I’ve been a lesbian since the day I was born. I remember distinctly remember liking girls since kindergarten...

I’ve been a lesbian since the day I was born. I remember distinctly remember liking girls since kindergarten, and got my first big crush on a girl in sixth grade. Multiple boys have asked me out (before I accepted my sexuality) and I felt no attraction, physically sexually or romantically, to any of them. I am currently in a healthy long-term relationship with a beautiful woman who’s also a tride and true lesbian.

You can ask me anything, but I have a question for you - How can homosexuality be a choice if I was born this way?

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Need to see your and your gf tits before any comment

Go jump in an oven, dyke.


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I never said it was a choice, bitch. Don't you go fucking assuming shit.

FUCK OFF nobody cares that you like to fuck chicks you stupid fucking dyke

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america needs to shut the fuck up

Since day one? What, did you try to eat out your mom when you were coming out?

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Take it or leave it. If I post my face in this place it will be fapped to by men which is exactly what I don’t want.



>take it or leave it

lol b y e

enjoy page 10

Instantly reported for banned content.

Checked but nobody asked to see your face. Tits and timestamp. Bonus for girlfriend too. Faces welcome if you're fem dykes though.

Cool now piss off

>That's why they call me Super Girl xD



i don't know why your sexuality is anyone's business. so what if you're a lesbian, i don't care. nobody cares. you're not special. people have sex and sometimes its with someone of the same sex. its 2020, it doesn't matter anymore. what you are you going to do when nobody has to pander to you because you're lgbt?

We asked for tits not for your face, we really don't need to see that

>I’ve been a lesbian
Stopped reading right here, tits or fuck out

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your natural inclinations are not a choice, acting on them is. for instance- I wanted to beat the shit out of my high school art teacher, which would have made me a violent ape, but I didn't because I'm a civilized white person. see how that works?

Good point, but I’m not sure I want my and my girlfriend’s tits to be fapped to either.

I'm straight but I could choose to get my ass fucked, something I wouldn't want but a choice nonetheless

Larpr fagget

Very well then fuck off.

If you want anyone to take you seriously then your going to have to do it

It's reality, Don't forget Jesus Loves you.

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You don't have a GF tits or GTGO. OP likes little girls in kindergarten because he is a fucking pedophilia

being an enlightened, woke person of 2019... i couldn't care less about you or your partner. you're not of any interest nor special because of your sexual orientation.

what do you farm? crops or livestock? both?

That is because from day 1 we are told what to like, you were raised to like chicks, get over it

this is why everyone hates the lgbt community. because they dont want to be treated differently because of their sexuality but simultaneously bitch at people when they don’t get special treatment for it

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Fuck off neckbeard


We raise turkey and hens on Lake Superior. We also grow kale and snap peas and are thinking of buying property south to take up beekeeping.

user is right, op is a faggot bullshit artist. Probably a NEET too.

Wait wait - i’m not asking for special treatment nor am I bitching at anyone. Not everyone’s a straight and narrow lesbian just like not everyone’s a metalworker or lives in Sweden.

do you hate bisexuals ? most lesbians seem to.

dude ... everyone is a metalworker.

>You can ask me anything
Why did you spell “tried” wrong?

Tits + timestamp or gtfo

also sage

T I T S ??????????

Okay, it's not a choice, so that means you're just a run of the mill defective mutation. Glad we got that out of the way. Do you feel better now? Does acknowledging this make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

Why do you care if anyone faps to your tits? What say there are other lesbians on here & they wanna "doubleclick their mouses" because they like your funbags?

Be a true feminist: consider your breasts no different & no better than a man's. Men can post pics of themselves shirtless, why shouldn't you be able to? To suggest otherwise is hypocritical to the philosophy of feminism.

Put it another way: like everyone else on here, I'm a straight guy. That said, I'm not put off by gay guys. If I posted a pic of my cock on here & I found out later that there were gay guys beating their own dicks to it, tbh I wouldn't really give two shits. Whatever floats yer boat. A pic of my cock gets you hard & makes you wanna jerk yer own gherkin, have at it. Not my concern.

Why what other people do w/ pics of your anatomy bothers you makes zero sense.

Choosing an activity to indulge/engage in and choosing who/what you're attracted to are not the same fucking thing, dipshit.

