Could you help me fix my toilet Yea Forums? The part in the photo is leaking. I tried tightening it, but it didn't work at all. I think that it's tightened on the wrong way. You know when you try to screw a water bottle cap on, and it goes on sideways a bit so it doesn't seal? I think that's what happening here.
I told my landlord, and he says he will be able to come out on Friday. It's fucking leaking, and I need help, so could ya'll please tell me what to do?
INB4 "Threaten to sue your landlord if he doesn't fix it faster" or whatever the fuck, I don't have time for that shit. Maybe I will when this is over, but in the meantime i need my shit to stop fucking leaking.
You see the knob before that part... close it and flush your toilet twice... it’ll no longer be running water. Then unscrew and fuck with it a bit
Logan Brooks
You will think this is a joke, but wrap the leaking area in duct tape until the duct tape is sticking to itself . It'll work like a charm until Friday when your landlord comes.
Austin Nelson
fucking millennials have no basic life skills
Ayden Martin
Threaten to sue your landlord if he doesnt fix it faster
I tried googling it but like every fucking video of a toilet leak is anything but my problem.
Jaxon Gutierrez
do you make a Yea Forums post when your toilet clogs and its overflowing too?
Lucas Lee
wtf u dumbfuck, you see the tap on the wall turn that shit until the top of the toilet does not fill when you flush. flush until the top is as empty as you can get it. have a bucket or pan under that connection point you circled and unscrew it and then re-fasten it as tight as you can hopefully avoiding the cross thread this time. if he stripped the threading on either pieces of the connection you may not be able to stop a small leak entirely but you can probably make it better at least judging by how much salt you contain.
Blake Hernandez
Ew, that water line doesn’t look replaceable on the other either by looking at the photo... can you unthread the water line from where the valve is?(make sure to turn the valve off of course)
If not, you could always turn off the main and replace the shut off valve with a thread on it that can use a removable braided line.
If you don’t want to do that, I guess you could always just shut the valve off and fill the top of the toilet with a pitcher every time you flush
Jacob Ortiz
50c at any hardware store you're welcome t. engineer
Sad people dont know how to do shit with their balls.
Levi Hill
No. I didn't grow up poor, like you faggots. I don't know how to fix a toilet, lmao, that's beneath me.
William Watson
Put a rubber washer between the two connection points and make sure it isn’t treaded wrong.
Charles Collins
blow it out your ass, kid
Charles Lopez
Go buy teflon tape from the hardware store. Turn the water off at the wall. Unscrew the line at the toilet, wrap the threads in teflon tape, re tighten.
If this doesn't work, just turn the water off except right after you flush the toilet and leave a plastic cup or bowl under the leak to catch drips.
Brody Richardson
Cut a little off of a balloon or condom tightly wrap around the threads and screw it on
Hudson Peterson
Uh yea I'm not poor and I can fix a fucking toilet
Brayden Morales
Hardware stores sell the inlet valve for a few bucks. While you're there pick up the rebuild kit and a metal wrapped hose so you don't have to worry about that shit later on. There are youtube video on how to do it all in about 10 mins
Asher Ramirez
>turn the water off except right after you flush the toilet and leave a plastic cup or bowl under the leak to catch drips.
This. Or just leave the water off until Friday and whenever you want to flush the toilet, pour a bucket of water into the back part. It's a little bit of a hassle, but at least you won't have water leaking all over
Brayden Baker
>I didn't grow up indeed
John Kelly
That is the bottom of the tank fill valve. The water line screws onto the bottom of the fill valve.
HOWEVER, the fill valve has gaskets and a collar to clamp onto the bottom of the tank. If that's what's leaking, fucking with the water line attachment will never solve your leak.
Water off, flush, remove water line at fill valve, tighten fill valve (carefully, it's plastic) at the bottom, use teflon tape and reattach the water line to the fill valve. Water back on. Check for leaks.
