If you read this you must greentext your day so far:

if you read this you must greentext your day so far:

>woke up
>hit my dab pen like 4 times
>play vidya for an hour or so
>friend picks me up
>go eat
good day :)

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Other urls found in this thread:


>woke up
>saw this
>gonna kms

>Woke up
>Go to work
>Can't speak with gf cuz their parents took away her social media
>Still in work

Life sucks

>wake up at 4 am
>browse Yea Forums
>jerk off
>browse Yea Forums
>jerk off
>eat lunch
>browse Yea Forums
>jerk off
>eat dinner
>browse Yea Forums
>jerk off
>respond to this thread

>wake up
>smoke weed a bunch
>practice guitar, flute and piano
>go to work on my families farm
come home and shitpost listening KMFDM and Kraftwerk

>brother gets a ticket to go to a show i wanted to go to
>tfw i planned to go there
>tfw i live too far
>and going there would take 3-4 hours by bus and train
>tfw he for some reason knows your plans and has been doing everything you wanted to do ever since you started spring break so now you stay at home knowing he's doing what you wanted. also knowing he has invaded my privacy somehow

man that sucks, go smoke some weed!

i would but i have no connections

>woke up
>watched surveillance camera man again
>came to Yea Forums
>saw this

>woke up
>go to coop
>buy bread
>get haircut

>jacked off again


>woke up after md sesh at my friends house
>waited an hour drove home
>slept for 13 hours
>woke up and did my plat 4 promos on league
>smoked 3 cones out of my new bong
>post here

>woke up
>be depressed
>go to sleep

>woke up
>stayed in bed for a while
>got up, made coffee
>designed a new filter for the pond because I'm not paying for an overpriced piece of shit
>sat on the computer
>rehoused my Aphonopelma hentzi
>worked out
>back on computer

>wake up cold because i never make my bed and my blankets are always falling off
>parents make breakfast
>get called in to work early
>get off 7 hour shift
>mom tells me about going to a family members bday out of the blue
>i decide it will be lame and not go
>now just watching youtube vidyas and looking at Yea Forums and reddit

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>woke up
>do not eat breakfast, ever
>write article
>in the midst of writing, girlfriend calls my phone several times; stare at it and do not answer, I am not sure why either
>finish article, feel pretty good about it.
>feel shitty about it, truthfully, and delete it.
>Email my editors that I broke my ankle, astonishing lie about falling from a ladder
>send another email explaining I lied; editors have not responded.
>try to sleep, cannot manage such a ridiculous task considering I slept yesterday, nor does writing seem interesting either.
>Take a shower, rub soap in my rectum because it feels shitty
>Loud knocking on the door, of course it is the fuming, albeit ignored girlfriend
>Suppose to go on a double-date to see Pet Semitary, although we are late
>despite the haste travel to the theater, stop at a gas station for shitty pizza and smokes.
>girlfriend pissed that I continue, especially since I attempted to quit on various occasions, alas to no avail
>she picks up her friends, dikez of the highest decree. Imagine the possibility my girlfriend is diking out with these two women, realize I do not care moments later
>Get to theater, movie is cool but the individuals (dikez) accompany my girlfriend and I decide to talk at every waking moment, what the fuck.
>After movie ends, girlfriend drops the dikez off at the dike ranch. They ask for my name, I sigh and my girlfriend yields my denomination to these heathens
>Girlfriend is mad at me during car ride, for not answering her phone calls or asking about her day, whatever
>get home, she storms into the house. I decide to sit in my truck
I am sitting in my truck, suicide seems better than this predicament.

Go to reddit and stay there

>wake up
>hungover as fuck
>I fucked my ex that night
>text her "hey last night was fun"
>doesn't respond
>doesn't respond all day
>reorganize le basement
>still no text back.
>hasn't even opened it
>oh well, shes too much of a pussy for 2nds
>be sad and beat dick to furporn
>be here typing this out
>I'm never gonna get her back

Fuck my life.

