The earth is flat

The earth is flat.

The evidence for a flat earth is derived from many different facets of science and philosophy. The simplest is by relying on ones own senses to discern the true nature of the world around us. The world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat, the movement of the sun; these are all examples of your senses telling you that we do not live on a spherical heliocentric world. This is using what's called an empirical approach, or an approach that relies on information from your senses. Alternatively, when using Descartes' method of Cartesian doubt to skeptically view the world around us, one quickly finds that the notion of a spherical world is the theory which has the burden of proof and not flat earth theory.

Perhaps the best example of flat earth proof is the Bedford Level Experiment. In short, this was an experiment performed many times on a six-mile stretch of water that proved the surface of the water to be flat. It did not conform to the curvature of the earth that round earth proponents teach.

I have yet to see a proper counterargument that does NOT have the following:
1. Fake JEW math
2. Fake CGI images/video
3. Hearsay 'witness' accounts from PAID government employees

It's time to wake up and unlock your mind. You're better than this.

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flat just like your head!

You, sir, are a retard.

and i have yet to hear a flat earther explain to me why? why is there a conspiracy to make everyone believe the earth is round? who benefits from this, how do they benefit, and how have they managed to keep the round earth conspiracy going for hundreds of years?

Yeah, ok

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It is simple.
We draw a gigantic triangle on the ground.
If the sum of its corners is 180 degrees then it is in euclidean space and therefore the earth must be flat.

Math is a jew conspiracy now? Okay retard

sure kid

I have yet have a flat earth theorist being able to adequately tell me with certainty how the sun and moon work, lunar eclipses are a real thing, I’ve seen them and the edges are always round, never lines Across it, meaning the sun is perfectly behind the disc, however this cannot be the case, as my friends in other parts of the world tell me it’s sunny during said eclipses.

How did the Bedford Level Experiment prove it, fake jew math?

This is exactly what I've been thinking. I feel like I know you for centuries.
It's like, look at the world dude. Do you see any roundness there at all? Gaze at the farthest horizon you can muster. Absolutely nothing but flatness. Round earth theory is bulsshit obviously.

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I think it’s sad the ancient Greeks were able to figure out the world was round, modern education is failing us.

Might be "jew math" but, If you put two sticks, a large distance apart, then measure the lengths of their shadows at the same time, you can easily measure the earths size pretty accurately, do it with three for even better results.
Ive heard the argument of a close sun, but then how do you explain the results with 3 sticks positioned in a triangle.

kek saved

The earth is far too large for a human to percieve it's curve, the equatorial circumference of earth is 24,901 miles, thats so big you can't even properly concieve it.

Line of sight. If this ridiculous idea had any merit, you wouldn't need radio towers to be so high. Radio transmissions are in a straight line, the higher the tower, the farther the transmission. This is due to the curvature of the earth.

If the earth is flat, why is the moon a sphere?

Manking has known the world is round since the beginning of time. We knew before we even invented fire.

This have been exhausted one too many times. Take your pills.

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>Bedford Level Experiment.

You know that debunked itself, right?

Flat earthers are even dumber than Dtrump.

It’s not you retard. It’s a disc.

*It’s not square you retard.

>This is using what's called an empirical approach, or an approach that relies on information from your senses.
I was on a mountain in Switzerland once and could see the horizon curve.
Also I went on some sailing trips with a friend. On water we could see nothing further than around 5km even though GPS and radar (which is positioned higher in the ship) showed is other ships just fine.
Go read a book retard.
>I have yet to see a proper counterargument that does NOT have the following

Now you have, but your fucked up mind probably will also ignore it.

>Duuuuude, if the earth is round, how do we not fall of LMAO.

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*It's not retard you square

yo, retard faggot! i'm still waiting on an answer to my questions why is there a conspiracy to make the people of earth believe that the planet is flat?
who is running this conspiracy?
how do they benefit from having everybody believe that the earth is round?
how have they managed to keep this conspiracy going for hundreds of years?

i'm waiting...

