ITT: Underrated games
ITT: Underrated games
How is this game underrated? It was critically acclaimed when it came out and has overwhelmingly positive reviews
This. TF?
This gem
It's underrated in the sense that zoomers think it's le edgy to say it's shit, likely because it's too hard for them or they can't focus on something for more than 5 minutes
Bully. One of Rockstar's best imo but noone talks about it anymore.
>God of war
It's literally smash buttons and avoid getting hit yourself. This game doesn't require any actual skill at all. No hack and slash game does actually.
What do you even do in this game? It's one of those games I've wanted to try for awhile but never get around to it, partly because I don't know what it's about or the point of it.
I'm saying it's hard for zoomers, not in general. The game is definitely not hard even on titan mode, its just tedious and requires a lot of patience.
You obviously never beat the game on Titan mode. It's a great challenge.
easiest way to explain it is a gta beat em up with missions. it doesnt play as realistically, like you get to top speed way quicker but the combat is tight and has a unique setting.
I've beaten both God of War 1 and 2 on the hardest difficulty. This game is NOT hard, you just have to be willing to waste a lot of time redoing fights and levels because you don't do a lot of damage and you die after 2-3 hits. Saying this game is hard is like saying it's "hard" to get to the top of the empire state building using the stairs. It isn't hard at all, you just have to have a lot of patience. Though I will admit it took me forever to kill that asshole in the final fight of GOW1, especially the fucking clones. Whole thing took over an hour plus, almost gave up multiple times.
And the sequels.
Dude, those fucking clones pissed me off so much. That is easily the less fun I've ever had in a boss fight. Died so many fucking times it wasn't even funny. That whole game is pretty easy, but that one part of the game gets jacked up way too fucking much.
You sound sad bruh
I know, I coasted through most of it and then it took me long as shit to finish the final boss. I feel like they did a poor job of scaling the difficulty in that game. GOW2 does a much better job but fighting Zeus was fairly easy.
Fuck does that even mean?
Sounds like it could be fast then. I might play it over the summer at some point.
it was a really good game
ehhh, it was cool for the ps1 and what it did with the ps1s power but nothing else tbh
towerclimb. an amazing roguelite platformer, legitimately one of the best games i've ever played. never met anyone who played it aside from within its community.
Games pretty good. Gets kinda repetitive but its fun with friends.
Strangers wrath is better
Please tell me you're joking. God of war is laughably easy. You don't even have to upgrade your weapons to beat that game, and there are plenty of videos of people beating it without any upgrades to their weapons or health.
I still want a remake.
Fragile Dreams on Wii. Best game nobody has ever played.
Why TF are zoomers calling everything underrated now? I'm getting flashbacks of when everyone was saying "literally"
Underrated post. I was literally about to say this.
If someone calls something underrated, the implication is that they are cultured enough to recognize value in something most do not. It is a fruitless attempt to distance oneself from normies.
But god of war 2 is underrated
>zoomers said something bad about my childhood game and it hurt my feelings
That doesnt make it an underrate game you tard
>Zoomers created the word underrated.
Do you know what underrate means you moron
No it isn't. It was a massive game. People think all the god of wars are good.
It's fucking underrated because zoomers refuse to accept that this is an amazing game that influenced a lot of games that came after it. If we're being honest here, it might be one of the greatest games of all time yet I never see it ranked as such.
This was fun.
Why do you care what a bunch of children think you pathetic fuck
I don't- I think they all sucked, especially the new one that's just wearing god of war's bloated corpse to disguise it's unoriginality.
Because these "children" are gonna grow up and become shitty people that will vote even shitter people into office, that will fuck up the country. The better question is what the hell is wrong with you that you don't care about this country's youth?
from the wiki, ratings of this underrated game A
Eurogamer 9/10
Game Informer 9.75
GameSpot 9.2
IGN 9.7
Nice bait m8.
You are a joke bro
>Caring what kids think about a video game
>equating that to politics
I thought this game was amazing but never really heard much chatter about it
>its fun with friends
Y-yeah i know exactly what you mean man haha...
Top down shooter. Successor to Gauntlet, playstyle wise. Fookin genius. Cap'n Hands was the coolest muthafucka.
I very much agree
My man
Re-Loaded was dank too bro
Is this the one where they first totally nerfed the platforming and puzzles in favor of a pure casualized button smasher?
What does it make it?
it's a nice game.
Yeah. I remember the way the blood splattered the walls was really well done.
>greatest hits
Pick one
lot of noobs, but correct in versus with good players.
Fuck off steam sales.