>woke up
>watched like 5 black clover episodes
>played smash ultimate assuming that there would be a tournament today
>it got cancelled
>kept playing smash for a bit, practicing PT
>laying in bed on my phone typing this now

holy crap you guys all have happy normal lives. I'm practically a psychopath compared to you

You beat your meat to furporn, so I'm not at all surprised that you'll never get her back. Just join grindr user, you'll find someone

>woke up hungover
>exgf next to me
>woke her up and fucked her
>did it again a cpl hours later
>have plans with girl I’m dating later
>tell ex to leave
>super hungover
>cancel plans with date girl and smoke weed and browse Yea Forums all evening


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>woke up
>eyeball .6 m into points and capsule it
>hit dab pen
>play games with friends

What did u do 2day?

>Wake up
>Eat breakfast
>Go to barber
>Go back home
>Eat lunch
>Meet with friends
>Smoke a big ass blunt
>Go to Chinese restaurant
>Drive to casino
>Drive to a good spot
>Drink some booze
>We all go home
>Post here

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grabbed some beer and listened to music. not much

>people is envious of me being alone

thats it

>Wake up
>Pet dog
>Make food
>Watch anime
>See this

>woke up
>smoked ashes of resin, vow to not smoke weed
>went to skool but didnt work, bought weed instead
>am high in the mcdonalds down the road
>idk what to do when i graduate


Be a bum

>wake up
>walk to get food with gf
>hit up vape shop with gf
>back home for vidya with gf
>clean a little
>post here

>wake up
>my knees hurt
>do nothing
>will go to sleep in a few hours

>wake up 5am
>speed and caffeine
>work 12 hour day
>go home
>wife has wedding reception to go to
>get screamed at by inconsolable 1 yr old for a solid 2 hours
> 8 year old watching obnoxious cartoons on tv loud as fuck the whole time
>baby passes out finally
>have to cancel plans with friends because wife still isn’t home
>8 year old still watching same show
>go to garage and pour strong drink
>realize I’ve only had an apple, gatorade, and vodka for sustenance today
>silently appreciate my parents for what they went through a bit
>watch shitty black and white horror movie on public access
>fuck off on Yea Forums obviously
Normie as fuck existence

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>woke up
>had a wank
>got up
>had a horrifying shit
>had breakfast
>vidya for like 4 solid hours
>done some push ups
>made a meal for my family
>fell asleep for an hour
>more vidya
>drank wine
>had another shit
>went to bed
>made this post

>wake up
>run local 5k race
>23:35 49th overall, 11th age group, met my goal
>have cookout with family, friends and gf
>play yugioh and watch boxing for a bit after everyone goes home
>come here, post

Nice day op, proud of u
>Woke up
>Went to work
>Went Home
>played vidya
>Ate dinner
>Browsed Yea Forums
Not a terrible day but not great

>Woke up, fell out of bed
>Dragged a comb across my head
>Found my way downstairs and >drank a cup
>And looking up I noticed I was late
>Found my coat and grabbed my hat
>Made the bus in seconds flat
>Made my way upstairs and had a >smoke
>And everybody spoke and I went >into a dream

I live in a vehicle
>wake up outside wifes work
>make breakfast
>wake kids up to eat
>do dabs
>stare at Yea Forums
>play around with kids
>do dabs
>wife comes out on lunch
>everyone eats
>do dabs
>she goes away
>let the kids play video games
>play guitar
>do dabs
>wife comes out for 2nd break
>eat crackers with her
>she leaves
>do dabs
>beat kids at smash
>do dabs
>back to Yea Forums
>see this thread
>do some dabs

>Early in the morning
>Rise into the street
>Light me up that cigarette
>And I strap shoes in my feet
>Got to find a reason
>A reason things went wrong
>Got to find a reason why my money's all gone


How do all you fags dab
I find distillate carts easy and convenient and i can stretch a gram cartout to last over 2 weeks

>woke up
>cleaned my dorm
>kissed my girl
>played vidya with my hometown bro
>went to the mall eat something and get some new clothes
>came back home
>smoked some weed
>thought about ending it all
>wrote this

i have no idea how they do. but carts are extremely convenient cuz i can do if right before i walk into my classes

>woke up
>got high in car
>go to work
>get high
>1.5 hours to go

Bout to drive back to my home town after

> woke up
> ate food
> played super metroid
> had fun
Thank you classic SNES

>wake up
>eat something
>showered last night, still don't seem gross so no shower
>watch kitchen nightmares
>play some Sekiro
>be gay with boyfriend
>now in this thread

(OP) update on my day

>gf went to party without telling me
>she got high and cheated on me
>told me right after she did.
i dont know how to feel about this. im glad that shes truthful with me bit im sad that she violated my trust with her

what do?