There is zero evidence that the earth is flat. Deal with it, shill.

Who is this manking? How did he figure it out before fire, since we were little more then social monkeys at that point.

You are wrong

>why is there a conspiracy to make the people of earth believe that the planet is flat?

sorry. i meant round, not flat. why is there a conspiracy to make the people of earth believe the world is round?

Its wild how the sun and the moon and the stars and everything else out there is round but we're flat

given the universal law of gravitation, a planar celestial body cannot exist. the earth is pretty much round.

Do you see how much $$$ the industry is, clearly there’s incentive and it’s run by the shadow Jew government


In a film about flat earthers, made by flat earthers no less

you're ignoring the 3rd dimension of the drawn triangle though.

>Do you see how much $$$ the industry is

which industry? globe manufacturers? lol.

Elon musk, nasa you fucking retard.

absolutely positively ....

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NASA and every other space agency are some of the people who tell us the earth is round. They also tell us that there is a void that goes on for billions of miles and that there’s nothing special about humans and God doesn’t exist. They’re hiding God.

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>they're hiding god
Damn, you're a special kind of stupid, if god really existed, would he be hidden by a fucking space agency, did they find him and lock him up or something?

>I have yet to see a proper counterargument that does NOT have the following:
>Stuff I don't like

And Bedford's been repeatedly disproven. You are either a troll or a fucking moron. Either way, you're not interesting.


Walk to the edge of the earth and film evidence of the massive precipice.
If you cannot, then don't bother me with faith based evidence.

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Okay, for real now, are you just trolling or are you really that much of a dumb fuck?

God you Americans are retards

Space doesn’t exist.

He’s obviously trolling genius. God you foreigners are retards

If space didn’t exist then explain this.

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But if earth is flat what is on the underside of it?

No one can explain that.

I wonder 10 years ago how many replies this thread would have got

Why did you photoshop out the elephants and the tortoise? WHY ARE YOU LYING TO US???

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Says the fucktard who voted for Trump

My dad watched the eclipse in Oregon in person and live streamed it to me in Seattle. It only got a little dark here while I watched the sun get completely eclipsed by the moon in real-time live on my computer.

Explain that. Do it. Right now. You don't have a choice. This is mandatory.

None. It would gave 404'd with barely a second glance. He's very likely not trolling though and seriously believes it.

Your mom is flat.

Alright it’s been circle jerking each other, but it’s time for work. Bye fellow anons

Obviously it was aliens dude

first off - no. YOU are the retard.

second - all you've done is list two names, Elin Musk and NASA. you haven't explained how or why.

i'll ask again - how does fooling people into believing the earth is round make them a profit. and how is this more profitable than if people thought the world was flat?

thirdly - the idea that the earth is round is hundreds of years old. what, you're telling me that Galileo and Coppernicus made up the round earth conspiracy so that Elon Musk could make bank hundreds of years later?

you're a fucking retard.

phase 1: make everyone believe the earth is round
phase 2: ?
phase 3: profit

>there’s nothing special about humans
NASA has literally been telling me the opposite of that - they've been telling me that i'm made of star dust. if that doesn't make me special then nothing does.
>and God doesn’t exist. They’re hiding God.
please show me one, ONE, example of NASA saying that god doesn't exist. i'll wait.
>They also tell us that there is a void that goes on for billions of miles
so what? just because space is huge doesn't mean God can't exist.

Must be easy being you
>calling out fake jew math
>fake videos
>not even bothering greentexting the rest

How do you think computers came to be? Because Descartes has whispered us from the void how to build them? What about the internet? Just a hoax? Magnetic fields are an optical illusion to delude us?
Man I love peeps posting these things regardless, cause there are actually retards who care about flat or not, pointless efforts are amusing

>the idea that the earth is round is hundreds of years old.

You mean thousands. The Egyptians knew it was round and even calculated the circumference accurately.

