How come the Holocaust can't be forgiven?

How come the Holocaust can't be forgiven?

It happened 74 years ago, when will it be time to forgive and move on??

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when the goyim have been pacified and exterminated.

It actually didn't happen at all. That's why they triple down.

Just after blacks forgive the slave trade.

Oh... reCaptcha thinks the UPS truck is a bus.

Never. You can't really forgive the targeted extermination of 6 million people.

Why not?

Captcha thought a scooter was a bike.

Oopsie woopsie we slaughtered millions of people uwu sowwy

There's been bigger genocides in history yet we don't reflect on them nearly as much let alone still cry over them.

What do you mean “forgiven?” Who’s holding a grudge?

cause it was only [1.4] million.

You never forgive an atrocity. You remember it, and eventually everyone directly effected dies off and it becomes a matter of historical curiosity.
Forgive it? That's just foolishness.

The holocaust never happened

Your mom never happened

I don't care if people want to talk about the Holocaust. What gets on my nerve is that we have Nazi and holocaust movies released every goddamn year.

I've waited for this, took 17 mins.

Technically slavery ended 150 years ago in the US but niggers are still mad about it

I guess we can’t forgive your mom for giving birth to you then

As a Jewish person myself, I personally forgive the German People

But what if that atrocity didn't even happen?

Approx. 6 million were murdered under Hitler's rule.
Approx. 20 million, under Stalin's.
x that by the years of each person's life, and you'll maybe get close to how long it'll take before such acts are 'Forgiven'.
They should never be forgotten.

You forgive/don't give a shit about all the others. Plenty of slavs and political prisoners were killed across the Soviet Union by Stalin and, to a lesser degree, by the Germans.
We don't give them random strips of land or billions yearly. Nor to the Roma. Strange justification to defend modern Palestinians being invaded

When Muslims stop talking about the crusades. Even though it’s their fault the crusades started in the first place.

I'm actually surprised at how long that took

How long should it be remembered for?

How many generations should carry the grudge?

That's great! A step in the right direction. We need more people like you.

The only reason we give them land is because American Christians are a death cult and think that Israel being in power will bring Jesus back.

Yes, I'm serious.

Also remember everytime someone bleeds at war is money flowing to someone elses pocket. Israel is an excuse of global oligarchs. For what? make your own conclussion

I know user I grew up in an area with zionists. They're disturbing individuals

You white bois just want to be forgiven for slavery.

Well, we forgive you for rap music

Well.. Pretty much all of the people responsible at least the key people are long gone.

This. Why does this excuse their modern Nazi behavior?

We forgive you for black metal "music".

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If you like, we can send you back to your ancestral homeland for no charge

And even though they themselves mudslimed their way through Europe in an unprecedented scale.

Mudslimes are the ass warts on humanity