How do people get addicted to drugs? Are they just weak?

How do people get addicted to drugs? Are they just weak?

I tried meth a couple times, neither time while I came down did I seriously think I need more so I feel better. I recognized how that could become an issue, but I just dont understand how people can be so stupid that they think thats the only solution to the pain of withdrawal.

tl;dr addiction isnt a disease you're just being a pussy

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A lot of the time it's to deal with other problems

Sounds like being a pussy to me

Easy to say for someone without fucked up problems

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Who says I dont? I deal with shit I'm not even sure how I get through sometimes, and I do it without depending on drugs to make me happy, so whats your excuse?

Some people just aren’t as tough/strong as you. At first it’s for fun and you can stop whenever. But the first time you use to change your feelings about something your fucked. ((remove the extra dot!)/..

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Coming down isn’t the same as withdrawal from addiction are you fucking 13?

Correct. ((remove the extra dot!))

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This is also true.

Idk. Alls I know is I've done every drug under the sun and no matter what. I'll do a couple bags of coke sometimes. But I eventually stop. But regardless legal or illegal I always am doing something. Whether it's a jewel vape. Some alcohol. Some weed. Some coke. Some pills. But I can eventually stop. I just think my brain is so fucked up when I stop everything and not do anything for a while. I turn into the joker. Become clinically insane. Get arrested because I become too wild. Take too many risks. Just been a never ending cycle since i was 13/14 years old.

>How do people get addicted to drugs? Are they just weak?

Nope. They have a biological predisposition that has been established beyond doubt in monozygotic twin studies, as well as dozens of others.

It literally is a brain disorder. You're lucky you don't have it.

Also forget alot of shit. Not think about shit clearly. But when I do shit. I stay clear and focus. It's so fucked up but I know it's been true for me

Opiates and benzos make you literally sick in withdrawal. Coming off dope and klonopin at the same time almost killed me; over 10mg habit of kpins WILL give you a seizure if you go cold turkey.

THats kinda what I started thinking after fucknut up there said something about doing it to change your feelings, some kinda brain defect that makes us susceptible to drug abuse, mice do the same shit too.

And coming down might as well be withdrawal, the only difference is when you do it steady for half a year and just stop it could kill you..because you're really that dumb

gamers rise up

>THats kinda what I started thinking after fucknut up there said something about doing it to change your feelings

You're right. True addiction isn't about "changing your feelings." It's literally an addicts brain sending the same chemical signals a brain sends when it's dying. Addicts searching for a fix are on the same emotional/psychological level as a person dying of thirst seeking water.

Nobody can truly understand this unless they suffer from or study addiction. It's legitimately one of the worst mental disorders one can have. It's absolute torture.

I am a professional in the addiction field, btw. All the statements I'm making are backed up by decades of research.

Just take the time to put yourself in someone else's shoes. You don't know what some people who are addicted to pills/meth/heroin are going through or what they have gone through. Not to mention everyone handles problems in different ways. luckily for you, you don't use drugs as an escape from reality, which is great. But I bet you, if you used a drug to cope with a tragic event , you'd have a strong chance of being addicted before you even knew It. Then on top of drug addiction you're trying to get through your tragic event with a chemically imbalanced brain. It's a vicious cycle I've seen my mother go through. I know for a fact she's not a weak person either, she's now 4 years sober and making great money with a job she loves.

What man?

>Cops playing video games on the clock using my tax dollars instead of going out and shooting niggers

I had a year clean on vivitrol, then my insurance cut out, 4 months later I was back on the street. The struggle is real.

>But I bet you, if you used a drug to cope with a tragic event , you'd have a strong chance of being addicted before you even knew It.

Professinal here again (LCSW, CAADC):

Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the individual's genetic predisposition to addiction. A majority of people would never become addicted to drugs or alcohol even if they tried - their brains and bodies just don't respond that way. But for about 10% of the population with certain genetic characteristics, addiction can be highly susceptible.

I'm no professional by any means I've just seen a lot of friends and family go down a dark path with drugs. I think predispositions are certainly a factor, but you are affected personality trait wise by the upbringing you had.

It is them just being mentally weak. Sure there are people who are predisposed to addiction but always have a choice to give in to their addiction or to fight against it; most junkies choose the former because it's easier and it's easier to make excuses rather than take responsibility for their lives.

I live in an area with a lot of drug addicts; I've met plenty of current and recovering addicts. They all have the same thing in common; they're all weak people who don't have the fortitude to face life.

is it true what the offspring say? prozac will make it better? on 10mg daily. so basically microdosing SSRI how am I addicted and how fucked am i? or is this where that other word dependency comes into play?

You should try shooting heroin for a few days in a row and report back to us how strong you are bro.

If you were stronger you wouldn't be shooting heroin.

That and being bored

>I think predispositions are certainly a factor, but you are affected personality trait wise by the upbringing you had.

Exactly - that's called epigenetics, and it is determined by your base genetics.

SSRI's increase the available level of serotonin in your brain which can make you feel more calm and at peace. They treat symptoms of depression but not causes.

You can become addicted to anything that releases dopamine, essentially. Virtually all recreational drugs do this, as does food, sex, gambling, exercise, etc.

I don't know what you mean by "addicted" to prozac. Are you taking it as directed? And have you tried to stop under the supervision of a doctor, as you should with any SSRI?

True but eventually you get to a point where your using drugs to change your feelings and cope. After doing that for a while your physically/ biologically addicted.

Some people don’t have coping skills to deal with their problems. So drugs and alcohol are how they cope.

Genetic inferiority.

Also if you come from a low-IQ cultural background drug use is considered a normal hobby and abstaining would make you an outsider.

That's called an excuse.

Ooooooooh okay.

I'm a white, middle-class heroin addict with a degree. Must've been the music with all the hippin' and hoppin', I'll quit now - thanks guy who probably doesn't believe in climate change either.

Climate change is a hoax you dumb kike loving nigger

>I'm weak so you must be too
Fuck off back you reddit you faggot.

>implying you being white makes me wrong
I never said that, we can't all be winners.

Climate change is real but irrelevant tbh.