I fucking hate cishets. Especially white cishets.
I fucking hate cishets. Especially white cishets
I see you are both racist and sexist. Then you've come to the right place.
Welcome home fellow bigot. Enjoy your stay.
Do you want a male 11 year old instead of a female, so you can mutilate him into being a girl?
No, I’m not racist nor sexist. I’m just someone who’s sick of racism, homophobia, and transphobia. Don’t know where u got that from.
Fuck off
The percentage of you faggots who kill themselves after realizing an inside out dick isn't actually a vagina & male aging can not be sidestepped by hormones.
And bullying from the likes of you dumbasses is what causes these trans kids to kill themselves. Keep crying, cissy. I’m drinking your tears.
>I’m just someone who’s sick of racism, homophobia, and transphobia
>hates an entire group of people simply for their gender, race, & sexual orientation
See above. Bigoted as fuck. Isn't that what you're claiming to be against?
>bullying from the likes of you dumbasses
No, that's realizing nothing they will ever do can make them a real girl, and they were far happier with the dick than the never healing, constantly infected surgical wound.
Transpeople and queer people like ME AND EVERY FUCKING PERSON WHO YOU’VE ALL BULLIED AND TORTURED AND MURDERED are just sick of being underneath cis people’s boot. Same goes for white people. A POC is murdered every day bc of hate crimes, I mean, look at the recent mosque shooting! We’re sick of it! We’re not bigots, but we want revenge for the years of oppression! We want to be treated RIGHT! God damn, Jesus Christ
>A POC is murdered every day bc of hate crimes
So are white people. You all just don't give a fuck.
>we want revenge for the years of oppression
>taking shit out on people who had nothing to do with it doesn't make us exactly as bad
You are such a disingenuous faggot.
>gets angry
Aww sweetie you dont have to be ashamed of the fact you are gay
White people aren’t killed nearly as much as POC, and even when they are, it’s usually not a hate crime, it’s usually just self defense or just a really mentally ill person.
What a faggot
>A POC is murdered every day bc of hate crimes
[citation needed]
>I fucking hate cishets. Especially white cishets.
Let me translate this to common language:
>I hate people for their sexuality. Especially if they have certain skin color.
That sounds pretty racist to me.
Admittedly, you could probably argue it is not sexist, because it doesn't target particular sex, but rather sexuality.
Quite the contrary, I’m gay and proud! I’m so queer, I cheer
>it’s usually not a hate crime
>it's only a hate crime when white people do it
Like I said, bigoted as fuck.
You can't say something a white does represents all whites yet something a black or muslim does does not represent all blacks or muslims. You hypocritical faggot.
Take your meds
OK, now you've convinced me this is bait. Good one, though. Good day to you, sir.
>A POC is murdered every day bc of hate crimes
I believe this, they're all totally genuine about it.
Oh my fuck.
I fucking hate mentally ill people. Thank god you idiots don't have children for the most part. A problem that'll just solve it self soon.
Nobody cares that it's bait. I don't.
I come in to btfo this narrative & be on my way. Because there are actually sincere morons who think like this.
>knows he's getting baited
>convinces himself that this bait is a threat to him
The bait doesn't affect me at all.
(You)s aren't worth shit. Far better to leave the narrative wrecked for newfags who don't know it's bait & see this shit unopposed.
>wants to protect the smol ones
>bumps bait thread continuously
I hate faggots like OP.
>bumps bait thread
Yup. Always better to keep the ones that have been destroyed already visible for a while.
I love this new tactic of pretending like the OP mentality doesn't actually exist & is always just bait, and everyone opposing it are morons because "it's always bait".
>keeps score of internet arguments
>doesn't realize that most people aren't reading his replies to the thread, they are just seeing the thread as he keeps bumping
>perpetuates the bait
>responds to my bait
>"I can never lose if it's always bait"
>"replying to anything I say is bait is somehow instant win for me"
I miss actual trolls.
your response is my gratification champ
if you want better trolls, stop bumping low quality bait threads
if you think OP actually felt this way, you're delusional
i will consume the black kind
for i am crackanoxus devourer of criminial
>only ever responds to the rightie posts like they're falling for the bait
>this over ever happens when the OP perspective is being btfo
>happens the same way every thread
This is so obvious. Your life has to be entirely pathetic if ANY response is a "win" for you.