Yea Forums im depressed. what keeps you fucks going knowing there is no real future for you?

Yea Forums im depressed. what keeps you fucks going knowing there is no real future for you?

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anything other than the fuher?

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The hope that I'll find a cutie who I can take on life with. A forelorn hope, I suppose


Dogged refusal to die.


Nice to see someone use that word, even if you did spell it wrong (forlorn), nigger.

nothing, most things you think will make you happy only give you an excuse for hope. once you have them itll be fleeting

No real future? Aren’t you psyched for the new Star Wars movie?

Dogged lol
You mean you sit at home by yourself, like a sad pathetic, worthless human being?

Well fuck you too

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The endless search for happiness.
I'll keep searching till I die.
If I find it, at least for one second, then it'll all be worth it. If I don't find it, at least gonna know that I tried.

It's so crushing when you lose it, though.

this is exactly whatim fucking struggling with. nah homie. i havent cared about star wars since the fucking bioware game from like 2003.

im genuinely wondering if happiness actually exists. i havent experienced anything other that fleeting for years

Never had it, so can't tell you about that.

For me it’s the small things.
>Once upon a time I was going to kill myself.
>I clean out my apartment so my parents wouldn’t have to.
>I boxed up most my stuff and cleaned my gun so it would work smoothly.
>I had been struggling financially but quit paying bills because death was near.
Anyways, I went to my favorite restaurant and ordered a huge meal including dessert. (Took it home because fuck people) And I enjoyed the hell out of it. It made me feel good especially since I was having struggle meals for weeks prior. Ever since then I made sure to do something for myself at least once a week so life isn’t so shitty.

the reason i'm bothering Yea Forums with my depressive episode right now is becuase i cant bare to bother my friends with it. fuck if i lose them because of how worthless i feel and i they dont understand.

basic af

I work.
I drink with friends.
I slept with a cute girl last weekend.
But yeah, i pretty much just mope around all over the place waiting for something to kill me cuz I don't do it myself.

there is no real future for anyone. This is all pointless. Deal with it.

You must learn that depression is egotistical; it cares only about itself, and while you're depressed so are you. You'll think only about how baaad you feel and not give 2 flying fucks about the rest. In short it makes you an insufferable cunt.
Your friends and family also have their own shit going on, so you must learn when to share your (sad) thoughts with them and when to suck it up.
That way they will not get fed up of you and tell you to eat a bag of ripe dicks.

>I work.
>I drink with friends.
>I slept with a cute girl last weekend.
you're not depressed, just bored.
GTFO, normie.

come on man, dont be a fuck. thats the whole point of this thread. i feel like a worthless human being no matter what i do. i've just reached a point where i'm questioning what is the point of life if this is all i feel ever. if everything even remotely worthwhile which is quite a stretch feels too far away. what are we to do. just wait to die?

Going them 6 feet underground in the wooden box you like it or not, assuming you have anyone that anyone cares for you.


Knowing that if we put in some effort we can plunge the world into chaos. And waiting to see it finally happen.

This is what I thought after he mentioned that he had friends. AND he has sex. Like wtf op?

I genuinely want to die. Can’t stand the thought of tomorrow.


I am currently in a psych ward, suffering from double depression among other mental illnesses. This is the best advice about depression I have ever read on Yea Forums.

Xanax. Lots of it

I heard those just make you catatonic

i appreciate this but i struggle to tell them anything. i cant imagine how pathetic and weak i seem to everyone while i do my best not to let on, but i just feel so...hopeless. i dont know what i do. i feel like im suffocating now. the worst part is i know they could help a little bit but i cant bare to put this on them,

happiness is overrated and for pussies! god damn it, find a struggle and a cause (your pathetic self) and get to fucking work! god damn you pile of worthless crap, get off your ass and never stop moving.

The next time you feel sorry for yourself (probably right now) instead of bitching and whining about it, shut your fucking mouth and get MOVING. GO DO SOMETYHING> ANYTHING> suck at something long enough, but put the effort in, and you WILL get something out of it.

