Man I wish I had friends

man I wish I had friends

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We are your friends, user.
Or just get off Yea Forums and talk to people.

Are we not your fren?


I can be your friend
I mean I live all the way to europe but we can still be friends right?

Like you don't have a single friend?
Having more than 3-5 'real' friends is overrated, especially if you didn't grow up together.
I've tried to make friends past high school college. It's basically impossible; people are way too focused on themselves at that point.

Cherish your childhood/older friends, fuck everyone else imo

what? childhood friends are shit and if you are all still cool with each other after 10+ years then y'all must be some boring ass motherfuckers with zero character growth

all my highschool friends got married

>character growth
this isn't an anime

durrrr ok george

you stupid fucking weeb

not everything has to do with anime, people can still have character and character growth you retard

whatever media you consume,
this is real life not that.

dude shut the fuck up

so? I'm going to my best friend's wedding in August and I'm stoked for it. Watching him marry the girl of his dreams makes me feel proud like a brother and it's because we grew up, shared experiences and developed as humans together.
Bringing my gf of 10 years to the wedding with me. Loved introducing her to my old friends years ago.
Don't abandon the most important people in your life just because they're getting married user cmon...wanna be depressed all your life?

last night i had a dream about me being chased by a guy with a gun and then hiding myself in a park,in which I found a group of people and among them there's was a guy I know and they let me hide there from the guy with the gun

I wish I wouldn't be annoyed by human beings after such a short time, so I could actually try grabbing the opportunity's lives throws at me.

they stopped talking to me and drifted away

>childhood friends are shit
>10+ years later and you still get along like you're back in highschool

If you don't understand what's going on here, there's a reason you have no friends.

It's okay to be alone user. You are the most important person and only you can take care of yourself.

If you depend on other people, you'll only be risking yourself. Can you afford another knife in your back? Honesty is incredibly scarce these days.

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I know that feeling, man. I've lost some close friends in the same fashion.
Surely there's at least one person you can rebuild a relationship with. I bet someone is in your head right now.

Welcome to the fucking club.
Life sucks fucking dick.
Now kill yourself or quit winging.

The more people I meet the more I like my cat.

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Don't be such a retard. Most people are fucking idiots, why would you want friends?

nope all moved away, and the one acquaintance I had that was an incel literally disappeared under mysterious circumstances.