Kill her and the guy she fucked.
Or keep being a cuck, you faggot.

>wake up
>eat tacos
>get on computer
>life is good.jpg

You must kill the man and eat his entire corpse to add his strength to your own.

10-4 back door

>woke up
>took ACT
>went home
>did laundry
>got on Yea Forums

>wake up
>go to play standard showdown MtG
>only one other guy shows up
>play ten or so games with him
>on way out the shop gives us free packs for showing up
>get home as my roommates leave for a party
>ask if i can go, they say no
>ask gf if she is busy, she is
>get phone call from mom
>grandpa has cancer
>start drinking straight vodka
>get midterms back, off what i needed by 5%, not gonna pass
>been alone since then

rn im listening to suicide is painless and trying to see if anyone has had a worse day to cheer up.

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>woke up
>took shit
>browse internet
>browse Yea Forums
>see this thread
>write this shit

What kind of farm?


I found a growth and I don't know what it is

What are dabs?

> wake up
> take a shit while reading some shit tier fairy tale on Yea Forums
> rip on the op fag
> step out of hand made outhouse and admire my home feelsgoodman
>grab bucket of organic mud for bathing
> brush teeth with all natural tooth paste
> take a dip in my natural standing pond
> catch a fish during my dip
> go clean out the gutters of filth that I reuse in my garden of filth
> take up a spot by the local lake to do some painting work and admire my craftsman ship with a single kiss
> place said artwork out front of my house so the peasants understand my ferocity with a paint brush
> fend of my home with shear Chad like feriocity and dominated those fools who dared set foot on my land
> read some liberal propaganda
> then went on about my day like usual

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sorry to hear man, see a doc, hope its not bad

weed vape

thc extract. usually comes as a wax. its put on a hot surface connected to a bong of sorts. thats the best my high ass can explain

>Wake up at exactly 7:30, which is strange
>take lithium
>go downstairs and eat cold leftover pizza with some mayo on it
>open up Mac
>browse >browse /r/cringeanarchy
>end up cumming to pictures of my autistic cousin
>decide to go get a midi keyboard from guitar center all the way in oxford valley
>come home
>fuck with it
>It’s fun
>Pretty much just eat and be on Mac until literally right now

It was a good Saturday

I was kinda just trying to make you feel better. I didn't find anything.


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Hey man it's not so bad.

> Last night a friend asks if I will help him take portraits this morning for his dating profile
> I accept
> Now it is morning
> Wake up at 7:00 AM on a Saturday, leave to meet friend
> Friend complains about every picture we take
> Friend can't fucking smile for a photograph without looking like a fucking rapist to save his god damn life, despite having a normal face
> Go to 5 coffee shops because he thinks they "have good ambiance" and he "digs their vibes"
> Go to 5 more fucking coffee shops spread throughout the city because he doesn't like any of the photographs we take
> It's now 3:00 PM
> I've taken 100 photos at about 10 different locations
> I leave to go home
> He is surprised that I leave
> Buy dinner
> Add extra onions to dinner because I'm not a fucking scurvy man who only eats meat and milk
> Watch CodysLab on YouTube
> Get on Yea Forums because what the fuck welse should I Do with life

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you sound like a nasty scrub

>go to work
>have a drink
>leave work
>continue to get drunk

>wake up with hangover
>take prius to get serviced
>that'll be $600 sir
>take service home
>service ends at 2pm
>walk to pick up prius with hangover

Distillate carts are garbage. I have an enail and a nice rig. Work in industry i get half off in the shops.

You're not a scurvy man but I feel I might smell your breath from across the room if you eat onions a lot.

>be me
>wake up a 7ish 8ish
>play fallout until 9
>play bloons TD5 for an hour
>go on Yea Forums
>see this

is pic related by any chance?