The problem is you have no work ethic. Your pussy ass gets handed everything via your phone and the internet and you havent actually ever created ANYTHING. you just consume.

you consume and consume and become fat. physically and mentally. Everything, your fat mind especially, is harder because of it.

take care of your mind garden, take care of your body. keep shit simple. quiet your mind down. stop. be mindless. there is no depression. there is no mind, there is no happiness,there is only this in front of me. my hand. i see my hand in front of me (dont start to masturbate faggot, we are trying to do something constructive here, fuck). your hand can create things, your mind can build things, but you are fat as fuck and everything requires too much effort.

you are a baby again. you have no power and no fortitude, you have been a pussy consumer for too long. there is no satisfaction in consuming. you have everything you need and a lot of what you want, and the other things you dont have that you think you want.... i cant even understand why you keep thinking those things will make you happy. stop wanting shit. stop wanting to consume. stop being a little bitch whining about your feelings.

you will not get better by fixing your mind first and then hoping everything one day will be "fixed" you will not get better doing just shit and ignoring your mind.

what you have before you is a journey. a journey of mind and body. work hard. do it now.

Simply try til you die faggot

Become a vegelante

Thats not op, that's me. And not really. My friends think im a piece of shit. The girl isn't attracted to me and it was a pity fuck because I look like a hermaphrodite. Let's see, I gave up on my lifelong dreams, so i no longer have a purpose. I make like $700 dollars a month to live off of and my bills are like $630 a month. So i cant afford anything. Id get another job but dont have the time, and my boss would end up homeless if I left. Im pretty sure im schizophrenic or something because I keep hallucinating demons or someshit. And I've becomeing increasingly jaded because the only person I can blame for my shit life, is myself. If that still makes you think my life is good? Well fuck me then, I must be a bitch.

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i enjoy making music :o

you've spent what? 5, 10 minutes typing this garbage with what point in mind? that everything is shit? that we're garbage because... a point you cant make? i'm almos blinded by my own tears but i can still see this as complete garbage wrapped in the guise of wisdom. fuck off unless you have a point or human feelings.

cook a nice meal for yourself you loser

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You'll always have us. I could even give you my Kik or Discord handle

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>because I look like a hermaphrodite

you will be sad for a long time and tomorrow you might be 99% sad. then the next month maybe 98%. once you have worked hard for 10 years straight, and thats a minimum, something might start to click in your retarded brain and you will be "off" the drug of consumption, and "on" the drug of personal satisfaction. You might even have a skill! you might learn something. ONce you get on this track, live can start to accelerate, but you can just start accelerating one day, it doesnt work like that. you gotta put your head down, hunker down, and put up with bitchy managers, people who treat you like shit, people who look down on you, you gotta just take that shit in stride and know that despite you cleaning shit out of toilet, you are still a robust human and better than them. Even they are stupid and lost and maybe ignorant.

you are depressed... that means you see.

Its never going to go away. Once you see, there is no forgetting it. It will be with you always. It just sucks. Camus distilled it to say, the only serious question to ask yourself is to commit suicide or not.

its so empirical, that. Its the heart of the question. It is all for nothing, or it is for something, but even that something is nothing.

THere is nothign to acheive that matters, the only thing is to work hard, acheive, gain personal satisfaciton, use your incredible body in all the ways you can. there is so much more out there than the front page of reddit and you only find it after a long time working hard and being humble.

Doing 200 mph in a beastly car while fisting your mum

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha...hahahahaha ... Hahahahahahahaha ...hahaha
(24 hrs later) hahahahahaha
(3 months later) Hahaha hahaha hahaha


try each drug once, pick a favorite and then just do that

Ex tranny.
Thought it would make me happy.
Realized it was a shallow lie.
Now I look like a herm.
And surprise! People aren't into that.
So I fucked myself in the relationship department.

