Hey Yea Forums, i am a 23 year old russian girl. I want to kill myself

Hey Yea Forums, i am a 23 year old russian girl. I want to kill myself.

I moved to UK 2 years ago to be with my boyfriend that we met online, and he has been abusive/cheated on me ever since. He made me pregnant and has been shitty to me, literally telling me that he wish he killed my daughter and me..

I have an honest question - my life is shit and my daughter has me and no father, and, welll.. should i kill myself? i want the best for her but it just seems useless atm.

sorry for any bad english.

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tits or gtfo

So fucking figure your shit out and provide for you daughter or fucking kys it's not that hard of a choice

tits and timestamp, schlongkowski

U should think about the girl ffs user

waht the fucik

Women and men need to really think about having a baby out of wedlock. Should of taken the pill which is like 40 to 60 bucks no baby. That simple

Don’t kill yourself you can find someone else to probs chill with and get back on your feet I mean some guys or girls aren’t alright and others aren’t it sucks that sometimes you meet the ones you don’t like that do things you don’t want so just try your best to raise your daughter and get away if ya can

I no believe this. Time stamp it

Think about the girl

Exactly this. Tired of hearing these kind of stores in my hometown yet alone across the pond.

How is you killing yourself the best thing for your daughter? She will end up with the asshole dad or in adoption services either way life for her would be worse not better

stfu and die already :D

You can move in with me and my wife if you clean our house and you don't smell like shit.


That's why I say fake and gay.

Def kys. Tits and timestamp before you hero cunt

if real and not troll
I would recommend you take care of the kid or put it up for adoption before you go through with suicide.

you want to kik?

delicious copy pasta

Op, don't do it.

I feel bad for you OP, but committing is literally the biggest pussy move you could ever do.

>Hey Yea Forums, i am a 23 year old russian girl. I want to kill myself.
tits or gtfo

find a new man that is nice, wants to have a family, and will love you and your daughter. that means do social things so you actually meet men. posting on places like this will not help.


capt saveahoe strikes again

um not sure why that is funny.


oh sorry i guess i should taunt her, humiliate her, and tell her to post tits like the rest of you completely unoriginal guys.

You dumb faggot, didn't you see she said she's in the UK now?
UK Don't pay shit for the pill or the morning after pill or a coat hanger

Tuts or gtfo

Stop being a whiny bitch and find a way to take care of you and your daughter. Steal as much of your prick bfs shit as you can and slash his tires and then run far away from him. Step 2: gtfo Yea Forums and reddit and stop feeding your delusions by listening to the internet. Nobody here except little teenagers want to see your tits and timestamp. And nobody wants to see you anhero these people are just mindless edgelords.

Is it summer already?
Bro, I got this cool recipe for crystals and glow sticks you need to try.

Attached: c2O_RwPU_400x400.jpg (400x400, 24K)

sometimes we can be helpful, right?


Where in the UK? Plenty of us are UKfags



its so obv fake, like the "girl" hasnt even responded to one post so far. Hes just sitting back collecting yous
Not to mention no time stamp

Stop acting so summer. Saged

Mнe тaк жaль

Summer sager. That’s a thing of the past old fag

you think it is fake? why would someone make a fake thread like this?

Never go full retard

(you)s can cause a man to act irrational

Why not do the whole *Russian porn star* thing like at least 1/3 of the sex industry is? By your pic you look like you could easily fit that niche. Fuck, and make money doing it! What more could anyone want?

You think a Russian would use the millineal 'literally'?

Figure out why you hung out with a kinda guy like that in the first place. Things have progressed too far to lead any normal version of a life, it isn't about you anymore.

Offer your soul in servitude for the continuation of the life, your mistake, you brought into the world.

It wouldn't have been a mistake if you could have picked a non-abusive guy, and had finances for your kid. Or a guy that wanted to be a father.

Take responsibility for the life you created. You made the choices you made, and you can make up for all of them if you carry on and give your kid the best life it can have.

If you off yourself I'll see you in hell.


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Don't listen to all the bullshit. Stay strong, find a good white man, treat him right and be happy. There's love for you in this world.


Stop taking antidepressants

>and, welll.. should i kill myself? i want the best for her but it just seems useless atm.

You really really don't care about your kid, or anybody and it's obvious why or you're an organic psycho.

Attached: bye4chan.gif (250x252, 6K)

You know the rules 'women'

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Nudes or concludes

Don't do it. Times are hard but you can it through. Do it for your daughter. You want what's best for her. What's best for her is having a mother. Live for her. Make sure she has a good happy life. Make her happiness your own. You can do it!

is his a hoket


Tits with timestamp, or leave.

You’ll get through it, imagine the pain of growing up with a father that hates you and a mother that killed herself. You shouldn’t be the one to make that girl’s life harder than it would be already. I promise you she will bring you joy and maybe she’ll even become a billionaire or something