Well yea but i am a neet and carts are cheap, i can make it last much longer than if i bought a gram of concentrate

>woke up
>Went to work and had a great day making sales
>Got hit on by an Asian woman and an older white women.
>At home and about to turn on Netflix and see if major Payne is on it

>woke up
>trying to get over mild depression
>my gf got grounded for a 'lifetime'
>I was found in her bed last weekend
>worst feeling ever, love this girl more than myself
>fast forward to today
>live in buttfuck nowhere
>get ready to go on 2hr trip to beautiful/historical garden in a city far away
>maybe it'll take my mind off of this
>drive two hours with family
>can't go to garden
>go to record store for vinyl day
>buy gf a vinyl
>she's qt punk gf, likes a lot of cool shit i do
>get nothing for myself
>broke asf.jpg
>go out to eat
>come back home
>want to fuck gf
>she has no phone rn & her door is off the hinges, so no sex
>beat off to gf's nudes
>try to fall asleep to no avail
>go on Yea Forums
>see this

>wake up 730
>go to work at 8
>supposed to go home at 2
>boss tells me I gotta come back at 4 and work a double
>leave and stop at gas station
>buy 6 pack
>go to friends house
>pound beers and rip dabs
>go back to work buzzed and high at 4
>have easy night cause I'm a volume shift
>make time and a half cause I'm in mad overtime
>walk out at 9 like a pimp while coworkers whine and cry that they can't leave
>stop and get a tallboy
>sit in car drinking and smoking while waiting for my gf to get off work as I shitpost on a senegalese washing machine repair forum
Could have been a worse day.

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>Woke up at 4pm
>Stuck on my phone for almost 6 hours
>Haven't even smoked weed today (am now going to)

>gf got grounded
Underage b&

>woke up
>go to Yea Forums

>wake up in the morning
>Go buy some clothes that I need
>get back, pet piggies
>Start cooking
>Grandma calls, she went to a nearby store and bought too much shit so I have to go and pick her up
>What the fuck grandma, it is 12 packs of charcoal
>fill my entire hatchback trunk with the stuff
>go home, keep cooking
>Jerk off to some really good hmanga
>3hs nap
>Wake up, play vidya instead of studying
>Jerk off
>Jerk off

I turned 18 a few months ago, i'm a senior in highschool, about to graduate. but my gf is a year younger than me, so i guess

Share the nudes?

>woke up
>went into a city i live near
>bought some booze
>went play dnd
>went to a fire
>back here
>drinking and music

There are dank grams here for 7.50 in the shops. The carts are just thc distillate with flavoring you lose all the other shit in the plant smoking that way. I never got high enough on those. Even going refillable and buying top shelf distillate, its the same crap just with natural flavorings added back in instead of the candy shit you see for cheap.

Are you 15 or a pedo?


>be me
>wake up
>go to work
>work 12 hours
>go home
>see this thread
>post on this thread

Attached: 15dNV1o.gif (296x360, 183K)

> every day
> implying only 1ce per day

like I said, smellling from here

>wake up
>get dressed
>leave house to go to school for 7 hours
>go home and study hiragana
>eat dinner
>browse intenet
>this thread rn

You didn't say that I said that, but yeah, what you said that I claim I said.

>Yea Forums
>drinking alone
fuck my life I want to die

2.eat red sugar
3.drink coca cola
4.eat croissant?
5.listen to cake music
6.observé swaggy cat be fattening balless bastard
7.observé cancerous tongue
8.purchase magnificent clothes
10.attempt to think
12.go in white car and listen to black awesome musik (Xgongiveittoya)
13.eat spring rolls
14.watch some Back To The Future, find scrawny glasses Guy getting bullied by big blonde GORRILLA (looking) individual amusing,
see scrawny glasses Guy laughing at the tv and i am saddened
16.drink apple juice

This but getting stoned too

>wake up after 4 hour sleep in
>go to make coffee but no milk
>get mad and smoke a joint
>feel stupid because now I can’t drive to get milk cause I’m high

Ay someone talked about fucking their 14 year old niece in another thread, may want to go find them instead lmao

>we were together before i became of age btw

Walk there

What happened were you threading the needle to hard while rap dancing?