Ex tranny.
Thought it would make me happy.
And it did.
But I realized it was shallow and a lie.
So I went back to being a dude.
But now I look like a hermaphrodite.
And surprise! Girls aren't really into that.
So I pretty much fucked myself.
Can't be happy, cuz if be a liar.
Can't date anyone because they want a man, not a faggot.

you posted twice. dont be gay come on fag. srsly. also i aplogize if you're going through shit too

There you go again just bitching about shit.

stop that right now. you suck. thats your initial reaction?

What, am I supposed to explain it now? somehow I have to put the effort in to make you understand? somehow because you commented you now have the upper hand by just saying that?

What I have to say to you sir is shut up. Stop talking. You are reaching out and then saying what you say to put the ball in my court again instead of taking personal responsibility for your feelings and your health.

You cant just say what you just said and think that I care, because I have been depressed and I have been there and I have gotten out of it, yet still today have that inside me and it fucking sucks.

I have lost all patience with depressed people. Always saying "but reasons" to everything, and as soon as you stop saying that, and as soon as you quiet your mind down and start being productive, you will always stay where you are, like you like it. Hiding in your hole, not responsible to anyone, let alone you self, wallowing away in pity in your basement thinking its ok to do that.


you are a human on this earth, you have an incredible body, many many people have experienced similar feelings and although they are unique to you, ultimately you are the only person that can get you out of it. But you need to really want to do it.

You need to stop saying "But" and start not saying anything at all. You need to just DO. DO SOMETHING.

The world is full of talkers, very few do'ers. Just stop talking and start doing and you will arrive where you want to be one day.

A real man doesnt say "im going to work on this project and make this great thing and tell everyone about it on facebook and get 20 likes and the praise of others.

A real man just does the project and doesnt care, but at that point, people will come to you and THAT is when you will get some satisfaction.

Didn't think it went through first time.

it's cliche but take life as it comes, day by day.
thinking too far ahead will get you nowhere.

I don't really have an answer to that. I've been on drugs. I've been sober. Life in general is so boring unless you're easily amused.

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What, am I supposed to explain it now? somehow I have to put the effort in to make you understand?
dude i dont care. dont be a dick. you lost patience? feel free to fuck off then man. seriously, why do i have to tell you how to live?

I dunno try roids I guess.

fuck you sir. you have absolutely no idea what i've ben through or what finally took me to this point. you have no fucking clue where i am on my journey to be telling me this bullshit. you have no fucking idea what i am doing because i AM doing things. i'm doing most of the things you would think to suggest, assuming you werent such an asshole that you'd provide suggestions instead of just being an asshole. protip, you've said nothing other than youre an asshole. yeah i fuckign know i need "something" why do you think i'm pouring my heart out to people? for fun? how fucking stupid are you, son? what is this shit about a real man? i dont care aboiut real men, i care about how do i get to tomorrow without fucking suffocating myself, you ignorant, insaenly arrogant cunt.

i honestly have no idea why im still alive but probably because im waiting for the right guy to just spoil me someday yeet



In a word op spite keeps me going since they hate the fact I exsist.


happiness is only one emotion. we should be open to experiencing all emotions. happiness, despair, excitement, ennui. its not important which one we feel in the moment or for how long.

just because happiness feels better doesn't mean it actually is better. you dont have to enjoy life, you only have to experience it.

This guy knows.

This is the point of life. To chase things. The persuit of a goal *is* the goal. The goal itself isn't that fulfilling, it's the chasing of the goal where in we find a reason for being.

>you dont have to enjoy life, you only have to experience it.
Maybe that bs works for you. How I feel is you do have to do your best to enjoy life. That's the whole point of life. Find your happy place. Go home, you too good for you home?! Answer me! Experience life is going to happen till you die, the pursuit of happiness is what keeps you going. Happiness doesn't change, the reasons for it does.

Want to cyber? I'm rubbing my juicy pussy.

You mean that piece of rabbit fur you rub on your dick?

if you can't see the point you're kinda fucked OP. as someone with depression and suicidal tendencies you literally just have to accept that life is fucking pointless. this bread's been done for a while now. you have literally 3 options: realize lifes pointless and do the best you can everyday because literally all anyone can do, same shit but you need a God of some sort to believe because you just can't hang with the above on your own, or neck yourself.

im glad that works for you. to be honest, its probably one of the better ways to go about life. but happiness isnt that important for me.

id rather just sit in the sun until it explodes. either way, life leaves us where it wants to (or where is convenient)

How do you know your boss isn't a hallucination?