I have a problem with you OP if you directly Oppose men. Anyway sage

It's a choice in that you choose to act on it.
You could just as easily choose to be alone or have sex with a man.


You really are a woman. When people say it's a choice, of course they're referring to the lifestyle, you dingus.

am metalworker, can confirm


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all you're doing is going for the path of least resistance towards pleasure and acceptance.

there was this awful show on fox a few years ago called "allen gregory". it confused the nation because it seemed to be pro gay. most people are too stupid to see how it was strongly anti gay.

the only episode i ever watched was one called "gay prom" where the junior high aged kids were going to have a gay prom. the butch lesbian principal thought it was a bad idea, but the faggot kid suggested it. allen gregory's father was a rich ugly old man kind of like the professor on "futurama". there was a scene where he had his hunky boy toy--a lot like "putty" from "seinfeld" in his penthouse and he came out in a towel and dropped it, demanding sex. the boy toy was almost visibly sickened and irritated. eventually, the boy toy ends up as the dj at the gay prom. so, for the gay prom, the kids are happy, because each side is scared of the opposite sex so they're more comfortable dancing with others like them.

what does this episode SAY about gay people? they're troubled (butch lesbo principal who knows she's got a problem and doesn't want to force it on children) and go for the path of least resistance because they're scared of the opposite gender and use shit like money to own their partner like a whore that doesn't love them.


Hey, that person wasn’t me. I wouldn’t curse at you for no reason.

>I knew I was a lesbian since I was born
>I was a child with a sexuality
>Children have sexuality

Don't say that. That's how pedophiles justify their crimes.

Bi femanon here who wants to see them.

Geez, your basing the motives the of your principles from the depictions shown in fox a cartoon show? I’d be more sympathetic if you could relay to me your novel, original opinions from your in-person experiences.

She was probably molested as a kid (most likely by a lesbian turning her lesbian)

> I'm not OP
> I'm not a woman
> the "lifestyle" is NOT a choice
> anyone who says that it IS has clearly never been faced w/ the dilemma of being attracted to a demographic the likes of which your demographic is socially expected NOT to be attracted to

To illustrate, at what point in your life did you decide you were attracted to the opposite gender? How did you choose to be into pussy? What was that thought process like for you?

Not gonna lie, I think lesbianism is actually the norm. I can't imagine why anybody would be sexually attracted to a man, other than degenerate dirty faggots. Women are soft and beautiful, it's normal to be sexually attracted to them. I believe the only reason women have sex with men is because male culture has ingrained it in them from birth.

I'm grateful every woman I fuck puts up with my disgusting male sexuality. I totally get why lesbians do what they do.

>What say there are other lesbians on here & they wanna "doubleclick their mouses" because they like your funbags?

Thank you for proving my point, femanon.

That said, now that you've outed yourself as carrying 2 X chromosomes, you know what to do...

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You could choose to ignore your feelings and conform to societal expectations

degenerate retard

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Yeah it's a choice, I choose to be straight all sexualities are a choice

> Not gonna lie, I think lesbianism is actually the norm
Fuck off you stupid degenerate cunt

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But you couldn’t make yourself want to fuck a man.

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A lesbian society will never be a possibility and even with a technological advancement it will still collapse. You cannot enslave us straights Either. Abominadable scum.


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Holy shit how I hope a movement starts to turn down crops not produced by lesbian farmers.
There'd be mass rioting everywhere from all the starvation. Please do this, liberals.
I don't care if you're lesbian ore not, most people don't. It's all the constant shoving it in everyone's face & bitching you don't get treated special because of which genitals do or don't go in your mouth that gets us all fed up with you.

Let's not get confused, because it's an established fact that homophobes/social conservatives are easily confused:

The question is not "what do you CHOOSE to do to express your sexuality".

The question is "do you actively CHOOSE to be heterosexual"?

A better way to decipher it (sorry, big word, I know: that means "figure it out") is: does pursuing females just feel "right" to you? Flip side: would pursuing males feel "right" to you?

If you answered "yes" to the first one and "no" to the second one, you aren't "choosing" to be heterosexual. You just are. Why? Because (say it with me):

You Were BORN That Way

It’s not. Nurture vs nature: something influenced you at a young age most likely, chemicals went left instead of right, and BAM! A lesbian. Nothing wrong with that at all; it just is.

