Reminder: All BBC...

Reminder: All BBC, u mad white boi and other race mixing threads are all being spammed by a Discord group that's full of literal trannies and mentally ill far leftists. They do it all day and no one's even paying them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Link the discord so it can be raided.

How mildly accurate.

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bump for link

It's a shame we have to wait so long for them to commit suicide.

Where the fuck is the link

>remember that anything you don't like is transsexuals
>wait it's mentally ill
>oh shit wait it's leftists
>FAR leftists, okay, far leftists
>and they're not being paid
And you fucking assholes slop it up like pigs. Keep being manipulated and loving it. Boomer trash.

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>People who hate leftists are the ones being manipulated


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First try to think with your brain before posting this kind of nonsense


Are you questioning the gender that this boy was assigned by his mother?

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Liberal whites are retard.

>lets help minorities!
>cripple them with welfare
>lets help natives (mexishits)
>crowd them together with blacks
>create literal centers of crime and poverty
>keep bring in more to work in the mcdonalds farms
>blacks start hating mexicants
>blacks blame whites for ruining thier cities with spics
I honestly cant blame blacks for hating whites sometimes. Fucking liberal intelligencia love segragating any part of the population and making citiea that were once beautiful into shit.

No kidding.

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>>just cause its disgusting doesn't mean you have to label it and hate it!!!
Unironically kill yourself, you delusional faggots allowing people to become sick pedophile trannies is just as egregious as said trannies. Stop trying to ruin society because you think stupidity should be rewarded.

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The democratic strategy has always been to make blacks reliant on welfare to keep them voting democrat.

The people who are ruining society are the people looking at others and becoming OFFENDED AS ALL FUCK like you are right now. It's just a culture of disgust and offense that's defining the parameters of your behavior right now. It's just magnified boomer philosophy. My grandfather used to yell at the television, why are you envious of that life? Why are you duplicating that behavior? Why are you doing it here?

What are you even talking about?

Maybe you shouldn't stand around slackjawed and clueless talking about all the things you don't understand, it makes your position look weak.

Anyone know wtf this person is going on about?


>Stop being offended!
>Literally is the only person offended

Adding niggers and faggots isnt destroying society, huh. You're a joke.

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we need some professional psychiatrist for this user,now i'm feel bad(glad) for himBut hey anyway who cares

I am not a boomer. I am a millennial and a registered republican. Not all of us are like you. We actually are involved in our communities and know that illegal immigration and welfare destroy black communities and communities in general. Intelligentsia like you don't care about blacks. You are racist in that you segregate communities by making them poor and keeping them there. You are the reason that they are poor. You have made them dependent on a system that degrades them and destroys their community. Read basic economics by Thomas Sowell.

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That user is a liberal and doesn't understand anything but what other communist tell him.

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You're using Sowell to defend your position which means you haven't read anything but his name.

I have read all his books you faggot.

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Two sentences is a good start. Why not try a whole abstract next?

You want me to read the book to you word for word retard?

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Yeah vocaroo that shit. I didn't invoke him, you did, and your own synthesis shows that you don't understand Sowell in full context, which you would if you'd read him.

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Like clockwork. They always show up.

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People like you give republicans a bad name.

Here is the book. Word for word. Retard.

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Who always shows up? I thought we were posting images. These are images.

Go watch your video and get back to me.

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Get lost, boomer.

>Reminder: All BBC, u mad white boi and other race mixing threads (as well as this one) are all being spammed by /pol/ to try to tip the coming election toward Trump, because they honestly believe they affected the outcome of the last one.

fix'd that for you

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Boy howdy you are retarded. Feeling like you are back up against the wall with no argument? Enlighten me then on how bringing in illegals and allowing them to get free stuff help in anyway? Or injecting 3 year old kids with hormones because they "feel" like a girl is okay? Or New York allowing for 9 month abortions, or that fact that 70% of black babies conceived are aborted in NY alone. Please, enlighten me on this subject.

>Boy howdy
Get lost, boomer.

Or... what if, there's just people with sad lives who enjoy getting (You)s from a board full of NEET autists?

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See how retarded you are? I told you I am a millennial you fucking idiot. Can't argue with stupid.

>just verbal diarrhea at this point
Yup. That's usually how they end up.

Get back in your containment board

You have literally made no arguments. All you have done is called me a "boomer".

>being this autistic

>Can't win in an argument
>I know!
>Let me call him autistic!

Good job.

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> Reeeee! Debate meh!!!
I'm not the one you've been sperging at, sparky. I'm just watching this train wreck unfold.

real state of mind of ignorant peoples who are manipulated in every nonsense today thanks to MSM and other useless things

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>those very same leftist manchildren come to the thread to try to convince people that all that racebaiting faggotry and faggot porn is organically posted

you're better at spamming than using your brain, stick to your strengths nigger faggot

What I want to know is when white Americans are going to stop fucking their cousins?

Read this story, you could not make shit like this up, 2 white American degenerates producing a super degenerate child.

White Americans are the stupidest fucking race on this planet. They make niggers look smart.
Propaganda is supposed to be subtle not like a sex ed poster.

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No one is stupid or intelligent.There is only peoples who want to know more and those who don't give a shit about anything (laziness).But the worst are humans who trust anyone and anything what they read or hear and don't try to search for the original sources of information because there is some "time" to lose (knowledge,or life experience) friendo

I really don't know what to write on that topic.We live in the wonderfull (horrible) world today.

You have no idea how stupid you are(REALLY REALLY STUPID)
The worst thing is you think you are intelligent(YOU ARE NOT).
Even niggers and jews know that in order to persuade someone you allow them to come to their own conclusions(YES YOU DO).
You do not ram your, in your case ignorant, views down their throats.




Degeneracy of the human race at its finest;

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everyone but newfags knows about the stormfags

OP is really stupid, he takes no responsibility for his actions. Op is literally a friendless degenerate.

Take a wash OP and get outside. You need fresh air.

Only oldfags know how to conduct psyops

White Americans, worse than niggers.

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Trust me i have no clue. He seems so angry.

Anyone have a porn addict discord?

You wish bud

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>>generations of inbreeding cause white redneck inbred child to be nearly as stupid as niggers in the general populace.
good job proving our point

KEK look at the nigger babby's face...

Is there a board for sane white males?

What's wrong with punctuation?

It’s not that big of a deal really. It brings random anons of all races for a wonderful cause. Hating Niggers. It’s entertaining and the jokes on them because it just creates more nigger hate which is what the world needs.

gr8 b8 m8

I love how that one tranny keeps posting that one article about how some hick fucked his cousin..

>learn graphic design

I bet you are a douce bag

I went to school to get a real career, thanks.

You've said a bunch of boomer shit and said to read Sowell. When challenged to actually synthesize Sowell you start foaming at the mouth because you've never read a book in your life. Get fucked.

OP is right trust me i saw the tranny discord with my own eyes. i dont have the link but if you want to see go to the trash blacked discord servers its a coordinated effort to spam Yea Forums everyday

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this is a virus do not click

wonder if any of them doctors were niggers, doubt it.

Oh no white incest, did you know in africa they rape infants because they think it will cure their aids, probably their own.

Fixed that for ya

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Yeah I guess all of those comma-less log of shit memes you make are the product of experience in graphic design.

Imagine being this retarded

Who said the boy was white?

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I always love meeting non Christian conservative

>that's full of literal trannies
You mad, nigger?

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