I’m a girl and i have a-cups

i’m a girl and i have a-cups
do any boys actually like small tits?

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Nothing wrong with a cups, but you know the rules. Tits with timestamp or gfto


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Little boobies are pretty too . Post your little lovelies for us .

in order of importance
feet>booty>everything else>tits

"tit guys" are fucking neanderthals anyways

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that’s a relief

Tits or GTFO timestamp or it doesn't count.

>i’m a girl
Yes of course you are, now show timestamped tits

i’m underage and insecure lol i’ll go ahead and gtfo

second, also, i know you're not a girl op but do your toes stink?

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uhh when i don’t shower they do lol but otherwise no??

Post kik

Obvious troll, but I like people not bodies.

You must be fat and ugly

Flat is best

I don't mind A cups. Like, that's not what I'd search out in a porn but if I'm into the girl I don't really give a shit.

My bitch has a flat chest too. The only guys who will ever like you are closer pedos. Get implants, slut.

>i feel like i need to say this "interesting" thing about myself

>admits to being a closet pedo by saying only they like small tits
congratulations, you played yourself

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other girls like them to ;) im only a b cup but i know how ya feel

Post bellybutton OP

i like smaller tits

I've never had sex with normal breasts, always little ones, like A or B -cup max

Liking small tits doesn’t mean you’re a pedo...next you’re gonna say that people liking skinny people makes them pedos

Big tits, small tits all tits are good tits

Tits or gtfo

Spoken like a true virgin

retard, read the comment i replied to before you try replying to mine

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small tits > flat chest > big tits > death > fake tits

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 18 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

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bump up big tits and you're right. it's all about the shape and fullness. you can have dynamite big tits but they won't look good for long. and i've also seen some real fucked up banana tits in b/a cup size

I'm gonna need to see these ones to be sure

skin... so pale, smooth and creamy... need more of this strange example of a human...


Big boobs are really gross to me, they just look like blown out balloons.

I personally prefer them. Big boobs are nice and all, really like looking at em. But once it comes down to it, I'd rather have small hand size boobs rather than some big ass flop sacks on my face

I love small tits!


Yes science says men worry about face tits ass in that order. So if you have a nice face your good. If you don't oh well.

>science says every man is the same
>i'm retarded enough to believe this because i'm a lib who also believes (((science))) says gender dysphoria is normal and you really can be a girl trapped in a boys body and global warming is legitimate and y2k was legitimate, and acid rain was legitimate. believe (((science))) implicitly

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Well post the fuckin tits if you want us to judge them!
Don't just tell us you have A cups, show up for fucks sake!

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>Thinking liking small tits makes you a pedo
By that logic, liking girls with short hair makes you gay.

it does, faggot

I'm a man and I don't agree with that. You're born a Male or female. If you want to change sides then you have issues to come to terms with. If you're a woman who changes to a man like buck angel don't get mad if you get punched out like a man for talking shit to me.

shit for brains
>see this post
you are either a shitty troll or the second most retarded person to reply to me in this same thread. are you flustered about your pedo leanings or something to the point you don't even bother seeing what i was replying to and have no reading retention because you have the iq the same number as the girls you find attractive? jesus christ dude.

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Yo if there is girls on looking it be lewd and show off there body I wouldn’t mind looking at photos on discord lol my username is Drepmecha56#0657


yeah. i dont like the huge ass tiddys. I like it more like flat or small



wat. dude we share the suffering, we dont end it


Why would you. You can just start ignoring the shit and do other stuff

normally I would, but sometimes, like today, I get really lonely and yearn for a woman. tomorrow may be different but the urge is overwhelming sometimes.

ahw. knowthatfeel. I just recently met a girl i was kinda into but not sure if i should contact. would be great to just chill out and stuff. think thats the kinda feel u have

All these replies and only a few asking for tits, I'm disappointed

flat chest is best

also you know the rules, tits or gtfo


it has been a while since I had a that feel. I think a couple of girls liked me in university, but that was years ago, and I fucked that up, so I'm so used to self-sabotage I just don't even try anymore

i'm 12 and what is this?

Genuine answer to a bait thread:
As long as they’re pretty, I like them no matter the size

Pics n o w

sorta. I just dont try but i dont think that itd work even if i did. And it just doesnt rly matter for me i think.

yeah I don't even try anymore. I've just given up I think, even though I think there have been a couple of women to like me like that since university. I just fuck myself over. I hate my brain, my friend.

A girl with a cups is a man

I do not like flat chested girls, tho I won't turn down a relationship or sex solely because of her chest.

flat chests>small chests>everything>>big boobs>OVERSIZED BOOBS

also tits and timestampo

size of bobs i do not care . i just want to put my pinus in the vagana. she will like or she will pay!

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only if they're secretly into 12 year old boys

This. Personally, I love perky, petite tits. They age very well

My cock is confused

I do

Yeah I actually prefer them. Just make sure to keep thin and clean.
The "thicc" meme is just that, a meme. Only niggers like fatties.

It varies from man to man. I'm an ass man so it doesn't matter as much as it would to a tit man. Tumi big titties are like power windows on a Corvette. If they're they're great, if not fuck it, I didn't buy a Corvette for the fucking power windows.

You know the fucking rules fuck off if you aren’t showing them

I'm not against a nice pair of big tits but small ones are pretty as well, sometimes it's even nicer. Even a flat chest is nice, if a girl is relatively slim.

And a plus side - the gravity won't get them any time soon. All those big tits get pretty ugly when their owner gets older. Whereas small tits are almost as pretty as they were before.

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I like small tits, small butt, generally into pixies if not traps


>only niggers like fatties