I’m glad it won’t become a lesbian society, that means no one could be born. But it does mean every child in foster care will get adopted til there are none left to adopt.

Stop deluding yourself by thinking you were born this way.
You chose this for yourself.

Why in the fuck would anyone be born with an evolutionary dead end? In what kind of a clown world does it make sense for you, for any animal to be born with a sexuality that cannot pass on its genes.

If we go with this hypothesis that you were born this way, then clearly you have a genetic defect.

No, obviously it was your choice. I assure you 90% of gays are willing to admit that it was their choice, but are publicly saying the opposite because it's the only way to get some of the heat off of them, similar with "oh I was born black, what can I do about it"

But it will cease to be eventually.

True. That is why I’m glad we don’t have a completely lesbian society.

Yes, I choose to be straight I could convince myself to do anything but I choose to be attracted to women so I could later have children

You answered it yourself! Homosexuality is a genetic defect. Lots of people have genetic defects.

Fucking christ 404 this thread already. OP is a bitch and all you white knights need to grow the fuck up. Rules are rules. Follow them

I don't think we're getting any of op's tits

>when arguing with someone who proves their nature vs nurture shit wrong, the average Yea Forumstard resorts to ad hominems and generally throwing a fit
Whoa, what a shocker. You people don't even know why you hate gays. You're just threatened by change.
Now quickly, damage control by saying gays get more diseases while ignoring your own degenerate life choices like drinking alcohol or eating 4 pounds of red meat a day. You don't have time to consider the hypocracy of your arguments, those homos are being sub-optimal with their health choices!

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Rules, no lesbian exception. Tits or GTFO timestamp or it doesn't count.

Bro we don't give a shit we just want tits

I'll only agree that OP should leave if you shitmonkeys admit Yea Forums is your hugbox/echo chamber.
Go ahead, say it you fucking pig. Say you're frightened by the idea of constantly defending and rethinking your opinions so you stay here and tell people you hate to leave.

>If I post my face in this place it will be fapped to by men which is exactly what I don’t want.
then, why are you HERE?
it's like going to a pizza place and asking for a burger.
good for you acknowledging your sexuality.
now just admit you are also stupid

Lesbians are usually nasty though. Why would you want that? Also that was never why tits or gtfo was a rule until a bunch of retards from 9gag came here without understanding the context. OP isn't even being a camwhore.

There has been a huge explosion in the homosexual community in the past few years because it has become more widely accepted in the USA it's because people CHOOSE to be homosexual, when it isn't accepted in society most people are not homosexual and they choose to be with heterosexual partners.

More people want to be special snowflakes so they go towards the path of uniqueness and they choose to be homosexual so they can feel special because they are most likely attention whores. This is why when two attention whores get in a relationship they mimic heterosexual relationships of tradional man and women.
Lastly if you make the exception for homosexuals being genetic all sexualities have to be. So people who want to fuck kids, dogs, dead bodies... its all genetic and at the end of the day we are punishing people for being born and wanting to fuck these things, which is not true. They most likely opened themselves up through experiences to these taboos and just explored it just like most gay and lesbian people do. So its a choice you choose to surround yourself in this sexuality you choose to adopt it as your own. Its all mental


Because you dumbfucks come here and argue about women and fags all the time. Now that OP is here to debate, you play stupid and pretend this is just a porn site. You're too weak to defend your own fragile opinions and you know if you tried you might nudge a bit closer towards agreeing with people who annoy you, so you've decided to never even try.
OP here is outnumbered and trying to argue, and look at what happened. You "people" went full retard.

>constant shoving it in everyone's face & bitching you don't get treated special
>don't get treated special
>treated special

Expecting people to treat them like they would ANYBODY else is all ANYONE in the gay movement has ever asked for or expected.

Put it this way: when two guys go into a baker's shop for a wedding cake & the baker says "aw HELL naw! Muh buy bull sez thatz a abomminashun, yer goin' ta HELL, sinner!"...

That is a priceless example of the baker shoving the couple's sexuality in THEIR faces.

In other words, if the baker wouldn't pass judgment on a man & a woman getting a wedding cake, he shouldn't pass judgment on two women getting a wedding cake. The fact that he does is why Gay Pride as a concept exists. When straights (of which I am one) stop stigmatizing gay people & start treating them like we would anybody fucking else, Gay Pride will go away.