I like knowing that I'm at the edge of scientific discovery, and I have technology people couldn't dream of 5 years ago.


Your existence is cyclical and inconsequential. You were born of the matter and energy that has always and will always exist in this universe. You are stardust, you are a temporary realignment of atoms that has taken form if only briefly, and been given the opportunity to observe itself. Whether you choose yo enjoy it or not doesn't matter in the end. Whether you live a fulfilling life, or whether you do nothing, it does not matter past the brief and fleeting moment that you're able to experience it before you return to the ground and continue the cycle.

Keep that in mind and calm the fuck down. Try to enjoy the contradiction of how unlikely your existence is, yet how statistically inevitable it was that you'd exist at some point.

Also ur mom gay lol

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Just enjoy the ride and do what you most enjoy. Drugs are used either to amplify the moment or numb you

I understand where you are coming from, user. Life I fucked up really. For me, standing looking out at the ocean reminds me in the big universe I know nothing and I am insignificant. I might as well be a piece of space dust floating around in the universe. Every one needs to feel humbled by something.

no it’s not me 18/f/ca

I just got tired of being sad one day.

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"I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world. Finding it so much like myself—so like a brother, really..."

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Just to see what happens next.


it's because im too much of a pussy to actually kill myself so i just gave up, after two miserable months the sadness disappeared, so i guess im fine right now

>what you have before you is a journey. a journey of mind and body. work hard. do it now.
he says it in the last line you retarded nigger fuck
>what you have before you is a journey. a journey of mind and body. work hard. do it now.

that's what i'm going through right now. It's not so bad to feel not bad


i keep going mostly because i know i will retire some day, although if i think about it i feel like i am kind of wasting my life. i'm tired almost all the time and don't do anything really other than work, take care of my body and lurk this website.

I stopped caring I guess is the most direct answer.
I was depressed and held onto a mask that was more a burden than a guise. Tried to kill myself, was legally dead for about 5 minutes, recovered. And just kinda quit caring about there being nothing at the end of my road. I work to make money and I have a decent job so I'm not ever strapped for cash. I found a few good friends who I see often, I have a wife who I gave a daughter to just last year and I love them both.

You just gotta live, man. Its not pointless if it means something to you. I know how gay that sounds but thats what I have.

this lad

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Life is pain and suffering. Get used to it. I have a hard (manual labor, long hours) job, and I'm happy as shit. You need discipline. Get a tough job or something with structure, you'll feel better as soon as you have been through the shit. You'll know when that is.

Find what you love and let it kill you

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ur a human cog lmao enjoy shitty job

yea pretty much. that's how humans are wired. We're placated by things like perceived significance especially in the context of social roles. Possibly an artifact of needing to be vaguely clan based monkey-people what with the sabre toothed cats and snakes and shit. Funniest shit is the new brain parts we grew gives us the illusion of autonomy and singularity while in reality we're more or less a loose collective of sub-personalities that compete for occupation in the conscience present. But, satisfy our protobrain with these baser, fundamental axioms of behavior and the quasi-autonomous subunits can enjoy fleeting episodes of joy ancillary to the work horse objectives.

Move out of your parents house, they won't tell you but you make them sad.

Food and tomoe mami

unironically, I love technology and I love to fap.

I would never end my life because I'm too interested in whatever crazy tech will come out in the next 50 or so years, and I absolutely love fapping to new pornstars I've never seen before. Every year I get older but new young 18-20 year old ones keep on coming out. Its fucking amazing how pretty they are the older you get!

My wife, liquor, and porn are enough to distract me from my crippling fear of the void. But sometimes it leaks through in crippling anxiety attacks so I'm constantly living in fear I'll get triggered into another depressive episode for a week or two.

Depression is absolutely normal human feeling that everyone experiences. Grow the fuck up.