It’s like a 400 metre walk. I’ll be too exposed

>wake up
>watch mlb/nba
>eat shitty chinese
>browse the chan

>wake up at 6am
>smoke some heroin and do a line of coke
>go to Methadone clinic
>come home
>back to sleep until 1pm
>go pickup some heroin and coke
>do heroin and coke all day
>find this thread

W-why did you respond to me

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Nigga that's like a third of a mile. You can drive a third of a mile while high and be fine just drive really slow. Fuck you can walk a half mile in less than 30 minutes easy for a round trip.

It's time user. Join the one and only Yea Forums discord that is actually epic style and full of smart, informative Yea Forums users!



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Why would you be on methadone if you’re still doing heroin?

Speaking of chinese I could go for some teriyaki beef skewers from Eggroll Express. But it's 10pm, dammit.

triple dubs :^)

> wake up
>Shitty school still hasn't graded my assignments so I cant take my final test
>Sit outside in the rain for 5 hours
> Go inside
>play Vidya
> Eat dinner
> Browse Yea Forums
Pretty good day to be honest

So either you’re a pedo or you are under 18, either way fuck off.

>woke up
>made some pumpkin pie
>fixed my house
>/tp to skelleton farm, get some xp
Yeah I've played Minecraft all day

Even if he technically counts, he barely technically counts. I'm sure his gf is less than a year from being 18 herself.

discord..gg/xRPn9BQ ((remove the extra dot!.

server where you can talk about controversial stuff without risk of ban!

Nah you’re right brother. Besides, I desperately need the exercise

And hey you can pick a few other things up too when you're getting that milk.

Ok buddy, either way she's at the age of consent. Can't believe you're so bitter that of a girl is even one day below 18, then you're gonna accuse me of being a pedo for fucking her. Just cuz you couldn't get fucked in high school doesn't mean nobody else will

I got laid when I was seven even though I didn't want to.


Life's been...interesting starting from that point.

>be me, mommy's 32 year old 407lb bouncy baby boy
>wake up at 4pm in my childhood bedroom
>roll out of bed until my cankles hit the floor
>struggle to stand up
>waddle to the sheet covering my door (smashed it years ago in tendie rage)
>yell downstairs
>hear a few footsteps and a muffled sob
>"h-honey...can you look for a j-job today"
>smash my Nintendo DS against the door frame
>feel a bit of liquid poop slip out between my bouncy baby boy cheeks
>"o-ok honey..coming r-right up"
>more sobbing
>walk back to my computer desk, sit on my chair that is duct taped together
>stomp feet over and over for 40 minutes
>finally that slut brings my tendies
>"h-here you go honey"
>notice there is no ketchup
>slam the plate down
>struggle to stand up
>bend over and shit liquid taco bell poop all over the plate
>pick up plate of poo-tenders
>slam it into cunt's face
dumb bitch

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>Talk to corporate
>Approve memos
>Lead a workshop
>Remember birthdays
>Direct work-flow
>My own bathroom
>Promote synergy
>Hit on Deborah
>Get rejected
>Swallow sadness
>Send some faxes
>Call a sex line
>Cry deeply
>Demand a refund
>Eat a bagel
>Harassment lawsuit
>No promotion
>5th of vodka
>Shit on Deborah's desk
>Buy a gun
>In my mouth
Oh fuck me, I can't fucking do it, shit!

>Pussy out
>Puke on Deborah's desk
>Jump out the window
>Suck a dude's dick
>Score some coke
>Crash my car
>Suck my own dick
>Eat some chicken strips
>Chop my balls off
>Black out in the sewer
>Meet a giant fish
>Fuck its brains out
>Turn into a jet
>Bomb the Russians
>Crash into the sun
>Now I'm dead

>woke up
>meeting friend in an hour
>shower, brush teeth
>friend comes over, talks about her bf and complains about her long distance relationship w him
>still sad
>she leaves
>I take a nap
>wake up, gym opens in an hour
>goes to gym, my bracelet that lets me into the gym doesn't work
>leaves again bc there's no employees for another 4 hours
>get on Yea Forums and talk to online friends
>write this and realize that this was the most eventful day in the past month

>get even sadder.

