
What is your most fucked up experience you witnessed/had happen to you?

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>be taxi driver
>be 2am on M8 in Glasgow, Scotland
>cruising at 85 in 70 zone
>disco lights
>slow down and begin to pull over
>trafic police
>drive straight on past me
>3 miles further along M8
>blue car mangled up on the central barrier
>200 yards further
>traffic cop car upside down on hard shoulder
>small flames near rear wheel
>stop my taxi
>grab my fire extinguisher
>take 2 steps towards burning cop car
>fuel tank erupts
>can't get close now coz heat
>watch as trapped traffic cops burn alive
>still not sure how I feel about this.

Flipped my car doing 130 km/h, rolled 5-6 times and ended up in a coma (and in the newspapers kek)

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Thats crazy user
Do you have any weird neurological occurences that started after you had gotten out of the coma? And if i may ask, how do you remember it? Do you have memory of the event/waking up from the coma?

it's not how you should feel, it's how it smelt. which was exactly like fried bacon.

Well, I remember everything until they loaded me into a helicopter, then it goes black. Woke up 4 days later with tubes and shit in me. And a titanium plate in my skull.

I have a weird sensation of being upside down sometimes. Not joking that's how it feels like. Doctors think it has something to do with the crash and how I was hanging upside down for over an hour with a severe brain bleed.

But yeah, I remember going down the road. Happy and glad, going home from work. Then BAM my left front tire blew out and I spun out into the ditch. And it felt like I was stuck in a washing machine for a while and then how I was upside down, hanging from my seat belt with the blood pouring. Didn't hurt though until the fire department dudes started cutting the car apart and my many broken limbs started moving around. Then I screamed like a child.

>most fucked up experience

Well I was working as a line man here in Florida, just a green horn helping to set up a new electrical grid.
Felt tired all morning, but I often sleep really shitty so didn't think about it.
Then around lunch hour I was up about 35 ft securing a new cable and the entire world started spinning and my chest hurt like a motherfucker. Then I don't remember much, I fell from the top, my harness caught me though.
Co-workers realized I had a heart attack (only 22 years old at the moment) or something and loaded me into the truck, gave chest compressions and blew air into me all the way into town and my boss pretty much kicked the door in and got me into emergency care.

Turned out my ticker just stopped. For no reason. They got it back up and running, 11 minutes after it first stopped. My work buddies saved my life though, without the cpr I would have died.

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It just stopped? Wtf? Also your coworker are total bros.

Hope they were using 100 Octane

It's actually pretty common considering which is fucking scary.
And yep my coworker is a total badass and I will always be in debt to him.

Kingston bridge or easterhoose user?

>9 years of Panic Attack disorder
>Completely destroyed my life, in all ways possible

I haven't had any horrible accidents or anything like that, but I did have an experience as a kid that fucked me up for a bit. My grandpa died when I was nine years old - he lived a difficult life, but he ended up passing away in his sleep.

A couple days later (I'm thinking this must have been just after the funeral), I was in the basement of my childhood home, grabbing this big tub of legos I had down there. I distinctly remember it being real silent down there. That was odd at the time, as with it being an unfinished basement, you could usually hear pipes creaking, the furnace stirring up, etc. I went to grab that bin of Legos, and I could hear his voice as if he were right next to my ear, saying "user, I'm fine. It's fine." I stood there for the longest time, and never ended up telling anyone in my family about it. You know how it goes in the movies; parents never believe when children say they've seen something.

Sorry it's a vanilla story, just wanted to contribute.

I saw a dude get raped under gun point when I was 15 and still lived in South Africa.
>middle of city
>one of the alleyways I used to walk through home from school
>hear loud yelling and screaming
>go around corner, see three dudes beating the fuck out of another dude who is on the ground with his pants off
>pretty sure he had been shot or stabbed in the leg because he was bleeding
>then the dude with a pistol just fucks him while the dude is screaming and crying
>I was just standing at the corner like wtf and then I ran the other way as fast as I could and took a long ass way home on the main street

Told my dad when I got home and he started picking me up after school everyday after that.


was sleeping in a haunted house , cellphones dont work there , even radio , no device has signal there
maybe its some electromagnetic fuckation which affects brains and you see and hear wicked shit

What car was it?

For months I had this feeling someone was going to smash in my bay window and I would have to shoot them. Finally last year that exact thing happened when my uncle had a psychotic break and started smashing out windows but entered through the bay window and started attacking my dog. I put a single round into him and he ended up only making it across the street before faling over and dying. Really bizarre shit happened like the night before I emptied the magazine and put hollow points in for no reason, and tightened bolts and screws on my doors.

Helen Street cut off
made the news at the time, they blamed the driver of the blue car, said she was drunk and driving on the wrong side of the motorway.
They also maintain there was an off duty cop who stopped, bullshit, there was no one there but me and my passengers

Also, they report there was only one officer in the car, there were 2.
when was the last time you saw a traffic police car with only one cunt in it?

shit. Spooky

how did your family react? You did the right thing user but just curious

Obvious shock. But I don't have much family so they literally didn't give a fuck. Had one family member bring me food and another helped pay for the damages thankfully but other than that not a word eas spoken about it. Not complaining, would rather it just be forgotten since I still deal with nightmares

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Where at in Florida you work? My pops is a union boss for IBEW and has been a lineman in Florida for several decades

I've seen a ton of 'fucked up' shit like a homeless guy stab another guy to death while I was sk8ng to work but I enjoy this thing the most:

was sitting in the town house I was renting with two friends (they're a couple, I basically had half the house to myself). There'd been some weird noises and sometimes the house would have these "cold spots". It seemed like classic signs of a "ghost" which I'm skeptical about.

In this closet was a bunch of random crap my roomates were storing, including one of those battery powered clapping monkeys with the symbols in its hands. You put a battery in, turn the switch on and it walks and claps and makes a racket.

So I am sitting there watching tv and I feel cold all of a sudden. Then I hear that monkey clapping, the tinny little cymbals crashing together. Didn't know wtf it was since I didn't even know about the monkey. I open up the linen closet and the monkey is standing there "staring" out silent. I pick it up and see the switch is turned off so I check the batteries. No batteries.

I hear ya, my buddy is a cop and had to shoot some black dudes that had busted into a house of women and were threatening to rape two of em while the third hid underneath a bed and called 911. He killed two of em and had to go on risperdal even though it's probably the most legit reason to kill someone I've ever heard of.

Wow man thats a good story to tell over afew beers, i hope you had a BBQ for the boys that saved ya

Buddy my whole life is fucked

Here I am 16

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What is it with linemen and heart problems? My neighbor was a lineman and he woke up dead one day. Heart just stopped.


>woke up dead one day.

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>woke up dead
>woke up
Pick one