Every other site works perfectly fine for me except Facebook, Anyone knows why? I need Help

Every other site works perfectly fine for me except Facebook, Anyone knows why? I need Help .

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anyone ?

you can delete your C:\Windows\system32 to stop seeing this pesky message..

See that's why you don't have friends you unfunny shmuck face

Just tried it, worked straight away, thanks!


I think facebook is just having an issue right now. Same thing here on mobile with messenger.

thanks for ur response

old fucking loser who still ain't shit

It's the universe telling you to put down the crack pipe and join objective reality for a few moments...

Cum guzzler

I fixed it.

lmao i think you're right, i should lay off the stupid shit, so i'm not in a hurry to fix it, but i'm worried

why should i join that

Same issue but i fixed it by deleting system32

FB and IG wont load for me either. Hopefully in this universe they're gone or something.

Thanks for the tip! It works now!

At least now we know it's on them

Are you a phone poster?
Download termux
Sudo rm -rf

That will fix everything

ffs, atleast explain what the command does..

rm stands for reset metadata -rf says reconnect facebook


worked like a charm, my fb is working now, thanks!

I am definitely NOT doing that XD

cache delete. on desktop shift + f5 no clue mobile

instagram and whatsapp are also down.

thank me later

By Assange

faceboook,whatsapp, instagram are all down worldwide