Trips decide where i piss in my house

Trips decide where i piss in my house.

Quads decide where I shit

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heat register

last night i had a dream about me being chased by a guy with a gun and then hiding myself in a park,in which I found a group of people and among them there's was a guy I know and they let me hide there from the guy with the gun

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The kitchen floor

Behind the living room TV.

If central air conditioning, piss in air vent closest to AC unit. Let it go stale before you turn the air on

If AC window units, fuck it, piss in the hallway or something. Let ot go stale.

No AC. Shitty UK weather

on yourself

Grandmas ashes

on your pillow

your face

In toaster

on your pet

In your washjng maching. I want picture or video proof too faggot. ((remove the extra dot!

Post w.e u want

server where you can talk about controversial stuff without risk of ban!

In the bathroom like a normal person

Ice Trays

Computer disk tray

Proof would be posted. Shame you didn't get trips tho. Liked thst idea

the fridge

I assume your body is inside your house

In that case, your own mouth

On the air filter in your house

your kitchen counter

Inside of refrigerator

In milk jug from fridge

the fridge again

Under your pillow

On pet

Hi user, I think you might want to check out this server.



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Piss in your own mouth you degenerate fuck

In bong

Ice tray

on tv

On your pillow faggot


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bed for the 2nd night check em

Kitty litter box

Where you sleep

On your mattress

The question is. Cup then mouth. Or just go for it and stream it in

go ahead and shit in your mouth too

piss in your kitchen cupboard. shit on a pillow and sleep on it

in the toilet idiot

It's time user. Join the one and only Yea Forums discord that is actually epic style and full of smart, informative Yea Forums users!



on bed, then

Is that a serious question user? Of course we want to see you fire house that shit in yojr own mouth. Wear some swimming goggles too you might burn your eyes

On your front door.

kitchen sink garbage disposal

Fuck dude I was so close

shit on fan, then turn it on

try to piss 10 feet in the air and not get wet


In your oven

In the toliet

On your bed

Roll for this

shit and piss in blender, turn on to highest setting without lid attached.

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rolling for local park

inside of your computer.

piss inside a nigger but hole



one of these

Pee inside my girl
Shit on your dinner

Fuck your house. Go find a building like an office building or something. Use the elevator or staircase.

If there isn't one close enough to you, just go to a gas station and go on their bathroom floor. That way some minimum wage asshole has to clean you piss and shit. Toilets are for suckers.

Electrical socket


piss in a Frisbee stick it in the freezer, wait till its frozen.Take piss disc out of Frisbee and slide piss disk under neighbors door.

Your pissing in your laundry drawer

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reroll for justice

Piss out a second storey window

Piss in your toilet #edgy

Wait until parents asleep then piss in their hair

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daddy's office

in the toilet

on the kitchen counter

In the toilet fggt

on computer

In your sister's ear

In your dogs bummhole