Okay Yea Forums what are your thoughts and opinions on when a girl has her instagram or Snapchat on her tinder profile...

Okay Yea Forums what are your thoughts and opinions on when a girl has her instagram or Snapchat on her tinder profile but then doesn’t respond/leave you on read when you message her?
Just messaged a girl on snap “Why have it there if you’re just gonna leave people on read?”

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Tinder is fucking lame, The amount of girls that are flaky and never wanna meet is crazy.

Its for gaining followers retard

Still fucking retarded. They need to gtfo tinder

Because they're bitches dude. They use tinder like a game. Ive matched plenty girls who never reply but keep me matched.

its called being unattractive you mongoloids

then why did they match in the first place? .... do you not understand how tinder works?

they open it and swipe right on every single person, do you not understand how people use tinder?

use bumble you fucking autists. fems have to message first or you get unmatched

Im not unattractive it's just bitches get 10x more likes than guys. They have way more people to pick from especially if they're even a little attractive.

I've never heard of anyone doing that.

yes because unnatractives like you salivate at the hint of a chance of talking to a female

yes, people sit and methodically wade through the masses of creepy neckbeards & alt chicks. foh high school ass bitch, you wont find 'love' through technology

You sound like a virgin bro lol, stop projecting, calling people unattractive must mean you're ugly as fuck.

my first week on tinder i smashed 3 girls, granted i was in a college town. stopped using the app because no normal human uses dating apps. every single girl on their has something off about them, a reason to not be able to meet people in person like normal humans, if you will

i can confirm that i've had more luck and wasted less time using bumble. actually met a girl i dated for 6 months and also had other hookups before that. not being ugly helps too.

all you need is nice teeth and a flat chest, and the girls do the rest

just putting 2 and 2 together bubba, attractive people dont have the problem of being ignored or not matching

Ahahahaha get a load of this guy

"Dating" apps are funny to me. I've used them for hookups a handful of times and have had all different kinds of experiences with them over the last 5 years. Here's what I've gathered about females that use them (btw I'm 27 if that helps):
>18-20 yr olds won't meet you in person because they are too scared or are pampered little twats
>21-25: likely looking to fuck but this is when they really start going downhill and are realizing their beauty is beginning to fade
>26-29: looking for a relationship before turning 30 because they're "running out of time"
>30+: unlovable, depressed, damaged, gross, no hope for them.
>any single girl, regardless of age, who is on a dating app with a kid is just looking for some poor dumb idiot to take care of their half-retarded bundle of shit.

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all too accurate. this is what i was getting at in the tail of

I use bumble but like tinder bitches barely use it on a regular basis so you’ll match and then they’ll run out of time