So, don't like Gay Pride? Stop being a bigot then.

>because of which genitals do or don't go in your mouth

Seems like the conservatives give a heluva lot more of a shit about this than the gay folks do. All they wanna do is live their lives. I say let them. The fastest way to be rid of Gay Pride is to stop stigmatizing them. Accept them, leave them be & stop treating them differently "because of which genitals do or don't go in their mouth"

Uhhh... Sorry, but you're fucking wrong. I wish all the gays would stop pretending that sex is something special.

There is no difference between your sexual preference and your preference for spicy food. You aren't born hating or living spicy food, and the same holds true for being gay. It's literally a choice you make.

You genuinely can one day started loving spicy foods when you used to hate it, and also one day start salivating at the idea of running your hand over a man's hairy chest. Hello, I could tomorrow start craving the D.

Just curious.... What do you say to people who used to be gay but now aren't, that they're actually bi even though they don't it?

Everything you said may very well be true, but the difference between the genetic defect of being a homosexual and the genetic defect of being a pedophile is that acting open or exploring your pedophilic urges will traumatize the child. same with the dog fuckers.

>you're frightened by the idea of constantly defending and rethinking your opinions
That's what I love about this place though, and why I spend most of my time on Yea Forums or Yea Forums rather than /pol/.
You can only preach to the choir on /pol/. Anyone of differing ideology is only there to troll, not debate.

There it is. Congrats, you're a retard. I was a retard just like you once. It'll take you probably a decade or so to get better, so look forward to ten years of hell all caused by yourself.

I'm just stating the rules. I could stand to lose a little weight but I use Yea Forums to look at rekt threads most of the time. And tits

But there's no difference here. Stop lying to yourself. You're not challenging your own ideals here.

Good for you for taking yourself out of the gene pool, nature making sure you'll never be able to pass on your likeness and defects onto another.

But know this, somewhere down the line, many many times over, thousands of years ago your ancestors fought and killed somebody over the right to exist. They won, and they stopped literally almost an infinity of people from ever existing, because that person would never go on to have children.

Time and time again, ancestor after ancestor fought for this right to exist and time and time again they succeeded. Countless billions don't exist so that you can exist today, and you choose to be a genetic deadend and take yourself out of the genepool?

And since when are we normalizing genetic defects? For all the pandering the LGBT make about caring and being aware, you lot are tone deaf to nature and life. You care little about the future of anyone but yourself.
If genetic defects get normalized and spread around more, then humanity would snowball to extinction in less than a thousand years.
You don't care what world the children will inherit, because you will have no genetic children that will be yours. You care only about yourself and your happiness, and the rest of the world can burn. Never have the audacity to complain about something and say it's not humane, you lost that right.


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So is gender a choice or are you born with it.

Fuck off OP

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Look at this comic & explain why you all only choose white christians to go after & make your points to.
Last I checked modern christians weren't tossing gays off of rooftops.

Seriously, business owners have a right to refuse service based on whims. If I go in reeking like a homeless that shits themselves & get thrown out, will there be a "body odor equality" movement? Seriously, name one right you all DON'T have that everyone else does now.

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>there's no difference here
Bullshit. Lurk on /pol/ for a while.

>Implying the married couple who owned the bakery actually acted that way.

Nice fake news. Good try.

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WHOA! Many people chose not to have children. Circumstances out of people’s control stop them from having kids all the time. Should they be shamed for it? Some might argue they’re in the green for not contributing to overpopulation. We both also just agreed that taking myself out of the gene pool was not only beneficial but necessary because I couldn’t have children anyway unless I was raped. And finally what do you want society to say about people with genetic defects?

For having the most power in America, Christians sure do have a persecution complex.

Hell most Christians don't give a shit about the old testament if you put your salvation in leviticus then you're a dumbass

>For having the most power in America
Oh, fucking spare me. If you were actually about equality you'd be using it in your targeting.
You're as bigoted as those you claim to hate so much.

sexual orietation is subconscious. so one could say they didn't choose. but it's the result of a psychosexual development not a genetic condition. No one is born with a determined sexual orientation and yes, its changeable

>Christians sure do have a persecution complex
>said the faggot with the massive persecution complex

>For having the most power in America
That's Jews, sweaty.

let me ask you a question that isn't a personal anecdote
how can you be born a lesbian if there are 200x more gay people this generation than the last

Sweaty lol

I too am a lesbian, ask me anything. Pic related.

