Gen Z are waking up

Gen Z are waking up

Attached: judokid.webm (288x360, 1.56M)

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dex vs no str


>wake up, Gen z
>assault someone
>only by having a violent criminal record will you protect a future for white children
>don't worry, we'll take away all the anti-recidivism social programs
>surely you will become successful as a violent ex-con with no job prospects

Look closely, it was self defense

where did this happen??

The crossdresser attacked the young man first.

the man in pink was being harrassed for dressing like that, and was attacked so he attacked back

If there's context and you didn't post it, it's because you're lying and trying to manipulate people. Get fucked.

how dare u. thats a woman

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>the man in pink

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exactly, it was obvious that the man in pink was being harassed for being a free person and showing it!

The short man was provoking the fight, and now the wrath is coming. His asshole is going to be widened.

Hold on Sweetie, did you just assume xir's gender?

tranny niggerfaggots deserved to get fucking whooped

the context is in that webm, you can clearly see the crossdresser initiate the physical confrontation.

>ze zy zo zum

Attached: 21st century....jpg (1117x675, 144K)

nope, that issue is the short guy is feeling insecure because the crossdresser turned him he attacked.

>I'm going to say something that's demonstrably false and everyone who supports my point of view will agree with me and shout down anyone who asserts that we're all full of shit
You do you.

o boo fucking hoo, sot he man in pink turns you on, get over it.

>verbal confrontation is the same as a physical altercation

ok so you dont remember how you were being harassed for being a virgin incel, so let me remind you, they stopped him physically then verbally assaulted him as goes with all harassment

i love seeing women and sissies getting beat into submission. so in a sense, yes.

Full video link anyone?

so youre saying in that webm the pink hair person doesnt attack first?

I'm willing to bet that the confrontation started before the video, user.

This is why theres so many faggots in the world. That and y'all think being primed for life means high school.

Being this much of a pussy is exactly why faggots like them are allowed to exist

Yeah sure buddy, what are the lbgtmnopqrstuvwxyz+ going to do? Throw glitter? Organise a rally? What's that you say? Piss & moan? I thought as much

His wig was still on at the beginning, im guessing that was the start of anything physical.

>Gen Z are waking up
give 'em some more tide pods

Audio version anyone?

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rape you kids and when you get old rape your kids

Stalin said the lower photo was all the context needed too. Glad to see you zealots aren’t pretending to be about freedom or non-violence anymore

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but its ok for you to assume that the normal person was the aggressor?


how do you commit verbal assault and can you cite any cases where verbal assault is the basis for a suit?

what normal person??? all i see is a short guy with insecure issues who got turned on by a man in pink.

this type of harassment goes beyond verbal harassment plain and simple. and almost immediatly

congrats you found additional context that Stalin was a liar, now find the extended webm
>with sound pls
and link it so we can all enjoy it

awful bait

>verbal assault
why do libtards insist on changing the language when they're called out on their make believe terms

Me calling out y’all cheering on violence is not assuming the aggressor. It’s saying youre taking an interpersonal confrontation of murky origins and turning into propaganda to encourage future acts of violence. You’re not smart, just fucked up.

>pointing out that the trannyfag was the aggressor is calling for more violence
i can hear your tears hitting the linoleum from here

You wanna scroll up to that OP and read some of the responses? You braindead fuck

why didnt you choose to respond to any of the obvious comments then? braindead fuck. if you're going to call out incitement at least target the right people faggot

no audio?

You trying to assert the context of this like 10-second clip, in order to justify these kids actions a priori while simultaneously ignoring said calls of violence, is literally you helping these propagandists do their work. Clearly you’re too much of a pussy to admit your lust for violence.

>respond to someone else, wahhhhh
That anus injury....

the fuck? i love OP vid and not afraid to admit that mentally ill people who engage in violence need to be put down

all i was saying is that you chose to most reasonable response to start arguing about incitement instead of the overt calls to violence that you could have chosen

>Actually fuck what I said, I do love the death and destruction. I am badass
Backpedal backpedal lmao. At least op thinks you’re cool.

Also I don’t give a fuck what you think I have to respond to. You’re a sneaky, sinister little bitch, so I’m gonna tell you to climb up on your hitler dildo and go fuck yourself.

Because assault is how we solve problems right?

pls see
violence is never excusable. he could have hurt those young men. violence is for state appointed authorities alone. and only they can decide when a situation has to escalate.

what happened before the video anons?

If my analogy is lost on you and you have to take it literally, you’re actually too retarded for me to engage with beyond calling you a retard. You retard.

It's amazing what junkies will do for money. I paid two skinny girls in their young 20s to wrestle each other in a hot tub. The first one to drown the other one wins $500.

My weekend was pretty eventful. Don't worry, no junkie bitch actually drowned, she was just held down until she stopped struggling and I stopped it there.

that was a legit throw.

only a trannyfaggot uses those kind of words

>dress like a tranny to get attention
>attention received

>Sub-90 IQ trailer trash owns liberals with insults.

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So a hate-crime is "waking up?"

Sure kid, go back to sleep, you're fucking dreaming.

>(you) kissless virgin

not bait if it's true

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Nice that mutation should not be out in public

Lol butt hurt faggot?

>>dress like a tranny to get attention
>>attention received

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>>>dress like a tranny to get attention
>>>attention received

Ben Shapiro-level argumentation. Obviously impresses retards like yourself.

Both the trump fag and libtard are borderline mentally retarded. Just because someone attacked you doesn't mean that it's right to attack back and escalate the situation further, particularly to that extent. The bigger person will walk away, if he has the ability to do so. That said, it's a fucking great video and a pretty sick takedown as well. So the libtard is also a stupid nigger who feels morally superior to everyone else because he doesn't like the video!!! Congrats man! Both of you don't belong on Yea Forums, so go back to fucking cringe pol or reddit

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Yea Forums is full of tranny sjw faggots, I thought traps even hated non passible trans monsters

this dude just gonna be an incel, look at his haircut

I would literally rather be some John Goodman-looking tranny than your pathetic ass. Your political ideology exists in the closet, you literal nazi fag.

>Ben Shapiro-level argumentation. Obviously impresses retards like yourself.
Felling butt hurt you obviously cross dressing faggot? Confronting, isn't it? Good arguments too. Kys homo.

You're a fucking homosexual, I hope some niggers beat you up with baseball bats over a fucking bucket of KFC

these dudes got fucked up by crossdressers

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I don’t have to make an argument to point out a non-argument, fucking idiot.

>Confronting, isn’t it?
Oh... you’re actually retarded.... No wonder you think calling me tranny actually means something.

>I don’t have to make an argument to point out a non-argument, fucking idiot.
>>Confronting, isn’t it?
>Oh... you’re actually retarded.... No wonder you think calling me tranny actually means something.
Sorry mate. U just lost the game called spot the cross dressing faggot. Again!

Yea Forums loves traps but not trannies

big difference

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Oh, wait I gotta spell it out for the microcephaly victim... I’m not a cross dresser. But I’m super amused you literally think calling me that means “you win”. I feel so sorry for your parents, but it’s their fault for passing on their shit genes.

I think it's a minority of people here who want to unironically commit violence against people for these reasons.

me meant dex vs int

Why is fighting bad? Cuz society told u so?
Have u ever had your own thoughts in your entire life?

Why is shooting yourself in the face bad? Cuz your mommy told u so? Go on, practice a little intellectual independence.