How to make money with coding, freelance or single handedly? What code to produce?

How to make money with coding, freelance or single handedly? What code to produce?

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Can you code?

no, and in the endgame i wanna make a game.
And also, after hearin so much bs over what language to use, i might go with c#, but idk which websites or programs to learn to code.
So feast mii.

May be better off learning Python and then C#.

op here once more.
i'm so desperate to get a job, been jobless for 5 years (since i got my for foreign languages bachelor's degree), still livin with parents, by the end of the year i'll be 30 and i'm starting to feel bits and pieces of me going insane, numb, totally feeling a crisis coming.

damn man maybe you can go become a chef or something at a restaurant just try out my parents did that 46-43

what languages do you speak?

english and italian besides my mother tongue.

You have plenty of time left if you start now. Maybe use your language skills to make some money, save it, while learning game programming if that interests you. Freelance work pays well if you hustle. If you want a decent job coding then I'd recommend learning Web Development (HTML/CSS/JS/Python/SQL) to get an entry level job making $20 an hour. Then build from there. Here's some places you can make money right now:

hack the source code to the matrix and reprogram your wallet

$8,000 job

I've already worked around a month as a night audit while i was still in college. Been applying to hundreds of them around me, besides clerk and those other kind of jobs. The more time passes , the more people tell me "hey man wtf u been doin?" well shit man i've been lookin to work since i left school basically. And the more time passes, the more ppl see me as unwilling to work, being a neet for life, while i at least wanna make some money to breath, just for starters.

Im a software developer. I reccommend you start with c++, from the basics to functions and object orientated, then you want to learn c and afterwards learn java (and assembly if you really want to). You really only need c++ or java but knowing both makes u more employable. I make 80k working and i can work from literally anywhere as long as i can send my code to my employer.

OP here, how do you even get your name out there (ie. on that upwork thing) when all I got is a dumb degree + near to zero job exp + not from US/UK ?

Just polish up your resume and then kill yourself you gook fuck.

Most of the people on UpWork are Indians and Pakis without degrees who outsource the work for cheaper than what they're paid by the client. You'll stand out if you upload a photo of yourself, your degree, and speak proper English. Browse the jobs and start reaching out to the employers. All you need is one job and one good review to gain credibility, so maybe offer to do a couple of $5-$20 gigs at first.

OP here
You know, you would have showed me those figures 15 years ago, I would have believed you. But unless you've been doing this for more than a decade, how can someone still pay so much (nearly 100 grands) for a soft dev nowadays? Don't get me wrong, you gotta stay up to date every day you code, but are those real numbers when there is so much more people who code nowadays than at the beginning of this millennium?

Absolutely man. Software devs are very highly sought after. I got a job secured straight after college and made 35k until like a year later when I was hired by jaguar and now I make 80k (+free jaguar cars :D). My wage is prob gonna go up to 100k after a few years if theres no better jobs. Ive been doing this for almost 5 years

I went to a bootcamp for 3 months, learned javascript/ruby and 3 months later I got a job offer for 80k

Start lying about what you've done man lol say you were "self-employed", then show them a website that you claim is your business. Just make sure you search the info to be sure it is private, otherwise they will easily sniff out your lie. most places don't really check too deeply.

Or get a burner phone and pretend to be a former boss and give your own references.

"Cheat, cheat, if you can't win."

My brothers friend is hired at some transaction company and he also makes 80k. Most people that say they 'code' in reality just copy code from other sources and mash it all together. That's not what companies look for

OP here
I'm so bad at cheating though, and I've sent my resume to so many places...
Need a irl picture on that UW website
Which website gives free C++ courses? What soft to use? Just cmd/notepad?

Attached: honk.jpg (722x640, 79K)

I went to college to learn coding so idk. You want to use visual studio community and or brackets. If u want to learn html, css and javascript I recommend dreamweaver 2015 and above. Notepad++ is very basic I don't recommend (unless you want to make small changes and not wait for dreamweaver to load). You will run ur code in cmd, you don't actually write code there, its just a default gui to test if ur shit works. GL