
>the pay gap is a myth.
i feel compassion for op, don't give him anything too bad
>inb4 dubs
"being a faggot is a choice"
Hitler did nothing wrong
40% of cops are domestic abusers
obviously was for OP in this case
Say No to White Genocide
The Holohoax was invented by our (((media overlords)))
the more cops we have the less niggers we have to deal with, amen
jews did 9/11
of course this would be the dub kek
what was 44
trayvon martin had it coming
the only problem with ben shapiro is that he's jew
oh shit dubs, OP you have to deliver
You guys have put me through shit for a long time and I have just taken it. Now that you're all here I can finally get my revenge
*reach for your bag*
neck yourself
Red pill them with a shotgun
"just yell penis in class"
millhouse is not a meme
Liberal here. I agree completely. Small red-pill for me on this one I guess.
The great replacement is not just a theory, but a widely accepted scientific fact. Then explain
Roll for this
"Excuse me everyone, I am a faggot who never delivers and this morning I drank HIV-positive Somali jizz for breakfast".
oh jesus guys, OP here.
i'm saying both
i'll post a greentext of it tomorrow
say it again faggot i'll kick your ass
>op always delivers