No trap / CD thread

No trap / CD thread.

Let's make one.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Is this oc

Yes its me

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You have kik baby? That body looks good

>let's make one
Lets not.

Used to. For someone reason lost the log in details.

I can make a new one I guess.

And thanks.
Allready done :/
Have to live with it sorry hun.

Attached: 1552165304713.jpg (770x1280, 214K)

Jerking to this

Disgusting cliff-hanger toes. Kill yourself faggot.

Got some pics of what’s under that skirt?had a delicious view from the back

>TFW you will never have a weeb gf

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Hehe cum a lot.
Maybe if I don't find a daddy to domesticste me.
Sure... just a boipussy

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I gotta honestly ask, do people wearing them actually like them? I tried it a few times and it was just eh

I love french nails. Have you tried wearing them?

I’d love to breed you baby you belong on all fours

>Maybe if I don't find a daddy to domesticste me.

Hiding your face because you know you're not passable. You'll never find a "daddy" to domesticate you, anyone interested in traps will go for more passable, more feminine looking faggots. You may as well kill yourself.


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sooooo hot

Nyxi Leon is so fucking hot

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How can make so many unsexy vids? It's like watching tards fucking


they look like sisters

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Pretty eyes

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Is that you?!

Attached: on closer eggzamination.jpg (704x396, 39K)

Is this you?

Attached: unholy child.jpg (768x1024, 87K)

Is this the you?

Attached: fingergun.jpg (708x652, 74K)

Bless you fems and CDs for all of the happiness you bring.

Wait, is this you?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

It's you, is it?

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Are you this?

Attached: 6329cf51c0a1a3da9683854d0bf6b0c3.jpg (710x720, 47K)

Are you Nyxi?

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Is this you?

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Eggmans losing it!

Is this you getting AIDS?

Attached: eggspress yourself.jpg (600x300, 30K)

Filters are kind of gay

Attached: sweaty egghead.jpg (255x197, 6K)

So eggman I'm a little confused. Are you ok with traps or not?

Is that you?

Attached: very hard.jpg (343x888, 84K)

Is this you?

Attached: clever sidekick name.png (537x747, 745K)

Are you ok?

In general?
I'm a live and let live libertarian. No for or against them, outside of shit like calling them girls, and the phrase "feminine penis."
Personally, I'm bi and would do a trap.
Trap threads comprise too large a percentage of content the last few years, and in need of a good derailing.
I've been here long enough to know, Yea Forums was never good but there was a variety of content and these threads have destroyed that.


Roberta Paulson and Alana Thompson

That's a lot more well reasoned than I expected someone from here to be. I honestly find the way you derail hilarious and I'm a trap that sometimes posts but heck I can't complain when it's funny.

Equally surprised at your response. Glad you liked. Have you posted yourself here?

Today no, seems like someone posted one of me but I'm not posting today, just lurking really. Wanted to ask you my previous question though because I was intrigued by how you go about derailing threads.

Yeah, their names used to be Robert and Alan, obviously.

I had been talking to some friends about the dumb ass villains on the old Batman TV show the night before the first time I did it.
I like browsing here with my morning coffee. One day, the first page had 2 different trap threads, and page 2 had another one.
I shook my head, and said "You have got to be shitting me."
The rest is history.

Attached: moar egg plz.gif (480x248, 1.03M)

Too bad, with your sense of humor, we may have hit it off if we were in the same area.

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Welp, looks like it's time to go back to work. This job can be eggscrutiating sometime.

Attached: egghead.jpg (450x333, 15K)

That's way too many threads to be active all at once. Variety is the spice of life after all. At least you chose something unique and interesting. I love Batman, even the campy stuff for what it is.
Quite possibly but oh well, it is what it is.

Attached: 1537672215576.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

The Eggistential blues, my friend.
I do wish you luck.

Attached: eggsistential blues.jpg (620x415, 31K)

Looks eggsactly like Bjork

Attached: eggsactly.jpg (200x252, 9K)

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You too friendo. I wish you an eggselent day.

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tfw no trap maid who will service you anyway you want at any moment given.

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well that's boner inducing. who is this?

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Any sissy or fem boys out there?


Attached: eat my eggpun.gif (400x283, 494K)


Holy fuck you rolled triple eggs!
Eggsemplary, my friend!!

Attached: 3 eggs of truth.jpg (930x1200, 161K)


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Attached: The_Angelic_ Alice_Blitz(4).jpg (540x810, 164K)

I'd grind on top of you

Attached: leggo my eggo.png (864x837, 1.41M)

Attached: egghead_olga.jpg (754x551, 63K)

hmmmm tasty!!!!

Almost as tasty as...

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who is this semen demon


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The fuck is on the dick ?

One of the most eggstreme villains poor Batman has ever faced!

