Anyone else love the idea of college girls being molested by horny middle schoolers against their will?

Anyone else love the idea of college girls being molested by horny middle schoolers against their will?
What would be a hot scenario?

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underage b&

Maybe a tutor gets hired by a rich family. only to find out she is expected to be a sexual tutor as well

that alright i guess. more a fan of her keeping it between herself and who ever is using her, rather than it being something others outside of it knowing

maybe the kid gets blackmail material on her? Cell phone nudes or something?

Know a girl you wish this happened to?

yeah that sounds pretty good. maybe they set the girl up in a compromising position and take pictures to use as blackmail. she'd absolutely hate it and only does it because she has no choice

i have a girl id want to see get used by middle schooler in mind

Have pics? Dump em

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what do you think?

yeah, big kink of mine.

what do you like the most about it?

the power disparity, i think. Small weak things overpowering someone fully matured, who's supposed to be able to hold their own.

Get ready

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agreed, the loss of control is great too

I think we need to chat

The humiliation aspect is the best. Girls who know that they would never give it up to a bunch of little perverts getting violated by a group of losers

feel it would be even more crushing for them if it was a girl doing it to them

Imagine kaitlynn here getting blackmailed by a group of boys she is tutoring. How do they find her pics? What do they make her do first?

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They'd take her phone while her back is turned and keep it for a few days without her knowing. After finding her nudes and saving them to their computers they hand the phone back and drop the bombshell on her. Do what we say or this gets sent to the school board.

First thing they'd get her to do was give each of them a deep french kiss

How would Erin here get blackmailed by a group of girls? How does she react?

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nice mental illness thread

Running a shota storytiem if you are interested