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If Christians actually had the most power they would not be the only ones getting targeted; they'd shut that shit down.
The power lies in the hands of those you're not allowed to criticize.

You're one of those assigned-male-at-birth lesbians aren't you?

You choose to fuck girls. Better an incel than a rug muncher. Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

Perhaps now that it is becoming more socially acceptable more people are coming out? Also it might even be the same reasons behind autism.

Doesn't matter at the end of the day OP is talking about genetics you can't change the way you are born so...if OP wants to say that kids are born wanting to have sex with animals and wanting to fuck dead bodies or wanting to have sex with smaller children then they can't fix that and they are forced by society to be who they can't be because they were born this way. It would be like telling black people they cant be black. This isn't the case sexuality isn't genetic its not proven to be. The liberal sciences and academia push this trash on students and kids. If you choose to open yourself up to taboos and go against the norm you develop your sexuality around it . If you are a girl getting fucked by another girl and have a horrible experience it shapes your sexuality. If you fuck an animal and its a good experience you are more open to it and explore it more. Under my reasoning you can punish these assholes for choosing tho explore it and opening themselves up. Under the genetic reasoning you would be putting people who cant change it in jail because society would be set up against them. ie: putting someone in jail who is black for being black.

>Comparing yourself with people that can't have children

Listen, the majority that contributes to overpopulation are africa, china and india. Do you think it's okay for america and europe to have lower birthrates when countries far out of our reach are the ones that reproduce like rabbits?

People that cannot have children due to financial reasons, have a valid reason for not being able to have children.
People that can support children but choose not to, are to be laughed at.

Genetic defects are exactly that, defects, it's right there in the name, it's a bad thing, and you don't want to normalize it so that children will have to suffer defects just so that their parents can be happy

if you were cute you would be bi; tldr ur ugly trash

It's a choice for some, not everyone. Some people can be in a fullfilling relationship with anyone. Some only with 50% of the population.

Ultimately, really though, nobody cares anymore. We're too busy trying to not get lynched for using the "wrong" pronoun

Shh, this will kill the persecution complex that allows them to be more special than everyone else.
Since you're not allowed to actually criticize gays anymore without the twatter squad wrecking your career, while white males get it from everyone & nobody cares.

>sorry i cant, it goes against my religion
Extreme persecution
>getting the shit kicked out of you for your religion
Quit bitching you have no persecution

What quantifies genetic defects as bad if they just don’t reproduce?
And you might want to get out of the twenties or nazi germany. No one shames couples who choose to not have kids. The population of people choosing not to have kids is getting larger by the year, and those are mostly straight couples.

it's more accepted in very few countries that don't have as many kids as the countries that hate gay people
answer the question without resorting to feelings

It's not a choice and it's not a problem. Go get that pussy

Son, I just did.

You weren't born that way, you either were indoctrinated by your faggot leaders or abused (possibly/likely sexual) by family. Nobody is born gay.

I choose to be gay for guys I like and to fit in at gay functions.

and i rebutted you

There's no amount of indoctrination that would make a man enjoy a dick in his mouth. If the only reason you're not coming balls deep in a man's ass is that you choose not to be, that means you're gay.

You are a genetic abnormality created by the fact that there are too many people on the planet.
Congrats on liking pussy, aside from the occasional trap lover and fag on this site most of the people here like pussy. Your genetic deficiency doesn't get you a pass or praise. Enjoy your lesbian bed death and higher risk of domestic abuse.

l would say it would the result of several choices that molded the way you interact even at a sexual level. So its a choice

it is easier for acceptance you one said they didn't have a choice, but in actuality it is not genetic. Same-genetics twins could have different sexual orientations dor i stance

Uh oh, is this the "no u" fallacy I see when faggots ask if someone chose to be straight?

This is rather irrelevant.
The real dividing line is whether your dick gets hard for someone else who has a dick.
Yes, this includes traps once you know the dick is there. You can't MAKE yourself get an erection for someone you're not attracted to.

You were not born gay, you convince yourself of a biological cause for your mental illness.
Take responsibility for your choice of being a degenerate.