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Hairy zit covered legs sure scream feminine trap to me...

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Attached: eggs.png (592x240, 244K)

Consider wiping before you snap a pic, dearie.

Attached: eggselent leggality.jpg (235x438, 17K)

Leftover yolk

Attached: Batman-Egghead-Maquette-3.jpg (1000x1000, 174K)

would break my dick off in that ass

Attached: vejenity on instagram(2).jpg (669x1210, 208K)

yes she is but it triggers me that she's billed as a sissy and her clitty is never caged.


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This is getting eggshausting.

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youre a fucking liar. theres 1 trap thread active at all times. 95% of all the threads on here are fucking useless repeat look at me threads. Its not just trap threads, its EVERY thread. its just people looking for gratification. every thread follows the same routine. just like this one, its the same traps getting the same comments, and posting the same pictures, mostly without showing their face or posting the few pictures they arent too insecure about.


Consider switching to decaf there, son.
I did not say trap threads were the only sort bringing Yea Forums down. Simply the ones I choose to derail.
As for whether I am/was lying. I was not. I have no need to.
You are not wrong either in the quality of many others going down.
Make another trap thread. I'll see you soon.

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Is this you?

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wow, where can I find more of this cutie Morgnyan

what are those squares?

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Is this you?

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Is this you?

Attached: 1.jpg (1000x879, 244K)

Tiles, you fucking mongoloid.

Attached: IMG_20190412_131302-01.jpg (2448x3264, 894K)

Attached: Snapchat-38713731.jpg (1080x1920, 456K)

The squares on the stomach

nice tits, butt pic please

no it's just a cute transgirl
on twitter

Attached: morgnyan.jpg (610x1024, 106K)


Attached: IMG_20190214_130456-01.jpg (2448x3264, 416K)

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Or more up close and personal

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I've seen her in a few videos on Pornhub, went through the effort of digging them up for ya.

Moar. For the love of god more.

hrt patches maybe

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i'm not much of a trap but that's meeee

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so sexy!

what a fucking body!

How's your face look?

Attached: 002241.jpg (2337x4371, 1.39M)

Like an egg

Attached: Egg+puns_bd3fc8_6495021.jpg (1200x1350, 116K)

not convincing unfortunately :c

But are you cute? I know care if you can pass

Why thank you! :")

Attached: Snapchat-1781378417.jpg (1080x1920, 470K)

Then you aren't a trap at all numbnuts

would make out with

Attached: taftaj.jpg (960x645, 92K)

зa тoвa ли нe ми пишeшe :3

i don't think so but some say i am, not gonna post it oh here though

total cutie

still a CD thread

Only 6 currently active you walking hemorrhoid.

Cool cool

In your dreams maybe ;)

Attached: IMG_20181227_222350.jpg (2448x3264, 1.02M)

No one likes manly men in girly clothes though

Any legit trap from germany here?

hopefully i have that dream tonight lol

Attached: evie_dark(3).jpg (1280x1803, 612K)

OMG!!! my fav sissy

Omg very pretty face as well

When is she getting on HRT?

Attached: 44.jpg (1574x2496, 228K)


лeлe кoлкo cи aпeтитнa

I don't use kik :/ I use Line and snapchat, but thats about it. And snap chat ruins pictures now.

Wait, sauce pls?

post more here? you're really hot!

idk but it would be a huge waste if she doesn't realize her potential

Attached: vejenity on instagram.jpg (1080x1277, 54K)

she'd be a total knock-out

ahego on google

What's your line ID?

пaк ли тe изгyбих

Attached: 123141829412489.gif (164x330, 1.95M)

This work for you?
Ahahaha! Sorry. I had to.

I think I posted most of what I care to.

Attached: MVIMG_20180824_003804.jpg (1452x1936, 869K)



NO man can eat 50 eggs.

Taftaj on reddit

Attached: taftaj(3).jpg (814x493, 139K)

Your wrists not your legs silly

Nope HRT tits are gross rather get surgery

Cool Hand Luke

And look like a plastic bimbo airhead? I think not.

FUCK! They always told me I was a little on the slow side

All you got?

greatest movie ever

Attached: trap walls 009.jpg (1440x900, 598K)

"Make America Trap again" ^_^

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Her boobs look gross, there is such a thing as too much. I'm not against boobs jobs but most everyone takes them way too far.

sarina was hotter before tit surgery

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no way is this a trap....

Attached: 1007171549.jpg (1268x2254, 479K)

Good news for you then, it is. The bad news is it's also bat shit fucking insane.

Attached: tumblr_n3wblfVjY31rxszdbo1_1280.jpg (994x1291, 312K)

how so?

