FWIW, I have no problems with Muslims unless & until they start trying to enforce Sharia. That concept, whether in Pakistan or the United States, is incompatible with a modern society.
As for your image, I see the double standard on display there & I'm equally outraged at both examples of religious people pushing their beliefs on others.
That said, I bet if you counted the total number of Muslim bakers in this country who could ACTUALLY make a legit wedding cake, you could use one hand & still have fingers to spare.
>If I go in reeking like a homeless that shits themselves & get thrown out, will there be a "body odor equality" movement?
You clueless bastard. Y'know, when you're trying to get into an intellectual discussion w/ someone & "trap" them with an argument, it really helps if the counterexample you present is... I don't know... Fucking RELEVANT?!
Going into a business reeking of a homeless guy is CLEARLY a choice you made; in this hypothetical, it was to prove a point. There is no way to equate being gay w/ "going into a business reeking like a homeless person" because you clearly have control over how you smell as far as whether it's offensive or not.
>Seriously, name one right you all DON'T have that everyone else does now.
I'm straight. So, ergo, I have the same rights you have, one would figure. But since you asked...
>no issues renting apartments
>no issues applying for adoption
>no issues buying a wedding cake
>no issues applying for a marriage license
>no issues seeing a sick/injured loved one in the hospital
I could go on.
There have been more than a few bakers who have refused service to a gay couple on the basis that they didn't approve of the couple's "lifestyle." That said, while I was exaggerating to make a point, I'm sure there have been a few instances of gay people being told stuff like what I wrote in a serious context.
So I'm right, you're wrong, go fuck yourself, you failed.