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Well could you try again? That didn’t make much sense.

You're the one that says you can get off to guys... you just choose not to.

>a biological cause for your mental illness
Read that sentence again, real slow.
If you still don't see what's wrong with it, you're likely a dumbass. And I hate gays.

That's just a less vulgar way of saying exactly what I said.

how have you faggots let this thread go on so long when OP started and continues the reddit spacing fucking saged

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>you might want to get out of the twenties or nazi germany

top kek.

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No, I said nothing of the sort, nor did I imply this. Fuck off with this weak ass red herring.

Another lesanon here, do you have an opinion on the current trans invasion on the lesbian community? It’s really aggressive in my urban area but I’m not sure if it has reached rural communities yet.

Yeah friend. They paid couples to make more little aryan babies. If you were capable of having children but didn’t, you were shamed.

>muh reddit spacing






Aren't you the one that said being gay is a choice? Because that's exactly what that statement implies. That it's a choice, and you could go either way but decided not to.

>reddit spacing
confirmed for faggot of the faggiest caliber

It doesn't imply that I'm into dicks you tard

Truly it was a superior system.
The interstate system they gave us went over well enough. Maybe we should start taking some of their other ideas. Like somking bans & animal rights.

Are you assuming I didn't know this?
You said that in regards to my statement regarding shaming couples that can have and support children but won't.

Thought the fact that I sleep under the national socialist flag and 1488 made it obvious.


I just wanted to make sure you pointing it out didn’t mean you thought I was just using some buzzword. I’m sure you’re very well versed in history.

So it's a choice but you don't have a say in the matter? You can't chose to be gay but you can chose to be straight? I'm not following your logic here.

>animal rights
bullshit, they killed millions of people, they wouldn't give a fuck about animals

>implying jews are worth anywhere near as much as animals
wew lad

What do you think of 4/20/19? Will you join us?


How many Pewey fans and anti lapidot fans would you murder if you could? Same goes for straight white men. Would you kill them? Also what’s your Tumblr name?

Go back to your Hugbox plz


Aaaaand there's the "no u" fallacy. Do you chose to need to take a shit? No? Then straight people don't choose to be straight. Do you choose to not take a shit and fuck up your intestines? Yes? Then you choose to be gay.

Yes, the poor poor innocent billions of jews that were turned into lampshades.

I'm sure such a cruel country wouldn't have came up with quite a lot of things that are now standard world wide adopted by everyone else. Such as animal protection and hunting regulations.

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Fuck Hitler, I don't give a shit about jews but fuck him for killing his dog

I dont understand science behind brain chemistry and its quirks; the post
Yeah they also got rid of all their autistic retards. We should replicate those initiatives. Lets start with you

FWIW, I have no problems with Muslims unless & until they start trying to enforce Sharia. That concept, whether in Pakistan or the United States, is incompatible with a modern society.

As for your image, I see the double standard on display there & I'm equally outraged at both examples of religious people pushing their beliefs on others.

That said, I bet if you counted the total number of Muslim bakers in this country who could ACTUALLY make a legit wedding cake, you could use one hand & still have fingers to spare.

>If I go in reeking like a homeless that shits themselves & get thrown out, will there be a "body odor equality" movement?

You clueless bastard. Y'know, when you're trying to get into an intellectual discussion w/ someone & "trap" them with an argument, it really helps if the counterexample you present is... I don't know... Fucking RELEVANT?!

Going into a business reeking of a homeless guy is CLEARLY a choice you made; in this hypothetical, it was to prove a point. There is no way to equate being gay w/ "going into a business reeking like a homeless person" because you clearly have control over how you smell as far as whether it's offensive or not.

>Seriously, name one right you all DON'T have that everyone else does now.

I'm straight. So, ergo, I have the same rights you have, one would figure. But since you asked...

>no issues renting apartments
>no issues applying for adoption
>no issues buying a wedding cake
>no issues applying for a marriage license
>no issues seeing a sick/injured loved one in the hospital

I could go on.

There have been more than a few bakers who have refused service to a gay couple on the basis that they didn't approve of the couple's "lifestyle." That said, while I was exaggerating to make a point, I'm sure there have been a few instances of gay people being told stuff like what I wrote in a serious context.