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that has got to be one of dumbest and least amusing t-shirts i have ever seen. where the fuck even prints and sells such a moronic phrase, fucking wal-mart?

otherwise girls fine, burn the shirt

OC booty :3

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it's just perfect !

Attached: 1530260790220.jpg (535x525, 64K)

Thank yuu ^^

Attached: f5fb273a-0ebb-4769-ab2d-f0ce11189c93.jpg (1280x1429, 207K)

Mmmm damn

Can anybody give me some skincare tips for my ass? I shower daily and exfoliate but I get random pimples where I sit and it's frustrating. You guys have really smooth and healthy skin.

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Anyone have more of this one? I've seen some other pics posted once in a while

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Also, what’s a good way to get my skin completely smooth and hairless? Shaving is so time consuming and short lived

Daily showers are not so good for the skin makes it more dry..
After the shower make sure to moisterize your skin!! Use some body lotion or cream :3

Idk shaving works best for me but I am very hair less by default :3
Maybe epilation?

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Attached: 20190413_234952.jpg (3264x2448, 971K)

Thanks for the moisturizer tip, I haven't been doing that. I assumed that it would just make the problem worse. What moisturizer do you use cutie?

don't use alcool based shower gel, use aloe vera to moisturize and just ovoid eating salty, sweet or greasy foods
wear 100% cottong panties and change your bed sheets at least once a month

Well rather use tissue, HRT tits look like a dogs tits

Attached: 20190413_235240.jpg (3264x2448, 1.05M)

where did op disapear

I use a normal body lotion for dry skin
But if you wanna have the good stuff look for aloe Vera ^^

Exercise at least 30 minutes everyday.
Don't eat or drink anything in a tin or bottle or fast foods.
Drink water or tea or coffee (NO SODA)
Eat fresh veg and meats or pasta
If it is in a tin or bottle then it will have preservatives

you look very sexy but you should resize and rotate before posting please

Attached: 1552740243216.jpg (2030x3047, 1.48M)

Sorry not OP, just user here

Attached: 20190413_235736.jpg (3264x2448, 1.08M)

You got tips for black heads and sebaceous filaments on the nose. Those deep hidden bastard ruin my life

Sorry not sure why images are rotating

Attached: 20190414_000028.jpg (3264x2448, 927K)

So much photoshop a big turn off
Once you detect ANY photoshop then the whole thing could be warped and stretched and smoothed to whatever you like.

Attached: IMG_20190306_113239.jpg (853x1500, 398K)

Show ass

Attached: IMG_20180809_170922.jpg (2057x935, 312K)

Attached: 5c1353001726e-640-16.jpg (406x640, 34K)

Because you are taking them that way you idiot. Your camera auto-rotates them but Yea Forums assumes you're not an idiot and will present them correctly.

It's all about attention to detail, if you can't even be bothered to get something like your pics the right way up then other stuff like personal hygiene will probably be a mess too.

Attached: fairymaku.tumblr.gif (300x533, 1.43M)

im cummed :(

Taking photos upright. For some reason getting rotated. Will try to resolve sorry

Attached: 20190414_000804.jpg (1440x2626, 1.66M)

Spots and skin is not about lotions.

Anything not made by you in your kitchen will have preservatives in it. Prepare your own food from fresh ingredients and don't purchase any ready made foods.Then you must wash well with hot water which will cause your pores to open and then the soap will remove the grease.
Exercise and sweating is best of all for causing your skin pores to open and the sweating keeps them open and clean.

No exercise and eating processed foods with poor washing will give you bad skin.

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Cute ~

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:drool: I wanna cum again

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please more

Sauce for pic?

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very pretty

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Fucking weebo

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Play with your body....every damn bit of it

....I'd even lick your asshole

neflix spoon and chill

Attached: Cutiepii33Quinn(4).jpg (1282x855, 480K)


You mean fuck your asshole.....with my fist as my cock would probably last ten seconds in your booty


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Time for a new thread!

Older crossdresser lady man. I'm lurking for youxccc


He was never going to make it as a boy. As a girl I'm sure she can have most girls or guys.

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Oh my goodness

Wahou mama

Attached: 1551905429317.jpg (1600x900, 150K)

source? I want to ruin that mascara with my cock up her mouth.


Anyone want to expose a sissy

whats that?

You can go ahead and ruin my mascara, new pic i n new thread

Expose how?

However you want ;)



im going to dick down a trap next weekend, im so fucking excited

for free? pics?

Could be doing a great Selena Gomez as a tranny cosplay

Had to look her up, Nixy is way cuter.

ya free, im not paying for bussy, also img limit

Post her here

How did you contact her?

Od. Love to see that with celebs. Dick Taylor And Dick Selena spitroasting or drowning in cum Dick Ariana

>Post her here

Who's this cutie, pls?

i mean that gif is robin yeah but it's old af


so fucking hot. sauce please