Smoke weed a few times with friends

>smoke weed a few times with friends
>its fun
>always told my whole life that weed isn't addicting
>start buying my own weed
>mfw I smoke every day now
>mfw I need more and more to get high because I've built up a tolerance
>mfw I have to get stoned before bed every night
>mfw I'm probably going to smoke more tonight
What the fuck, bros? I thought weed wasn't addicting.

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We lied.

i got fed the same fucking meme, and now i hit the bong before bed or whenever i go for groceries lol

>be me
>smoke weed every day
>go on an international trip for a couple weeks so no weed
>maybe sleep like shit for a couple days but that's it
Where's the addiction, user? When you talk about smoking weed are you talking about an irresistible impulse? Or an impulse that you choose to not resist?

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Pretty much

I started smoking around a year ago and i have smoked much more often since then but if i dont have any i dont mind just wait till i can get some.

Soon you will go from smoking to injecting weed to satisfy your endless craving to be stoned 24/7/365

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I've been smoking pot over 10 years. The first 4 or 5 were all day erry day. Now it's nice to have, not not a necessity.

I'm completely BLASTED out of my god damn fucking MIND on weed right now my friend! Utterly fucked off my shit.

Wait for the memory loss, decline in ambition, drive, ability to communicate, and paranoia. Then you'll have something to complain about.

take a t break you fucking mong

nigga ?

edgy 16 year old detected

Weed isn't addicting, you just need to grow up.

Somebody doesn't know what "addicted" means.

It's not addictive in the sense that you don't develop a physical dependence to the drug. IE you could quit cold turkey at any time and you're not going to be at risk of death or injury like say, a heroin or crack addict.

Sure you can get mentally addicted to it, but you can also get mentally addicted to porn, cooking, shitting, bathing... the sky's the limit, really.

Try quitting heroin. Now THAT shit is addictive.

Weed addiction is all in your head. You won't get addicted unless you a weak minded fool.

Calm down bro im also a daily smoker its all in your head or fabricated dependance weed isnt addicting in the way a physical addiction controls you.

Dafuq? How does one get addicted to shitting??


Used to abuse party drugs all the time, met a girl and since being together, literally have no desire to get high.

Find a girl OP, or a guy, because you're a fag.

plus even if it were "addictive"... so what? caffeine is addictive and the shit is in fucking everything. Completely legal.

Yep. How could I tell other people that what I am doing is addicting?
On the other hand, I think sugar and unhealthy foods can be just as addicting!
(Also you don't know what addiction is unless you smoked cigarettes or poppers)

LOL you've got to get a hold of a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed, boombadoop xD

Shut the fuck up


Also pro tip

Your first high of the day will always be the strongest and you probably wont reach it again until the next day without a much bigger dose

It is definitely addicting. It fucks with your life even when you aren't high as well. You attention and memory go to shit. Your drive goes to shit. The only people who say it is harmless are potheads

Had the same here but i notced it and just stoped, it akes willpower but everyone can do it just stop getting new weed and stop beeing a fucking crybaby over it.

this guy tells the truth

Try heroin or better yet crack. Soooo much fun and not addictive at all. All the cool kids do them too.

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Relatable, I always come up with some excuse to smoke again whenever I try to quit too "Oh, I'll get another gram and when that's finished I'll quit." I say as I take my 15th bong hit in succession

>I thought weed wasn't addicting.
It's not. You can quit anytime you want to.
You just don't want to.

it starts small, like cancelling date plans or calling into work so you can squat and squeeze all afternoon, then if you don't get it under control you end up lying on the floor in Target trying to pluck turds out your bowels with your own fingers

say that to science and facts

its the same as me eating this ice cream, i feel like the ice cream is more addicting than weed tbfh

Brooooo it's not addicting brrooooo it's all in your head bro. You are not at all different an more of an annoying bitch for a while when you run out bro. There is no addiction at all to it bro just a meme broooo

Only mentally addictive, OP. You have no reason to quit hence the daily smoking. wait till it fucks your social life and ability to understand shit

No withdrawals when u quit, i only have a hard time sleeping and thats it

and u get a better high when u relapse after a few months without it

yes, i still remember when i always lost my shit. i also felt like all people were staring at me and rarely left my house

Bro you have to practice discipline. If you don’t ever stop smoking your tolerance goes up and up and you need more all the time.
Instead set a day or two a week where you don’t smoke. I set Thursdays aside for being sober all day. I’ll get out my glass and pack a fresh bowl and then leave it there. It’s right there, I could just light up and get high. But I don’t because I’m not just an animal with no impulse control.

Practice control over yourself. It’s like anything else, you get better as you practice.

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This nigga hasn’t smoked weed and is conflating the actions of people who fit the stoner stereotype with the drug itself. There’s tons of perfectly functional and well kept people who smoke recreationally. Just because a lot of losers smoke doesn’t mean anyone who smokes is s loser.

I started smoking weed daily after I didn't get a new job, and am stuck at my shit fast food job.

Started with just one hit a week, now I'm up to a bowl a night, only been 2 weeks, started to think it was addicting.
As a test I didn't buy more after I finished my stash, and I went a week without smoking and didn't feel any different, except my days where a bit more boring cus not high.
Just got some more cus fuck it.
But weed is not addicting at all, no whirdrawl or anything.

I'd you want to stop just don't buy more when you ran out, you'll see how easy it is.