Just imagine for a second that there is actually someone like this in the world because the parents were too left to abort

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What? Don't those on the left support abortion?

Quite a shit time there. I'm not much better, but better nonetheless.

Where do I get a dab pen?
Wanna start smoking again but this shit seems a million times more convenient than pipes or papers.

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>half dreaming hlaf awake
>8 am dad wakes me
>loser mentally ill probable autist 19y/o forced to leave house
>walk/sit/smoke untill 3 pm
>shamefully meet mum at gmas house
>"""friend))) says we gonna go to community college anime con
>picks me up at 6pm its already over
>see a few trannies and fat com/femmes cosplay
>friend doordashes 1 house
>go to liquor store
>drunk old men who cant stand up
>they are unable to buy me liquor
>young man buys me liquor
>popo shows up for drunk homeless old sorry sacks of shit...
>hides liquor in tree nearby
>very scary situation
>walk sees popo gone
>gather hidden lq and get in friendoscar
>go home
>on downstairs pc
>fuckin shit fuck
>im staying up all night cause i feel alive
>alcholic porno adicted cig smoking pothead whos balding at 19. k piss out bye,.

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Damn, pretty based day.

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>woke up realized i was out of drugs
>wander outside looking for roaches
>contemplate stealing liquor from liquor store
>stare at wall for 15 mins thinking of an heroing
and in the end i shat into an empty kfc bucket mixed it with piss and poured it into a 2L bottle put a balloon over the hole hoping to make jenkem by morning and called it a day.

I am ashamed of my existence as i should be..

>Woke up on my couch about 10am
>Played Dragon Quest and watched Youtube till 3
>Ate some left over Tuscan Chicken
>Took a nap till 7
>Chilled with GF playing ps4
>Ordered Dominos around 9-10
>Now I'm here

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>wake up to my room of piss jugs and shit bottles
>first thing I do in the morning is check my gbp
>saved up enough good boy points to buy a steam card
>crawl out of my battlestar galactica blanket (I got it from Santa instead of coal for being a good boy)
>rip off page of my gbp chart and hobble downstairs
>mummy cooking me a breakfast of tendies
>"mummy mummy! I saved up enough good boy points to get a steam card!"
>"let me see that my special little boy. You've been so good these past few weeks! Here are your chicken tenders."
>fucking normie cunt, who calls them chicken tenders
>eat my mountain of tendies then get into the car
>mummy starts to drive
>suddenly get motion sick
>"mummy I don't feel very good"
>puke all over the back of her car, tendie flakes everywhere
>oh my god! -10 gbp. We are going back to the house now
>what the fuck you stupid bitch I was good all month for that steam card
>was going to buy Sakura Angels with it
>get back to the house
>enact plan of revenge
>mummy goes to sleep
>pick up shit jugs with caution, pull out mummy's space heater and place the shit jugs with it next to her bed
>20 min later
>shit bottles explode
>hot poop splatters everywhere
>mummy gets plastic shard in her eye
>has to go to the hospital
>doctor said its infected and has to be removed
>mummy now looks like nick fury
fucking normie bitch that's what you get for taking away my gbp

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post gf noods you virgin fuck. i wanna see candid pic

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>woke up quick, at about noon
>just thought that I had to be in Compton soon
>I gotta to get drunk before the day begins, before my mother starts bitchin about my friends
>got to the path and damn near went blind young niggas at the path throwing up gang signs

now THAT's a real man's man

so close..

so close..


you need to stare at that wall for longer then 15 minutes you fucking degenerate.

>wake up
>go get a little ceasar's cause shit's cheap and I woke up hungry
>get some work shit done that I didn't have time for yesterday
>wash my truck
>spend most of the afternoon reading about people's bad trips on erowid while listening to throbbing gristle and nurse with wound
>play guitar for a bit
>browse Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /ck/
>put on some of my records, madvillain, black moth super rainbow, tnght
>come to Yea Forums while listening to vinyl
>see this thread
>hit reply

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>woke up
>got out of bed
>dragged a comb across my head

>pn my phone green texting is a huge pain in the ass.

