Rate my gf
Rate my gf
Post more ass for favorite rating.
As a Bowling Pin, she's a 9.
As a woman, 6 because at least she isn't fat everywhere yet.
Gonna need another one, because I am doubting this is the same woman.
Why’s it not the same
Pic 1 would get 3 points higher than pic 2.
For pic 1 then:
9/10, want those small perky tits and full round ass now, when do you plan to sell her?
Fake tattoo
People are only rating high bc 4chin virgins. She’s not fat. But her body is as basic as the shit gets. No tits. No ass. Better have a goddamn model face otherwise she’s very much a 6-6.5/10.
I have seen that slip before.
Can't remember the woman, but definitely remember the slip with pink string.
Saved this pic, but can't find it.
If anyone is standing this awkwardly, they should have some assets. The idiot that said your gf has “perky tits” and a “full round ass” has never in their life seen an actual attractive female
Odd. 197KiB, 842x1677
Are you sure it's your gf?
Yo if some dudes role playing that this very basic bitch is his gf then I’ve had enough Yea Forums for today
You not like her
Lol yes
You should take off your porn glasses.
As punishment I increase my rating from 9/10 to 10/10.
She’s not good looking lol like people have said 6/10 just because she’s not fat. If you think she’s fine from these pictures you’re a virgin.
That’s why y’all are in here you all can’t get a girl like mine
You should take off your virgin wizard classes and go to ANY COLLEGE, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and just walk through it. This hoe is lame dude.
She might be okay after a good caning. Depends on how much she can take. Purple asses are pretty.