Damn. This is by far the best bait i've seen. You even have insecure neckbeards defending themselves over obvious topics

ggwp but op is still a faggot

>they've been telling me that i'm made of star dust. if that doesn't make me special then nothing does.

To be fair, it's all star dust. Sure you're made up of it, but so is raccoon shit.

what about star parallax?


Pick one

crickets from the flat earth faggots. this thread was just troll bait.

The sad thing is it's more than likely not bait. I work with a flat-earther. It's unimaginable how dense they are.

It’s hard to explain Michael Jordan at all.

even better. then a bunch of towel heads thousands of years ago thought to themselves, "let's create a hoax about the earth being round so that Elon Musk can make millions in the year 2019.“

fucking kek.

It's bait. Everything on Yea Forums is bait. Nobody comes here for a genuine discussion on anything.

Well it's bait in the sense that all he wants are weak answers telling him he's a retard so he can convince himself he's right. I'd bet money he's not doing it as a joke though.

us jews have powers? fuck I didn't know

You're all wrong. The earth is shaped like an anus. My anus. Not your anus. That Uranus.

hey bud, you're missing out on the rest of humanity launching rockets and returning them. I imagine that's all just CGI for the hundreds of thousands of people watching in person and with their own equipment? Yea, must be. And I bet they've had these hologram devices working for hundreds of square miles since rockets started launching in the 40s. I wonder where the projection equipment is? Do you suppose they just strap it on the flat earth right under rocket sites? I imagine that they're rather large. I'm sorry but the 'science' behind your 'movement' is so over the top you guys can only fall into two categories: 1. Retarded 2. Trolls.

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actually this is what the world is shaped like you fucking moron...

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If the Earth was round, all the water would have run off long ago.

Check mate athiests!

If you were looking at the earth's magnetic field you would see a huge torus so in a way you're not all wrong.

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My torus.

I hope you flatfags are still trolling and not actually retarded

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They're not hiding God. They're revealing that it's not just a giant man in the sky presiding over just our planet. If there is a God, it's a glorious cosmic entity and the sum of everything incredible we can discover. If anything has been hiding God, it's the business of organized religion.

The earth is a triangle. It's a fact because it says so right here in my post.

years ago I had talked to a surveyor who worked on the largest landing strip at JFK, which is 15k feet in length. he had told me it was really cool how he noticed the curvature of earth in the measurements from one end to the other

I've spent a lot of time fishing 20-40 miles off shore. The curvature of the earth becomes obvious when you can predict exactly when you'll see land, cell towers or other landmarks on the horizon as you come back in from your trips. On clear days that's usually at about 12-14 miles, depending on the hills, cliffs and general altitude and height of the shoreline. Flat-earthers are 95% trolls, only the most paranoid actually believe it. I know because I love playing devil's advocate on this one too.

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The truth is that the Earth is a golf ball.

Any time you think you're seeing further than you should on a ball with an 8000 mile diameter, you're in one of the dimples.

the evidence is hidden with:
1. alien autopsies
2. bigfoot
3. the proof that vaccines cause autism
4. hillary's top secret emails

This is the only flat earth theory I agree with.

Jesus fucking Christ

You people keep replying to these

I was with you there for a moment OP, until you said the sun.

Phft, you believe in the Sun?!

are tectonic plates fake too?

I,Bucky!SUPREME LEADER OF THE UNIVERESE.Have decided that humans are so fucking stupid,we will eradicate all of them with the “Cleansing bomb of freindship”

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5km isn't nearly enough to see curvature you numbnuts

>and I have yet to watch a netflix documentary or youtube video that explains to my satisfaction the greatest hidden conspiracy in the world

These are classic

>this is definitely a guy that won't say 'no lol' to any response, trust me

It is wild how you don't actually know that



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just remember the government can patrol and protect the entire "edge of the planet" but can not protect the US-Mexican border

With your point of view only about 1m above water level? Yes it is.
When 40km is enough to make a church tower disapear, 5km do the trick for some tiny boat.

Keep in mind the radar which is 2-3m higher could still pick them up.