Women i sit next to at work comes in dressed like this. What should I do?
Women i sit next to at work comes in dressed like this. What should I do?
post more and ask if her toes stink
user where do you work?
rape, then murder
Fuck her, she's clearly asking for it
Accidentally spill water bottle on her front
I want face
stick ur finger in her butthole
Shoot a rubber band at her titty.
My feet stink even after I shower how do I stop my feet from stinking
ask her out, you dumbass. Just be like "hey, drinks after work? ...during work?"
This is the only real way to escalate & potentially get laid
I would strike up a conversation with my fellow co_worker
Honestly, this is the only real way to escalate and potentially get laid
Genuine advice, get some hibiscrub
Holy cow this seems really easy I need to get a fucking job already fuck
This is the only real way to escalate and get laid
you're not a girl so i am uninterested. also it's your shoes. if your shoes stink your feet will always stink. it's how it works. trust me, i've spent years getting my sluts to have stank toes. i know what works. also make sure you wear actual socks, not thin breathable socks. breath ability just means your sweat dries and more sweat comes and dries and piles on the stank.
Use some tinactin wet spray (no powder) on your feet and let it air dry. Keep your your feet in the air while they dry. Then put your socks on. Voila, no more smelly stinky feet.
Report her to your supervisor. Tell them her outfit is distracting and you can't finish your work.
You might get lucky and end up on Yahoo News, they love covering bull shit stories like that.
This works too. Just don't use it on the rest of your body. Use regular soap for that. Hibiclens is a good brand.
Spit game pussy
Well.. since you at work:
Enjoy the view, get off Yea Forums and work faster idiot.
Best advice :)
Thank you
report her for sexual harassment
i might add that your feet have to be clean before you spray tinactin. Won't work well of you don't. Do this for a while with a brand new pair of shoes until smell goes away
Tell her she diesnt have to wear that to work just to impress you and yes you will go out for drinks after work like she asked you.
this is get and and the only way to escalate
Here's a suggestion, maybe realize that you are a creepy faggot?
report her to human resources for improper dress code. That boob is about to pop out. If everyone is cool with her undergarments and private parts showing, feel free to pop some wood in a strangely tight and detail revealing par of pans and walking around with a boner.
Just saying. Equality
You're on Yea Forums pal that's everyone
>wat do
pull the dick out and start fapping, do it faggot
So if he's creepy, what does that make her? Should dudes be allowed to were basketball shorts to work?
A breast is not equal to an erection you dunce
I'm aware, been here long enough.
It's just a bit yikes y'know.
you can't go with the distracting issue because then they say its your issue if the female form disturbs you and they shouldn't have to cover their bodies so men don't leer at them and rape them with their eyes.
Go with dress code. If no dress code, you use that and walk around with wood in tight semi-transparent pants. See how quickly you get fired, then you file a law suit and this picture plus your filed complaint is evidence of discrimination = profit
Female Breasts are very sexual and men are much more sexually charged. It actually is the woman's responsibility to cover this up, otherwise she knows exactly what she's doing.
>make friends with her
>hook up with all her skanky friends
yes they are, in that both are natural. user maybe cant control when he gets wood or not. Why should have have to feel ashamed of something natural and out of his control? Why does he need to hide it? Apparently letting your bits show is not a big deal = point OP
report her to HR, that's clearly not appropriate work attire
If you aren't a neanderthal you should be able to control yourself. It's not that hard.
I feel like women could wear whatever they'd want - as long as it's appropriate for the scenario.
post more pics
Put some polaroids of your dick up around the office and tell her to fuck off if it makes her uncomfortable
You must be a low T bitch to not get distracted when women working around you are exposing themselves.
that's quite an ill fitting bra
she should get remeasured
Or maybe you're just too autistic to not be able to control yourself like a normal human being would?
I own 4 escalators
Call HR and report her for wearing clothing that is revealing and will draw unwanted attention potentially causing problems for other employees or even a scandal for the company.
lick her armpit, idiot.
Lick her armpit, moron.
post more creepshots
bumping for moar pics
Been nearly 2 hours, I highly doubt there's going to be more pics.