>Walk into men's room
>See this
>What do?
Walk into men's room
Other urls found in this thread:
her skirt isn't pulled up, so she's just posing.
I would honestly regard her the same as I would if it was a 6'5'' guy with a 10 inch cock going for a piss.
I'd suck him off 10 dollars and swallow, wash my hands and go find my wife..
push forward, laugh
it's not gay if he wears girl clothes.
Rape her
Turn 360 degrees and walk away
>Turn 360 degrees and walk away
You'd be facing the same way you fucking reject
>being this new
at least be honest user
>he cant even moonwalk
Stab him in the throat
Make sure I use the urinal that is furthest from him/her, as is proper etiquette.
Good thing i'm more of a stall guy anyways. Cus that's where id drag him off.
Wonder why a girl is pretending to be able to pee as a man
Walk up push her so she is at an angle to the urinal unzip and use the same urinal
go to the urinal next to him, see if he finds me attractive just for the ego boost
if you dont see a wiener its not there
It is a girl that's not a trap.
Say "Hey dude."
It'd piss "it" off for sure, but sounds friendly.
Well i came to take a shit so i guess id take a shit
I would brutally rape that thing
use the bathroom.
>talking to people in the restroom
>making an effort to socialize in the restroom
>not knowing where you are being offended at something
I use the urinal like a normal human being and return to my Anime Convention.
As bad as you faggots want it to be, you know that's not a trap right?
i reject your reality and substitute my own
but i want to see it
It's not gay if he's cute
"Come around here often?"
>he wants my babies
I cannot believe this bait still works
lift up the skirt grab tha ass
Even if it's not a boy/trap. I wouldn't fuck someone wearing that shit
kick the massive gay faggot in the ass and shout him: "you liked it, eh?"
I would simply urinate in my pants or outside.
Who's this little semen demon?
Just go to the next urinal and piss? I don't give a shit what this kid likes to do
Trap music for trap thread niggers
he's a dude, albeit a massively gay one
I don't care tbh, I just want more
I'd take a piss,wash my hands and carry on.....
Yeah, I'd piss in his mouth after a good fucking too.
>New fag
I was here when the oh my meme was created..oh memories
turn her around and offer her my mouth to piss in
>newtons faggot
Mind my own fucking business & take the piss I intended to. Hence the reason I'm in a bathroom to begin with.
I remember a time here when people were not so easily triggered by based dick girls.
Now everyone is perpetually upset that trans people exist and it's pathetic.
probably because you libtards wernt busy shoving it down our throats all the time like you do now
I'm not a liberal. Liberals are capitalist pigs too.
stay mad that trans people exist. Rightists are the ultimate snow flake cuck bois
>Give her an offer
>Take her to the cabin
>Make out
>Up her skirt - femine penis confirmed
>turn her aroun and eat her ass a bit
>try to slide my cock inside her
>n n n nice
>cum almost imedeately...
>I'm sorry
>try to apologize again
should i?
why blurred
also summerfag & gayfag as well
Hello newfriends
Ask if they need any assistance once they're done~
they have the most depraved, fucked up porn, shit even i wouldn't watch yet they have to blur genitals?
Everyone would change their minds once they see his Asian cosplaying face.
I'm sure they would
*teleports behind her*
"psssh...nothin personnel...kid."
If you think that is what a male body looks like, than you're a faggot . . .
Scream get out you pervert this is the mens room.
Ew no
with cock
Oh, this should be good.
Please, explain to me what lead you to this conclusion.
you fucking idiot. you absolute fucking buffoon. you must be the stupidest person on earth. a 360 degree turn? seriously? how dumb are you? you would just end up going straight! did you not think about that? did you not think about the fact that a 360 degree turn would complete one whole circle, leaving you facing the same direction as you were when you started? good lord. i can't believe someone as intellectually barren as you are actually lives on the same planet as me. you're the dumbest son of a bitch i have ever seen on this entire website. no, scratch that. you’re the dumbest son of a bitch that I have ever seen on the entire internet, period. It’s incredible, really. Seriously, I can barely even comprehend the fact that you posted something so completely incorrect, something so devoid of intelligent thought. Do you even know what 360 degrees looks like? Have you ever actually tried turning 360 degrees? Someone as dumb as you probably couldn’t do it if they tried. But if you were able to muster up enough mental power from your two remaining brain cells to somehow perform this task, you would see that if you turned 360 degrees, you would be left facing the same direction as when you started. jesus christ. next time think before you post something so mind bogglingly idiotic. godspeed, you fucking blockhead.
looks like a rapey version of the guy from hoovies garage