Brayden Ortiz
Parker Ramirez
>I am too smart for lefty loosey righty tighty
Alexander Johnson
And now you are here asking for help from people who do things that are beneath you. Where does that place you?
Charles Powell
Why the tank, just overfilling the bowl will do the same thing with no leaking. The seal is probably degrading. Tightening it wont help at all because you cant make a seal with metal and porceline. Get a complete rebuild kit for 10-15 bucks. If that seal is bad the other seal is probably going bad as well.
Evan Taylor
Empty tank. Put silicone on outside and inside of the hose fitting. Don’t add water till it dries completely.
Sebastian Rivera
Yep, gotta love their shitty parents that don't teach shit.
Dylan Sanders
but how does toilet werk?
Xavier King
Take pictures and save the texts from him saying it will take a week to fix it. When he tries to claim the water damage against you when you move out. Always document everything in an apartment. Otherwise you wont get shit back.
Samuel Ross
Why are you replying to me, you white trash retard? If you want to pour a bucket of water on top of your shit filled toilet bowl, you go right ahead.
Evan Jones
It's reverse threaded so you don't constantly unscrew it when you flush. Hope that helps
Jayden Thompson
Of course, I was just thinking of something to try that was free, and didn't require a trip to the hardware store.
A tank rebuild kit is probably what the landlord will do, and is probably the best idea anyway. Renew all the seals.
Xavier Bennett
Blame their parents, honestly
Aiden Flores
You live in an apartment, so i assume you dont have much to fix it. Turn the water off to it, flush it a few times and use a small waste bucket to flush it with water from your tub. Simple and free.
Jayden Richardson
This. You'll need about 1 to 1.5 gallons/4 to 6 liters (ish, don't start) to flush, and you must dump the water in quickly. A bottle with a small opening won't work, because it isn't fast enough with the water dumping.
Benjamin Taylor
Tighten water thing to shut it off. Flush toilet to drain the tank. Reattach as you see fit as there won't be any water.
Elijah Anderson
jesus christ, don't do this.
Nathaniel Jones
Plumber here 30 hours of experience . The bowl needs to be re-set so it’s flush . Fill the rear tank with gasoline (about half way past the quarter mark) and light it with a zippo . The heat will shrink the set flush . If that doesn’t work tear the floor out and replace it with giant beach towels .
Thomas White
yo, teflon tape - this nigger knows. also available in the sprinkler aisle at any hardware store if, you know, you can't find the plumbing aisle.
Isaiah James
>turn off water >flush till empty >remove line >$10 says there's a wasted rubber washer in there >replace it >if not the hose itself probably needs replacing
Camden Sanchez
man, fucking this! how retarded are you OP?
Landon Ross
can attest - worked for me last time I had the same issue. Was able to use the leftover gas to make some awesome crystals.
Chase Richardson
So, funny thing, not sure if you're in the US or not but, damn dude, get some life skills, I'm not poor either cocksucker, but I can sure as hell replace a toilet and a leak from the supply line is about the easiest task a man can accomplish. Do you know how to change a tire? Build something small, like a birdhouse even? What would you do if the lights suddenly went out? Do you know?
Juan Martin
i refuse to believe somebody can be this unironically aloof, claiming that's beneath him while he's living on RENT
Adrian Lopez
at least mine isnt' leaking, faggot
Xavier Rogers
nah dawg, that supply line is direct line. he'd have to shut off water at the source. if he can't fix this, do you think that he can do that?
Shut off the valve in the picture. Only re-open after you flush, until the water fills back up, then shut it off again.
Jackson Fisher
turn the metal knob on the other end of the hose to stop the water, unscrew the plastic part and screw it back in.
Hunter Baker
yeah, but sometimes that leaves a slight, smokey mark on the walls. only a 50/50 combination of bleach and ammonia will get it off. make sure the doors and windows are closed so no one interrupts you.
Josiah Morris
They all fell for the bait. Fucking faggots, the lot of you.