So I'm right, you're wrong, go fuck yourself, you failed.

Conspiracies say Adolf hitler is still in contact or his brain is-in a Jar.

>There is no way to equate being gay w/ "going into a business reeking like a homeless person" because you clearly have control over how you smell
So tell me, fren, how the fuck does the business KNOW you're gay? You made a choice to make that obvious in some way, probably by announcing it to each individual person like the most annoying of vegan crossfit enthusiasts.

>People that cannot have children due to financial reasons, have a valid reason for not being able to have children.

True, except there are trailer parks all across America full of people who fit this description but for the fact that...

>they're too stupid to appreciate what you just wrote & that it applies to them
>a whole lot of them are overwhelmingly Christian
>this Christianity tells them not to engage in premarital sex but the urge to merge > Jesus' teachings
>until she gets knocked up, then Jesus' words = law of the land & must be obeyed

As a result, there is an entire demographic of people out there perpetuating themselves by having kids they know they can't afford to have, and why? Because the "buy bull" tells them abortion is bad. Never mind that the very same book tells them the act that put them in that situation is bad as well.

At least w/ the poor black folks in the inner cities, they don't have a problem getting abortions. Which makes no sense why you conservatives are opposed to that idea. I would think you'd be overjoyed that "there's less niggers in the world" since all the hoes in the ghettos are getting their niglets aborted.

So which is it? Do you want less poor black folks, or do you want to legislate other people's sexual habits? You can't have it both ways, one or the other please.

No fucking doubt...

And who cares??

Tits or GTFO faggot

OK. You don't need my permission to live a happy life.

>No one shames couples who choose to not have kids.

Except when they do. Ask any straight couple who chose not to procreate what their experiences have been with their own families, friends & coworkers. It's EXPECTED that if you get married, you're going to spew out a couple crumbcrunchers, and if you don't, you're viewed as somehow defective.

Unless someone inquires & you inform them that, no, your childless status isn't the result of a medical condition, it's actually something you chose to have. Then they look at you like you're some sort of heretic. Like "how DARE you not have children of your own." We all know the stereotype: bunch of wives getting together jawjackin' & invariably the one chick there who hasn't squeezed out a fuck trophy is gonna be the focus of a targeted series of questions from all the "happy mommies" in the group.

I know why this happens. It's quite simple actually: misery loves company.

Being a parent sucks, having kids sucks, nobody in their right mind would ever CHOOSE to do this but for societal expectations. It's a lot of thankless work & it makes everyone involved bitter & resentful. And when someone enters the group that hasn't done this yet, it's like "we can't have this one person actually be HAPPY, because none of the rest of US are happy, we lost that right when we hit 'print' on the human Xerox machine, so let's guilt her into joining our little cult of child fetishists so NOBODY in the group is happy. If I can't be happy, nobody can".

>how the fuck does the business KNOW you're gay?
If you go into a baker & ask for a wedding cake w/ two grooms on the top, you don't have to say anything else. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out.


Well that works for that one specific scenario.
Doesn't work in Chik-fil-a.

People often bitch about whites going around looking for things that'll piss them off when evidence of bigotry against whites is presented.
You all do a worse version of the SAME EXACT SHIT by constantly announcing these kinds of things nobody would typically ever know about you, and throwing tantrums on twatter & shit to ruin their lives over it.
Only the whites & christians though, nobody's going around looking to pressure muslims or blacks. Or chinese.

In b4 "boo hoo whites have it so hard poor baby" typical sidestep of the issue.


also am metalworker from sweden, can confirm

Every decision you make is a choice. Preference can change on a whim, accept that you are not a mental invalid and this will be obvious.

All these replies and no tits

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> Go suck a dick or a pussy or whatever you Like faggot lesbian bitch, talking like if you opinion means something here, you don't mean shit. Go to tumblr, those faggots care, our faggots here understand that we don't give a fuck you should do the same

all those words and NONE of them relate to what I stated.
OP posted her POV on /b
didn't expect "tits or GTFO"
OP is an IDIOT
so are you

Fucking kek

my experiences are not quite as negative.
straight, married no kids.
when we tell people we knew we didn't want children before we met, we don't get the negative reaction you describe.
many are surprised, but I don't get the vibe i'm being looked at as defective.
maybe the people we interact with understand we all don't want the same things in life