Yea Forumsros what the fuck is this, should i worry? It’s filled with some shit, like zits.
Yea Forumsros what the fuck is this, should i worry? It’s filled with some shit, like zits
Ingrown hairs
I've had them for years. just pop the little fuckers, it's ok.
never had it before, do i pull the hairs? destroy the zits or what.
You can cut them open and pull the hair out or just leave them be.
If you pop them, but leave the hair follicle in them, they'll only come back or become these nasty ass red spots that looks like VD.
Get a pin, poke them, drain them, find the hair and pluck it out.
I'm a hairy fucking bastard too and these things suck.
thanks for the advice man!
And post video.
Ingrowing hairs my dude. Exfoliate once in a while
Is this the new triforce?
AIDS + parasite faggot worms
it's just acne with pus in it really, you mustve had it before on ur face or anywhere so
Get a safety razor
Start shampooing your pubes every day along with your hair. They'll go away. Take the excess foam from shampooing your hair and apply it to your down under. Trust me.
ingrown hairs
>pop them
>film it
>post videos
>apply isopropyl/bacitracin
Ingrown hairs and they might be flaring up if you damaged the skin near them and or have psoriasis.
And clean the area and all tools with alcohol before AND after