Fuck that... But in the style of, heres what i did.
Woke up
Drove about 100 miles and delivered a load
Drove back to yard
Dropped trailer
Cleaned up truck
Came home
Picked up kids
Ran errands (lowes and oreilleys)
Came home
Changed my stream set up
7pm started live stream
Just finished about 30 minutes ago.
Currently sitting on the shitter talking about my day.

Probably meant the co-op

>Woke up
>Made food
>Went to work
>Messed around on laptop at work
>Now goofing off and waiting for work to end

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fuck u

What games you play recently?

>woke up
>hit dabs
>watched tv
>more dabs
>went to Walmart and Kroger
>more dabs
>made béchemelmac and cheese for gf and my roommates
>did more dabs
>Started working on a paper that was due Wednesday.
>Did more dabs
>Did a line of coke
>more dabs
>went to a college party for an hour
>went home
>more dabs
>snorted half an adderall
>wrote more of my paper
>needed to shit
>see this
>wrote a literal shit post

>woke up
>hung out in the living room with my roommate for a few hours
>played smash ultimate for a few hours
>went upstairs to play vidya with some friends on computer
>ordered pizza
>never got around to playing vidya
>browse /x/, Yea Forums, and now on Yea Forums

It didn't really feel lucky it felt kinda like rape.

Well I fucked that reply up.

Not much lately, some Dark Souls 3, checked my Animal Crossing town, put on Rock Band 4 but got bored and put on Rock Band 2 instead cause it's a million times better.

I'm still waiting for that Joker release. Nearly halfway through April and he's supposed to be an April release. So it's gotta be coming up soon.

I just found out uninstalling games from my ps4 doesn't delete data. Opens up more options. I weirdly want to get the platinum hits version of fable 2 cause I never played the dlc but I thought the game was alright.

How's your dalmatian doing?

> woke up took kid to softball
>went to game watched destruction of other team
>found Queen and some workers outside a hive i thought was dead (ant's)
>put them in a new hive .
worked in yard planting flowers and mowing.
> went to thunder over Louisville found a parking spot 1/4 mile from the fireworks (free).
>watched fireworks from best spot ever.
>left and got home in less than an hour.
>laughed at losers who dont have a fantastic day every day.

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>>woke up 5am
>>made myself tea
>>smoked a fag outside
>>played on the pc
>>wife brings in breakfast
>>play with cats play with wife
>>smoke another cig
>>play on pc
>>make more tea
-11 am feeling sleepy take a nap
>>wake up at 5pm
>>wife went grocery shopping and made food
>>eat food
>>wife makes me special tea she got for me
>>watch tv shows with wife
>>play on pc
>>put wife to sleep
>>post this on /pol

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>wake up
>make coffee
>i don't like coffee
>roll spliff, smoke with coffee
>put on game of thrones
>watch for hours while smoking and drinking coffee
>take out gun, contemplate suicide
>bitch out
>make steak
>it's alright
>pet cat, feel slightly better
>consider calling people, talk myself out of it cuz i don't want to listen to answering machines

new game of thrones tomorrow so i have something to wake up for at least

>wake up
>feel like shit
>jerk off
>jerk off

Attached: downl.png (230x219, 7K)

>don't get up
>everything is pointless


I'd say it gets better or some shit but it doesn't

So sad to think some of our gen x uncles had to live like this.

Fine, sure

>Did job dispatching trucks
>Ate hashbrowns
>Bought booze
>Played Borderlands 2

I'm not even gonna ask if you know that that comes from a song because I feel like most young people do. Also my uncle didn't make it past the gun in mouth part.

journalism is a cesspool and your girlfriend is a bitch. shooting yourself would not affect them in any way. dump both and fin a job and a girl who dose'nt treat you like shit.

Attached: You cause this.jpg (1920x1080, 201K)

Well played. Fuck the Beatles

>woke up

>fuck my sister

>woke up
>coffee and muffin
>fucked off on phone games for a while
>went to escape room with bros
>ate pizza afterwards
>came home
>fucked off on Yea Forums
>fucked wife so hard she passed out
>went back to fucking off on Yea Forums

Good day so far.