Somebody help for the love of Christ...

Somebody help for the love of Christ. So I have this memory from when I was young of a 2-D animated TV show that's in like a desert setting where a blue alien is inside of a mine or a cave or something and the alien is trying to wake it's brother up from like a stasis pod or it's trying to find it's brother or something like that. and I remember the blue alien saying something like "I am omega" really menacingly. That's all I can remember about it and it's driving me nuts trying to figure out what it's called. I'm almost certain it's real because one of my friends vaguely remembers it too but no matter what I look up or who I ask nobody seems to know what I'm talking about. I hope that one of you guys will know what i'm talking about and tell me the name of it.

Attached: Blulian.jpg (193x262, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

OP are you aware of what year it was when you saw it?

Niggers tongue my anus

Blue aliens, Fantastic Planet?

I'm almost certain that's not it

OP do you remember what Tv channel you saw it on? Like was it nick or cartoon network or another channel?

I'm pretty sure that it was a kids cartoon, so it was more then likely on one of those types of channels. If it helps at all I'm Canadian and if I remember correctly the cartoon had an almost anime-esque style to it, though I could be wrong about that

Prometheus and Bob?

Attached: XcrDVNl.jpg (450x320, 14K)

get out

No I don't think so

CG or drawn?

OP could have the show you saw be a rerun of a older cartoon?

I'm pretty sure it was drawn


Attached: p280047_b_v8_ab.jpg (960x1440, 286K)

It's definitely possible

in b4 ban

Butt Ugly Martians

Kek hes gone

Lloyd in Space

Attached: Main-Cast-P-lloyd-in-space-35015306-320-270.jpg (320x270, 29K)

Do you guys really not know?

I do

Attached: kekk.jpg (400x386, 25K)

>Blue alien
>inside of a cave
Lloyd in Space, nice one

Yes, because no space shows ever make use of a cave setting.

Attached: star-trek-the-devil-in-the-dark.jpg (1440x1080, 574K)

could it be Ben10? since OP is 15

thats not a cave. its a greenscreen

Please tell me for the love of Jesus

Which one of you Faggots reported me and had me blocked for 15 minutes?

I feel like i'd remember if it was Ben10 though because I loved that shit


I told you I'd get you for fucking my wife!

are you the one who said he was 15?

Ask r/tipofmytongue

That alien himself is from a music Video

Butt Ugly Martians?



Attached: 1502859279007.jpg (247x249, 10K)

What is Butt Ugly Martians

"op here, i have been banned, but i have somebody replying for me",

"because i will die if you dont"

>Maybe, I dont know
OP is to no good use. He cant remember a single thing thats worth knowing

OP doesnt know a single thing about the show. He is only
>pretty sure thats not it
Either its
>Thats not it
>Yes, thats it!
Fuuck off with all that "I dont think its that show" bullshit

Why did u get banned?

"i hope you fall off a cliff and get eaten by hungry wolves"

you cannot choose both
pick one
Fall of a cliff or get eaten

" fine get eaten i suppose"

Attached: pe.gif (728x410, 1.6M)

Are you sure this wasn't a music video, OP?

"you whore."

"i am positive"


freaked me out years ago when I saw it

"that ain't it"

how old were you when you saw it? what year was it?

Da ba dee, da ba die
Da ba DEE, da ba DIE
Da ba dee, da ba die

" it was probably, like, somewhere in between 2008-2011"

What is The Journey of Allen Strange.

Attached: 1457454197401.jpg (465x364, 27K)

Lmao you really are like 15 or something

Attached: Abandon Thread.gif (300x164, 1.96M)

Fall off a cliff and break all the bones in your body painfully and then as you law dying a painful death a pack of ravage wolves begin to eat you
>He was right

" no, it wasn't "

" thank you! somebody understands"

are you sure they wherent green ? im pretty sure know what you are talking about but its
from what i know it was first a game then a music clip and then they made a animation that didnt go for long

" do you know what it was called?"

" the real OP here, I am 15 and you shouldnt waste time on this stupid thread"

enjoy the ban my due

Attached: rlly.png (90x93, 16K)

>only saving the thumbnail
my money's on samefag here

Attached: 1454707448476.jpg (294x273, 12K)

this is what im talking about
also if you specify a year range id be a lot easy to find it if is not

Attached: oddworld.jpg (709x400, 39K)

surely its not this
If it is then OP is a dumbfuck

" i said, most likely, 2008-2011; also its definitely not oddworld"

same fag for sure, there's only 26 posters for 64 responses

well i just notice his 15
its prob escape earth

Attached: 1551468896371.gif (815x815, 803K)

Is samefag

bad math

Attached: Quick.png (1600x979, 1.16M)

Is it this OP

Wildly inaccurate

And my sameposts have been deliberately obvious

what the fuck have cartoons become...

Massive fail itt

Attached: 1554790731468.gif (450x247, 1.93M)

" no it was 2D..."

" no"

The Brothers Flub?

"it was aliens"

" its not :( "

what do you call that then?

You're thinking of Pokemon

" that is absolutely not the case"

Butt Ugly Martians?

Attached: Bug.jpg (300x168, 13K)

" abominations"

Its Dragon Ball

" its not that"

" mmmm, im pretty sure its not dragon ball"

lole nope

Attached: 2739BA7B-FA69-41C4-BD67-AA71B3AD6F80.jpg (640x564, 500K)

" ahh- my friends is going to bed, so no more replies..."


Attached: this thread is bait.png (500x350, 26K)


Mass effect 2?

Attached: FUCK OP.jpg (720x576, 71K)

Attached: OP is Lilo.png (220x304, 38K)

Attached: OP still gay.jpg (477x268, 10K)

>Takes place inside a human

Attached: no way fuck wit.jpg (500x500, 150K)

OP probably just remembers an eisode from a totally different show

But what if OP was stupid?

Is this it?

Attached: It's_Fat_Albert.png (397x557, 220K)

It would only work if op was a underage

OP is 15.. so here you go

well clap

Attached: 239595_156463.jpg (282x138, 15K)

What the fuck is this?

>Published on Jan 30, 2012
its was this absolute shit show witch came out around the time that cartoon network started turning to shit

after the "What a cartoon" shows ended, thats when CN became shiit.
Pretty sure its not 2012

Butt Ugly Martians.

I would say 2012 ----2015 is when cartoons started Turing to shit