How to stop caring about what other people think?

How to stop caring about what other people think?

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Be a shepherd not a sheep and believe you are awesome. It will finely all click in to place. I believe in you Op.

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Reflect on yourself as if you were on Dr Phil, with him asking you the questions.


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Fucking amazing post.

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simple, you don't, because that would mean you are mentally deficient suffering from BPD (sociopath)

''stop caring what other people think''
is pickup artistry bullshit to sell you on things that are not possible, so that you pay them money to forever chase a carrot on the end of a stick that doesn't exist

you can ignore people as if you don't care what they think, but actually having 0 ability to empathize is the realm of BPD or lack of social understanding due to autism

You're right in the last paragraph but BPD is not considered a sociopathic illness lol it can cause a lack of emotion etc but it's not a constant state. If anything BPD victims critically care what other people think

trips has it
reality is based on perception. your job is to manipulate the perception of those around you. the first step is to manipulate your perception of self. you can't be the you that you want to be without actually BEING the you that you want to be. believe in me that believes in you. you're gonna make it.

Thats a good tip


Quints never lie.

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Checked and correcked.
Also do DMT

Jesus Mel Gibson is a chad

It's ok to care about what other people think but the important part is how much weight you give it

Recognize that you have intrinsic value that is not tied to other people's perception of you.

Ultimately, how do the thoughts of other physically affect you as a human being? They don't. So why are you letting them have any weight at all?

Those people are no more important than you. They are not special. You are not special. We are all simply people trying to live, so let yourself live.

Treat everything you do as a learning experience. A failure or a flub is an opportunity to grow. Don't dwell on stupid things past you did or judgements people made of past you. Present you is now better for it. Future you will be better because of your present day weaknesses.

EVERYONE fakes it. Pretend to be who and what you want to be, and you will become it. It may not happen as fast as you want, but it's your willpower against itself as far as the limits of what you can do.

Become over the age of 25

Realize that everyone else is just as insecure and no one really knows what they’re doing. We’re all pretty much just winging it.

Yeah and they typically care a SHIT TON about what randos think of them but are cold as fuck to everyone close to them because they already know better

>How to stop caring about what other people think?

stop caring

I know what im doing user

develop self-love.

use the internet to research instead of asking a bunch of incels.

Alcoholism and money did it for me.

What's wrong with being a sociopath. Sure I miss out on some of the human experience, but it is quite advantageous in my career field.